Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
The worldwide web, multimedia, short-haul travel, commuting and communication suggest a tremendous (new) need to address what needs doing and to stop assuming there is no real deadline. There truly is and you’re missing a trick if you don’t jump on this by June 17th, 2024, as this is when Venus and Mercury leave your Third House of connections. There is a whopping opportunity there, Aries.
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April 20 - May 20
The rent, shares, cryptocurrency, bank relationship, bills, valuables, charity, legacy, taxation and the rest – is just waiting to be strong-arm tackled by you. It really is time you took a deep breath and got absolutely serious about what needs to be resolved or pursued. You only have Jupiter, the Sun, Venus and Mercury together in your assets and debts zone like this very rarely. Use the solution or offer.
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May 21 - June 20
Your self-promotion, photographs, film clips, website, blog, Twitter presence and the rest matters more now. So too does your shape, style, appearance and presentation. It’s rare and useful to see Jupiter, your ruler Mercury, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all in your First House of image projection. Don’t let opportunities slide as this is not ego nor narcissism; it’s timely opportunity.
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June 21 - July 22
Your inner life, faith, religion, belief in astrology (or your God), inner demons or need for therapy is increasingly calling out for some opportunism from you. Unless you really take this on now, next year could find you wondering how much you should have done. It may be hypnosis for a phobia or a full conversion to the Roman Catholic church, but it is intensely private and very fortunate.
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July 23 - August 22
This dazzling Gemini stellium suggests that groups, friendships and networks of all kinds are offering special challenges now and there is no time to waste. If you are going to be part of a circle, or supply the circle in some way, then you have to surf this wave, Leo. If you have anything in Aquarius in your birth chart, then double that message. This is powerful and life-changing if so.
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August 23 - September 22
Your career, unpaid role, university or college degree, social position and status is now a growth area, and you need to seize the day, if you have not yet been given a solid chance to really enjoy the new challenge of what is so tempting. Status and success are here to explore in a new way and on a bigger level. Try to do as much as possible by June 17th, 2024.
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September 23 - October 22
A big stellium in your Ninth House of travel, foreign and cultural differences, the worldwide web, publishing, academia and education is really shouting for attention and response. Even if you haven’t pushed the boat out like this for some time, you need to do that now and race in while your ruler Venus is on side, together with the Sun, Mercury and the planet of big opportunity – Jupiter.
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October 23 - November 21
The relatively new Jupiter in Gemini transit is about your valuables, values, finances, property, charity, business and so on. Even if you haven’t really taken this on properly since May, just the small fits and starts you have managed, is enough to help you build. And quickly. You should be able to make or save a fortune on this transit. If you have natal factors in Taurus double that message.
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November 22 - December 21
Your former, current or potential partner? Your enemy, rival or opponent? Be this a duet or a duel, or perhaps both, you gain from the two of you, or even me versus you. You may have a weak opponent for example who helps you succeed. Or you may be in a very strong sexual or professional partnership – or about to be. Single Sagittarians who spot someone new are blessed; move on this.
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December 22 - January 19
The question of workload, duty, service, mental health, physical wellbeing, day-to-day chores and your lifestyle is now front-and-center for you, as the Gemini weather kicks in. It will be that way for the rest of June and some very, very new opportunities and solutions are now here. Right time, right place, right people, right options.
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January 20 - February 18
This intense Ceres transit in Capricorn is about your soul, spirit, trust in astrology, your God, the Universe – and your inner demons – perhaps your entire psychology or spirit. Feeling a little pushed and pulled is normal but you do need to do the work in order to completely sign off from 2008-2024, which will happen near December 7th, 2024.
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February 19 - March 20
Some kind of long game is rather a good idea when you have Ceres swirling around in your zone of groups and friends. She rules compromise and shared power. Bargaining and deal making. This will take all year, Pisces, but you will sign off on December 7th, 2024.
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