Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday July 3rd

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday July 3.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Chiron in Aries, your own zodiac sign, encourages you to experiment, wildly, with your image, reputation, brand, profile, name or appearance. Did you get away with it so far? You did? There will be new adventures to attempt.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



April 20 - May 20

Religion, astrology, spirituality, self-help, psychology or Tarot suggest a couple of really interesting experiments in 2024 and nobody else (unless you have a confidante or confessor figure) knows. You need to know new rules.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



May 21 - June 20

Chiron is a tremendous teacher, and he is here to educate you about friendship; group psychology; the hive mind. You are learning, all the time, about what it is possible to get away with these days. 2025 is an ongoing experiment.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



June 21 - July 22

Chiron the centaur showed heroes how far they could stretch their bows. You may also have your jaw on the floor (or others are also astonished) at what you have pulled off in your career, with unpaid work or your study. Onwards.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



July 23 - August 22

Chiron is about doing what is not kosher. This applies to travel, foreign people and places, the worldwide web, publishing, education or academia. This is quite a journey. The next trip is already on your mind and it’s long-term.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



August 23 - September 22

Chiron transiting your finance, business, charity, possessions and property zone has already helped you pull off something you were not entirely sure about in March, April. Now you want to do more. Some research helps.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



September 23 - October 22

Having seen how far you can go with (or through) your partner, you are no doubt revved up and ready for the next big escapade. This partner is professional or sexual. March, April were experiments. Now back to the life lab, Libra.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



October 23 - November 21

Chiron is galloping through the zodiac sign of Aries, stretching his bow and arrow in your zone of work, unpaid work, housework, study and daily routine. This is also where we find your health, fitness and self-care. Experiments go on.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



November 22 - December 21

There is every chance you can continue to go on experimenting and exploring as a parent, godparent, aunt, uncle or grandparent and so on. Children’s welfare, care, entertainment and needs are in the laboratory of life now.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



December 22 - January 19

Chiron in Aries in your zone of the home, property, family, the local area – even your country – asks you to set your sights a little higher than last time, and build on what you tried in March, April. Getting away with it? Yes, you are.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



January 20 - February 18

The worldwide web, multimedia and even old-fashioned paper and pen, suggests a period of great risk-taking, experimentation and the satisfaction of knowing that you tried and succeeded. Start as you mean to go on.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



February 19 - March 20

It will take Jupiter’s sextile angle to Chiron later on, to really reward and redeem you, financially. This also applies to business, your house or apartment, charity or possessions. This is the first stage and it’s a life lab.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.


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