Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Shortly after this Scorpio cycle speeds up, you find the money-go-round brings liberating new ways to earn money. In other words, because you are the person you are (at this time and place in your life) and because they are the person they are, some offers are still on the table.
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April 20 - May 20
Create a strategy for long-term coping and maintenance with the group. What unfolds may be a particular attitude you adopt with your friend, or a particular set of rules that keep the tides from spilling over the walls, and the anchor at least within grasping distance, Taurus.
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May 21 - June 20
A success system is useful now, even if you are still inventing it. This system will be tested, throughout this Saturn in Pisces cycle. So, get real about the realities, one more time. The transit ends in mid-2025. Until then you may need dual tactics for contrasting situations.
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June 21 - July 22
Foreign or multicultural communication, and the business of using the written or spoken word abroad, is going to be an issue now, thanks to Saturn. The global web may be involved – or new arrivals, foreigners and tourists. You cannot change the conditions just yet. That’s mid-2025.
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July 23 - August 22
With finance, you are saddled with certain realities now, but you can completely control your response to those realities. A dual system for two competing stories with the money, house, business, charity, apartment, valuables – is wise. Double up and see what works for you.
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August 23 - September 22
Scorpio season for you mean cars, buses, trains, boats, bicycles, motorbikes. As a basic starting point for this cycle, always read the fine print on travel conditions, and on purchase or hire contracts for vehicles. That’s because in another area of your chart Mercury is retrograde.
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September 23 - October 22
Here comes Pluto backwards, backing out of your home zone again. Your lease, mortgage or property investment first. The situation with landlords, the realities of hiring builders – all fall into this category. From the 19th of November, it’s the end of an era. The past is receding.
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October 23 - November 21
Children? Teenagers? You can never learn too much, or know too much, in this cycle. The more wide open you leave yourself to boundary creep, the more challenging this cycle will be. So, build a plan that works and stick to it. You only have to do this until mid-2025.
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November 22 - December 21
Saturn’s still in your home zone, but if you become an expert on all the issues now in front of you, and if you work at coping, and managing, you will find the way you are now building and structuring your home life, is the right way. And it does rather help with boundary issues.
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December 22 - January 19
Your sibling or cousin? Take a deep as until mid-2025, your strategy will be absolutely right for now – until it isn’t – and you have to change again. This transit in Pisces in your Third House will have even greater impact if you have Gemini natal chart factors. Next year’s a revolution.
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January 20 - February 18
Financially, what is on offer now, will be a strategy that allows for the bubble of a loan which barely touches the sides, together with an income source that is random and floating – though similarly insulating. Perhaps you have already said yes. Another bubble? A property value.
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February 19 - March 20
Your brand, reputation or image? Well, in mid-2025 you no longer have to think about it so much as Saturn and Neptune leave Pisces and your First House of profile, portrait and projection. At the moment you probably need two strategies for two different situations.
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