Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
The fact is, with Pluto returning to Capricorn in September, you have to plot and plan ahead. Why? Because others are, too. Your great achievement will be to outsmart and outwit anyone you need to. You’ll then figure out the rest, your own way, and it’s likely to involve your own whopping knowledge base from 2008-2023.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
April 20 - May 20
Debbi Kempton-Smith, whose book Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook is literally in five pieces in my study (from over-use) suggests, “Down with confusion! Slay the dragons of Neptune and get hip to the trip of consciousness!’ This is a really good way to describe her/him/them within your social life – but also yourself.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
May 21 - June 20
Neptune is in your career, academic career and unpaid roles zone. Remember, Neptune rules Pisces, those fishy creatures who are so hard to see (just like the real thing, swimming around at the bottom of the ocean). If ever there was a year to wake up, look sharp and get moving, it’s 2024. Anything or anybody there without boundaries?
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
June 21 - July 22
Back in 1968, Richard Sterling, Australia’s greatest astrologer, was talking about Jupiter as ‘the planet of good fortune, expansion and opportunity.’ The idea of all that is bigger and better is part of this friendship and community cycle. April and May look enticing.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
July 23 - August 22
Saturn is alongside Neptune, in a lasting way, in your zone of inheritance, joint finance, property and so on. Richard Sterling associated this with ‘heavy, restricting obligations’ and that is true but there are also no boundaries here. Research this ahead of March when a definitive decision comes.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
August 23 - September 22
What is a Christening if not a solemn declaration of control? Something like this happened 2008-2023 and it lingers, longer. Sometimes on this cycle the issue is not a particular baby, child, infant or teenager – but the next generation as a whole. So, the issue for you may be the church choir, which you christened. Now, you can take a deep breath and take stock of the past. And let things go.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
September 23 - October 22
Partners educate, or partnerships educate. There is often a teaching role, a guidance position, or some kind of counselling or coaching role for a partner on this cycle. Philosophical slants on life, or grand experiments, could also be passed on as Chiron transits Aries.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
October 23 - November 21
Ceres is in your internet, publishing, education and media zone in 2024. Depending on your age you may be teaching people old enough to be your children – or engaging in public speaking, lectures, online forums and so on. It feels like a rebirth, and it is. And it’s very much in tune with what you believe about dealmaking.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
November 22 - December 21
In April, there is more to the next generation, or the one after that, or the one after that – than just the wonder of it all. There is deeper and more serious purpose behind all this. There is karma from 18-19 years ago for a start, no matter if this is your son; an expected baby; a class you break from at Easter. Plan ahead.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
December 22 - January 19
Debbi Kempton-Smith wrote this about Jupiter, in her book, Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” That’s the twenty-third Psalm. Jupiter is in your sector of the bedroom, courtship, babies, children, teenagers and younger adults, peaking in April and May. Worth planning ahead.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
January 20 - February 18
And so to your house, apartment or other residence in April and May -worth planning for. Debbi Kempton-Smith associated Jupiter with the word ‘WOW!’ And she thought his motto was ‘Be big about it” too – and there is a really huge wow factor showing up with your dreams or plans now. Chances of success? Excellent.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.
February 19 - March 20
Financial good karma owes so much to life 18-19 years ago. What you shared or gave so freely, either via your money (or by donating your time and energy, free of charge) now returns with delivery in the key month of April, by the look of things. And if you owe spiritually from that time? Then you can settle up and move on.
Have some time for more perspective?
If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.