Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
The Cancer weather sweeps through in the second half of 2025. Plan ahead. This is about your house, your flat, or other aspects of your lifestyle. How can you possibly resist a chance to go the next level, then? The answer is you can’t.
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April 20 - May 20
Forget about a predictable life where your image is concerned. Uranus will now keep the ground moving underneath your feet. The way to play these situations is simple – recognise progress when it’s possible, be it contact lenses or a new business card.
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May 21 - June 20
This is a classic cycle for disruption and change, in terms of your religious belief, Buddhism, counsellor or psychic life. Sometimes you will feel as if you are being swept along. Inner change! It can be quite liberating, Gemini.
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June 21 - July 22
This new social tide will have its own momentum and if you try to stay on the shore, rather than surf with the oncoming waves, you could discover that you have been left behind. Uranus in Taurus in your solar Eleventh House is Zoom. And zooming along.
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July 23 - August 22
Leo, you will either join the push for change which is happening around you in your profession, unpaid work or academic life, or start your own revolution, and advance as far and as fast as you dare. Innovation will encourage you. Onwards and upwards.
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August 23 - September 22
You began this bedroom and courtship cycle in 2008 with, quite literally, a fixed set of positions; now, single or attached, you’ll be waiting for more change as from September the final Pluto cycle kicks in, and during January, you will realise… It’s time to move on! This may help you understand exactly what is going on now.
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September 23 - October 22
Finance, property, valuables, business or charity changes can confront people, or upset their world, as the waves reverberate for some time. Try to tune in and time your moves according to the general mood if you can.
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October 23 - November 21
This Chiron and North Node in Aries cycle affects two areas of your life. The first covers your job, your daily routine, or the domestic work you do at home. The second area covers your health, fitness, and wellbeing. What can you get away with?
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November 22 - December 21
This work and health, lifestyle and daily routine cycle is about the jumping-off point between the past and the future, and depending on how radical you feel, you’ll either take small hops, now, or huge leaps. The ongoing pandemic may tempt you to do something radical.
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December 22 - January 19
Revolution is ongoing with parenthood or a younger generation in your world, as new moves call for a new order in your universe. Your own version of progress will be unique to you and also to the times you live in.
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January 20 - February 18
The clan? Well, it’s possible that you’ll calculate the odds, count the cost, and rebel. It happens. Broader changes in your family circle, may also affect you at this time. You may be swept forward by the zeitgeist.
Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?
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February 19 - March 20
New discoveries and inventions in the field of digital technology, will trigger a huge wave of change that invites you to surf along with it. Pisces, you’ll play your (small) part.
Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop?
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