Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
This general instability you are finding with Mars Retrograde in Leo – in your sector of the bedroom, courtship and parenthood – will have a knock-on effect on you for months and it will have an impact on your timing as well. Expect a state of flux. On and off.
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April 20 - May 20
What happened to Cupid’s system? What happened to the usual dating, mating and relating set-up? Parenting? The answer is the South Node in Virgo for the first time in 18-19 years. This new repetitive circuit allows you to evolve and progress, however.
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May 21 - June 20
Your inner life? Well, other people’s desire for whatever (or whoever) is new is now forcing your private solitary world into dramatically different shape. The choice is yours – move with the times or face being stranded. This may be God or the Tarot.
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June 21 - July 22
New technology and inventive ways of being social with friends and acquaintances, allies, brothers and sisters are under way now in the world around you – at least try to see what they offer you. This could be quite exhilarating. In fact, the Bluesky may already have called.
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July 23 - August 22
This new Pluto cycle rules enemies too. Don’t be surprised if they try to take an angle that has changed since 2024 or if you find yourself wanting to change the game you have both been playing. You really have to decide if the chess game is worth it, Leo.
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August 23 - September 22
This January 2025 sign-off cycle affects your financial position, your property, your business interests and your possessions. Other people or organisations will be closely involved, however, as the cash, home, agreement or resources in question has kept you on a stuck circuit in 2024. That’s gone now. And May is a new chapter.
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September 23 - October 22
Uranus in Taurus suggests the finances, property or valuables will either be shared, split, borrowed or lent in some inventive and quite original new way. This cycle is about what you own, owe or earn, in relation to the interests of second or third parties, as you may know.
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October 23 - November 21
From your partner to your parents, to tax officials and bankers, this unusually helpful Jupiter cycle involves what you have to share, collect or redistribute with individuals or big organisations. Luck’s in until the middle of the year, so use every opportunity you’re given.
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November 22 - December 21
If you are wedged into a position which makes you feel unfairly stuck or trapped with the extended family circle or household, know that it ends in May. This is odd. Like being a bear in a bath with high walls – it’s an escape from reality, but also Real Reality.
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December 22 - January 19
Do try to get second and third opinions on your chances with the new financial or property challenge. Your financial or business world is structured in a new way now. If you want to stage a one-woman or one-man quest for empowerment, take a deep breath.
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January 20 - February 18
Uranus in Taurus suggests any advance on the same old household or family system helps you feel free and that’s fine – but make sure you are not going to seriously disrupt anyone else in the process. A revolution will cost at this time as you’ve known since 2018.
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February 19 - March 20
Well, if you genuinely feel the time has come for change online or with the media, you may well decide that forcing an obvious issue is the only way to progress. And, perhaps, the price will prove to be worth it. If you are pressing for change as part of a group, by the way, you could be forcing an entire revolution – Bluesky, much?
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