Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Tuesday November 28th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Tuesday November 28.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

What you want so much, in terms of feeling secure financially is now available until May 2024. The more cleverly you manage the situation now, the easier it will be to progress. Next year is calling, particularly April -and in many ways, it’s the launch pad you need. Nevertheless, for the next few weeks, you’re going to be faced with a fairly interesting money or property journey, anyway. And it could be so rewarding.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


April 20 - May 20

Changes to your image, reputation or title by 2024 mean you upset the other person’s position. But you can’t sit on the fence, or you’ll get nowhere. Taurus, in your quest to get the other person on side, find the common ground you share. That’s your foundation stone. Locate the centre force, which is likely a mutual understanding of the need to be free; to be independent; to be liberated and feel the space.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


May 21 - June 20

Sagittarius weather now is about ‘two’ in the orbital loop that you are now both caught in. Where can you both work from? What’s practical? In time, you’ll forget that dual wish list. But the trust and mutual reliance you develop with someone now, can last a lifetime, with luck. People express their personalities in different ways. You may consider your relationship/s to define who you are. You may not. Your call.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


June 21 - July 22

Cancer, just a few weeks, you are about to develop a really important new phase in an old relationship. Commonly, this is about your sexual partner, your work collaborator or a platonic duet. If this sounds right, then Capricorn weather is about to throw you into a crucial new phase of your lives, when you will both be practising and perfecting your people skills. Pluto will teach you about relating at this time.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


July 23 - August 22

Just ask yourself what is most important to you now, in terms of sex, the world of children, or your connection to the young. One of those goals will be pulling someone into your life, for a few weeks. He or she may be known to you (and thus moving closer), or even a total stranger. The connection may be incredibly intimate, or strictly internet-based. But… Leo. What binds you together? It’s so important.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


August 23 - September 22

Each time you leave these old ideas about courtship, the bedroom, children or younger people behind (or they firmly leave you behind) you will be given a rare chance to dig up all those bits and pieces of your personality which were forgotten) before, so that you can finally bring all of you to the situation. December, January, February see the last tremendous change in many years of rolling changes.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


September 23 - October 22

This cycle could easily give you a different view of a close relative (mum or dad, perhaps?) but it can also give you new angles about distant relatives and the more inspiring people in the family tree. Flatmates, tenants, house guests and other ‘home’ connections can also cast new angles now. Someone on the home front will have a game-changing effect on you now, with different hands on the controls by 2024.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


October 23 - November 21

There are no boundaries with the world of children, teenagers and young people at the moment. Of course, it may be who is the subject of another person’s blurred lines, as much as you blur them for others. If he or she infiltrates your space to the point where it’s inappropriate, do all you can to set up firm boundaries; pull up the drawbridge. It’s the same if you’re aware you are going into their space.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


November 22 - December 21

This transiting planet in your home zone, Neptune, is famous for delivering cloudy vision, so you need to be absolutely clear about the nature of a home or family connection now. If in doubt ask objective outsiders for their view. Does it all look like a real-life story to others, or is this psychological or emotional situation, creating mess and muddle? Your house or flat, the area where you live, is key too.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


December 22 - January 19

Capricorn, your cultural background, your heritage and your own country could have an intriguing effect on you now. Logic will have nothing to do with how you feel as this is karma from the past. So once again, you need to ask yourself if your need to belong to a certain place, or live in a certain space, is about closure, particularly if life 18 or 19 years prior shows you an awfully familiar theme, going around.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


January 20 - February 18

If you travel or move in these years, don’t be surprised if you develop homesickness. Another possibility now is an addiction to your flat or house, to the exclusion of other things in your life. If you are too starry-eyed or misty-eyed about what this object of fascination is costing you (on every level) then it may be time to wake up. This also applies to any fixation you might have with your own culture or country.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.


February 19 - March 20

Libra-Aries cycles now suggest karma from 18-19 years ago returns again. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources come under the rulership of the Eighth House, where we find Libra and the South Node. It’s about what you own, earn or owe in relation to a second or third party. You are owed or you owe.

Something Special this Tuesday:

Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?

Visit the Shop section here to check out.

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