Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday January 29th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday January 29.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

The aftermath of 2023/2024 means picking up the pieces with your boss, colleagues, staff or employers later. Very few astrologers would advise you to push ahead with the old attitudes towards academic appointments, job interviews, business transactions or important meetings. Old attitudes were based on control issues. Not anymore.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



April 20 - May 20

If you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will need to fix the fuzzy boundaries in the network for the next couple of days. One of you will need to be ‘fed’ with a line in the sand or a firm flag. This also applies to a friendship.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



May 21 - June 20

The usual chemistry between you and foreigners will change this week, so that you become much more aware of the new ‘game’ that is being played. Empowerment matters more now. So, the people involved will accurately reflect what you want as well as what you need.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



June 21 - July 22

If you want to be free and your own person, this will be a really productive time when your friendships and group involvements make you feel sure of yourself and your need for independence. The time you spend with these people and the plans you make will add to your sense of self. Your social life will work on several levels at once – so it’s a good time to circulate. Liberation is revolution and vice-versa.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



July 23 - August 22

A friendship or group involvement will leave you feeling rather blessed while Jupiter in Gemini is overhead. Your first instinct may be to say, ‘That’s enough.’ But as Jupiter is about more and more, you will need to carry off some kind of opportunistic performance to get the most from this.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



August 23 - September 22

Even if you’re only impressing yourself, try to do the ‘right’ or clever thing with friends and groups as Mars Retrograde in Cancer kicks in. It’s not the best time for chronological order with parties, group gatherings or friend-centric events, astrologically speaking. Allow for stop-start.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



September 23 - October 22

This Mars Retrograde in Leo really will change the state of play with your friends and any group involvements or social networks. An episode like this with stop-start and rewrite is a seasonal change in astrology. It reminds you that that was then, and this is now – and there is no going back. The way forward should be clear in a few months.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



October 23 - November 21

If you want closure with karma from 18-19 years ago, all you have to do is follow the signs and clues that the universe is now providing. Any new friendships or group involvements which arrive during this nodal cycle will always pull the past with them in some way. The previous chapter in your social life, your group involvements or your friendships will dictate what is to come along next.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



November 22 - December 21

Everyday work, academic or voluntary relationship energy is strange and unstable now, so you will have to pick up the pieces as they keep fragmenting. Uranus in Taurus is not a predictable beast and being loosey-goosey helps.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



December 22 - January 19

With Jupiter in Gemini in your mental and physical health zone, you’ll still feel as if someone’s just switched a light on somewhere deep inside you long after this transit finishes mid-year. You can truly know yourself now in a way that is not possible at other times. Mind, body and spirit will be united – helping you to locate who you really are and what you really want and need.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



January 20 - February 18

Access this new, post-Pluto period of introspection and introversion through meditation, dreams, diaries, creativity, hypnosis, psychic work or time alone. You can get to your core self now – use this to rethink your life without the issues of 2023/2024 when everything was so intense and relentless.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.



February 19 - March 20

Pluto in your solar Twelfth House? Nobody else will know what’s going on unless you tell them. Nevertheless, you will need to give yourself a lot more time and space so you can sort this out. The Twelfth House is about secrets, behind the scenes work, and your relationship with yourself (which you normally conduct in front of a mirror or in the pages of a diary).

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here.


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