Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Thursday March 9th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Thursday March 9.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

As the decisions you make now generally translate into pounds, dollars or euros, this is quite a good time to make them, with one eye on May for a boom. Even if you’re having the usual ‘unpredictable revolution’ difficulties, you’ll feel more certain, more grounded and more sure from May when Jupiter changes signs. Property, possessions, savings, debts and other people’s money, houses, flats and stuff will be involved…this is often a key tax cycle, but it also turns up when you need to make choices about banks, partners, flatmates, investment partners or family members. March sums help.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


April 20 - May 20

This week you should feel remarkably ‘together’ about what the next step should be as left, and right brain work together. You want to do X, but circumstances force you to do Y…that pretty much sums up this cycle, as far as cash, property, business and possessions are concerned. By rights, this should be a time to feed your needs and make yourself feel secure. It may be meeting your bank manager. It may be confronting your sister about the family will. The possibilities are endless, but March is green-lit.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


May 21 - June 20

When it comes to your money, business, houses, flats or possessions (or those which are inextricably linked to other people) expect a Pluto shift. Even as you’re planning the way forward, though, something about the circumstances which are taking you there, will always drag you back to the past. In fact, it’s true to say that your new financial, lifestyle or business pathway this week will inevitably remind of you of who, or what, went before – since 2008.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


June 21 - July 22

As a business arrangement, house, flat, substantial sum of money or precious item could be on the line, with Pluto, think twice. Then there is the priceless value of trust and faith, Cancer. However, this cycle manifests, though, you have a lot to learn from that part of you which is feeling so different now – or from that other person who relies on you, if he or she is playing the accountant. All things being equal, this is a solid week to try being absolutely sure of yourself, inside and out. Put those ideas together, and you have excellent conditions for some kind of new voyage of discovery to 2044.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


July 23 - August 22

Jupiter helps anything that relates to the Ninth House – so that means not only travel and relocation, but also education, publishing, academia, foreigners and the relationships you have with people from other cultures or countries. The time has come for a fresh start, and you could be facing the first day of a new growth period, sooner than you think. Alternatively, there will be a teacher figure around you now, to show you a different way of thinking about the world – if so, this person will have a different language or passport to yours – or just a different religion or set of beliefs.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


August 23 - September 22

Your relationship with your boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about the games that people play, as somebody’s game (yours or theirs) is now operating at full force. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this new Saturn cycle. Once again, you can expect some kind of ‘game’ dynamic, where you either get to play the player, or take on the role of winner, as someone else shows you their position. Watch and learn. It’s an instructive time. If a career issue is looming large, though, it will also be quite a big week.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


September 23 - October 22

Saturn in Pisces is here. What is your true calling in life, and what do you really mean, when you talk about success? This is a great time to find out. This will give you incredible certainty and clarity, and the wheels you now set in motion in your career, or other mission in life, will truly reflect what you want, as well as what you need. The results can put you back on track within days. If you start your own business, apply for a job, sit for a scholarship, or resign by April, anything major in your career – or with your other ambitions, roles and goals – will bring a challenging situation which tests your strength of character, though, so take it slowly.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


October 23 - November 21

Life until May will bring important, lasting changes in your career, or with your other roles and goals. Whatever the astrological weather in your natal chart now, this period is all about moving on, and moving forward. One project may end, and another one may begin. Staff, clients and employers may exit stage left, or you may see other changes in your business, field or industry. You’ll typically feel a strong sense of purpose and direction now. Conditions around you may be hard or easy, but the road ahead is clear. Any new job or business now will owe an enormous amount to the past, though.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


November 22 - December 21

Workplace revolution could bring freedom now. Switch on your radar, ground yourself in the real world, and refuse to allow any new gaps in your career (or with other projects and goals) that allow any distractions to get in! You may also find your inner radical running riot now. Yes, you could be picking up the pieces with your boss, colleagues, staff or employers later. Very few astrologers would advise you to push ahead with appointments, job interviews, business transactions or important meetings without being acutely aware of that.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


December 22 - January 19

If you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will pair off with someone else in the network for the next couple of days to sort out some karma. One of you will need to be ‘fed’ – with time, energy, or practical help. The other will learn a lot from the person who is so karmically tied now. This also applies to a friendship. The usual chemistry between you will change this week, so that you become much more aware of the karmic ‘game’ that is being played. If, for any reason, a group involvement or a friendship makes you feel like closure, ask yourself why – and learn!

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


January 20 - February 18

If you make a new friend this week – or join a new group of some kind – the people involved will accurately reflect what you want, as well as what you need. If you are having issues with other eleventh house cycles now, where your natal Sun is, this period will help stabilise your thoughts and feelings. By rights, though, this month should be a really productive time, when your friendships and group involvements make you feel sure of yourself. The time you spend with these people, and the plans you make, will add to your sense of self, if you try.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


February 19 - March 20

A friendship or group involvement will leave you feeling rather aware of the past while Pluto is overhead. It’s an historic time – time for parties, group gatherings or friend-centric events, astrologically speaking. Even on Zoom. This week really will change the state of play with your friend, and any group involvements or social networks. A Pluto exit is a seasonal change in astrology. It reminds you that that was then, and this is now – and there is no going back. The way forward should now be clear. In fact, it’s time.

Something Else for Thursday

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.

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