Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Your existing friendships, which were there well before this Saturn cycle began, will go through tests and trials. Some people in your social circle will go into the ‘later’ basket with you, and this will also have an influence on your feelings about your social life in general. Through their challenges to you, you will also be forced to learn. The cycle ends in March 2023.
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April 20 - May 20
Lessons. Useful lessons. If you have the chance to commit yourself to a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people now, it will open up a whole new education for you. It’s the same if you leave. You may quit a political party and join a religious group, for example. There could be some hard but interesting payoffs, if you are prepared to slog at the education.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
May 21 - June 20
A charity, community cause, political party or similar now shows if you adventurous enough, optimistic enough and lucky enough, things happen. This is a rare chance for you to become a part of something which is bigger than you, in every way! Who knows what’s out there for you, as a result of your subscription fee, or your willingness to keep turning up to meetings? Only Jupiter knows, but you should see the potential benefits by October at the latest.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
June 21 - July 22
Groups you are already involved with will hit liberating breakthroughs over the next 12 months. There may be departures or arrivals which reshape this circle of people, giving you much more room to move, and some radical, even shocking, new possibilities. Alternatively, the faces will remain the same, but what happens for this group will mean you have to ask yourself: do they make me feel free?
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
July 23 - August 22
You will explore your inner self from late June to late July, Leo, but this will mean keeping some things secret (your therapy? your psychic readings? your diary?) so be prepared to live a double life for a while. You gain. Everything is illuminated. So, plan. Meditation, which encourages you to turn inwards, is one example of where light will be shed. Hypnosis is another. Buddhism or channeling, Tarot as well.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
August 23 - September 22
You will be absorbed in a project or plan which means you must slog away at this time. It may take months, but it will be impossible for you do more than wait, sometimes. This may be unpaid work, paid work or academia. Keep at it! Even if this period of your life is tough, what you do behind the desk or kitchen table will now accomplish more.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
September 23 - October 22
Give your ‘Project X’ which is pure escapism, as much time and energy as you can, even if it means turning off your mobile, and leaving your e-mails unanswered. It’s a Yellow Submarine trip. It’s paid work, unpaid work or academia, but you’ll float. Libra, disappearing into inner space (the inner space of a holiday from reality) is a useful way to operate as long as you have boundaries firmly in place too.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
October 23 - November 21
What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly, to the public? The search for those answers may take you the entire South Node in Scorpio cycle, into 2023, but you will discover that there is an awful lot more to you, publicly, than you ever knew was there. Taking a voyage around yourself online can be a useful experience at this time, and one not to be missed. Life as it was 18-19 years ago is crucial.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
November 22 - December 21
You will never see yourself or other younger faces the same way again, if you allow yourself the time to take this particular journey. Have you ever analysed your children with a new gaze? Asked the teenagers you teach, the purpose of your time together? Felt your spirit move, during childbirth? Encountered your true self through what life as a godparent or aunt? If not, Jupiter says “The time has come.” What or who distracts you from a younger generation now? Just refocus if you feel the need.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
December 22 - January 19
At this time, Pluto is passing through your First House, which rules your mask, your performance, and your image. This cycle has nothing to do with the person inside, but everything to do with how you are seen – and how you project, present and package yourself to the outside world. It ends in March 2023, but you must repeatedly summon up strength of will to control aspects of your public appearance.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
January 20 - February 18
You are proceeding with extreme caution about yourself now, with Saturn in Aquarius, which is why you may be protecting your true self, or deliberately building a particular persona. Relaxing and being spontaneous – being yourself – will be difficult while Saturn is in the First House! Nevertheless, you will also learn a great deal about waiting. And waiting. Whatever concern you have about how you are seen, how you appear, what you look like – and how the world rates you – will vanish in March 2023.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.
February 19 - March 20
Neptune in Pisces can be confusing, in terms of your image. Other people online? They’ll sense that someone’s behind the fuzzy mask, somewhere, but it may be impossible for them to get to know you properly, until this cycle is over. That will take a while. Why the confusion? It may be a pen name, an Instagram filter, stage make-up, a hair transplant, heel-lifts, a padded bra, a public relations drive, Botox or elocution lessons. Whatever you use to help you stage your act in this cycle needs a bit of work at the moment, as Neptune is blurring one issue.
You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.