Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Questions about who or what runs you, or owns you on some level, go on. This applies to the general sweep of your industry, field or business. Larger forces beyond your control will now produce a familiar situation, Aries. It’s rather like watching the universe forget what time it is – or what day it is! Real growth and natural forward flow come when you repeat the usual mantra: willpower is power.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
April 20 - May 20
Taurus, redefining what success means to you could be helpful. If your old ideas about what makes you feel fulfilled, happy, powerful, or indeed successful, are making you feel stuck, it’s time to stop and find out why. Job loss is common on this cycle. Or a job that is just far too hard. The old mindset probably worked well for the old professional situation – but times are different now, and you have been lumbered. Change your perspective and attitude.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
May 21 - June 20
Find another way to experience, and understand, what is being forced upon you with work, unpaid work, academia or health. Spiritual astrologers say that we incarnate repeatedly, to face the same people and situations, so that we can learn from our mistakes, and finally break the karmic spell – and advance towards a higher level of being. Whatever you might think of that theory, there is no question that you are now being handed a chance to learn.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
June 21 - July 22
During this cycle, your friends will unwittingly lock you into the same situation one more time, leading to (at best) time-warps which are meant to teach you an important truth. Groups of all kinds will also be the focus for this kind of time-warp effect now. Your involvement with a band, club, team, association, online community (or any other social network) means you appear to be watching the same people, saying and doing the same things, on a regular basis!
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
July 23 - August 22
The groups going backwards now may not directly involve you, but they could still be an important part of your life – so the time-warping effect may be as simple as your football team or a village preservation society, or a particularly ‘stuck’ charity. The key to all group and friendship situations here is the release in late June. While this cycle operates, you can’t change the basic pattern and shape of it.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
August 23 - September 22
Foreigners or those in foreign countries? The people concerned have no idea that they’re repeating themselves, and no matter what you do, the outline of events never alters. It’s a time warp. The only way out is to drastically rethink your view of the situation, no matter who or what – is involved. As your attempts to at least try and change your fate are unlikely to work very well, your only recourse now is a U-turn in the way you see things. A dramatic attitude shift, in other words! Change on the inside.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
September 23 - October 22
Finding what works for you could be a case of trial and error, as you stumble around with your foreign connections, or foreign countries, testing a different approach each time. You are now parked in the laboratory of life, and the experiment is Mercury Retrograde. A deeper analysis of why, precisely, the same scenario with certain friends or groups from April or May is such an education, can help you.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
October 23 - November 21
That duet or duel? Invent a way to see this thing which works! Once you’ve found the appropriate angle on your situation, you may even reach a stage in your life when you are grateful for the chance you have to experiment with your own headspace. The hard work involved in finding the right ‘take’ on that husband who makes you feel stuck, or that professional two-way situation, can actually help you.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
November 22 - December 21
Sometimes, all you long to do when you are nursing a secret is confide in somebody. This is particularly true if that rather sensitive or delicate matter keeps making you feel stuck! The South Node in the Twelfth House makes this difficult, however. I’m sure you will be aware that some issues cannot be shared, and some subjects are only fit for your diary. Religion? Self-help? Tarot? Sagittarius, the endless repetition of the same questions, scenarios and outcomes related to this is a deep education.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
December 22 - January 19
You may feel as if it’s impossible to make any real headway with health, work, unpaid work or academia as Mercury keeps re-routing you. Not surprisingly, this can lead to an endless number of conversations with others, now. Yet, if you are prepared to think laterally, and even more importantly, work extremely hard, the shift will come when you reorganise your thoughts about this stuck situation from April, May.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
January 20 - February 18
It’s very likely that you fall into a fixed way of responding, every time you hit the same predictable scenario with your home, family, household, property. Change the CD. Aquarius, you’ve been singing the same tune too long. The fact remains – the North Node will lock you into a karmic loop. Life, the universe and other people will keep you there, as nothing ever really changes. Your own ability to stand back from the situation and see it in a new light is the answer and experimenting works.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
February 19 - March 20
Dancing with your new perspective on the internet could change everything. Just because you can’t change the technology, doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and take a huge mental U-turn. The digital aspect of your life will alter and your soul’s growth and progress, will skyrocket. Uranus in Taurus is telling you to go online with new eyes, Pisces.
Something special this Tuesday: You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.