Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Well, Aries, the time to plan January and February events is now. So, how effective have you been, over the last few months, as a friend? That’s what the Sun will really expose from late January 2024. Events over this three-week period will emphasise what’s wonderful, fabulous and marvellous in your social life – and powerful, too.
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April 20 - May 20
Taurus, just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, it’s clear that this particular friendship with no boundaries but new rules, wasn’t knocked up in a single afternoon either. So, look back, and back, and you will see that everything about this period is actually about the last few months, or even years. Neptune’s been in this zone a long time now.
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May 21 - June 20
You now have a rare chance to understand what’s worked best for you, in terms of your friendship with a certain someone – and what you know you’ve let become an experiment. Either way, you win a new kind of bond. Your friend can make you feel incredibly adventurous now (in which case, just keep doing what you’re doing).
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
June 21 - July 22
And so, to your partner or former partner. Do you know you’ve got something special with this person, but you’ve let it fade away? If so, don’t dwell on it – just fix the issue, while you have this rare chance to sort things out. This Pluto cycle is also about chemistry. Together, you can be a power couple at this time. If things are shaky, try to fix.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
July 23 - August 22
This Chiron cycle will strongly influence how you feel about a connection to someone from another country or culture. It will also trigger issues connected to the world of publishing, and education and academia. Depending on your own life and situation at the moment, you’ll find one or two areas on this list become a daring experiment.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
August 23 - September 22
Some sibling issues are more urgent priority than the others – but they all matter. Mars will stir things up for a few weeks and you’re going to need to manage everything properly. If this sounds like you, watch out for new angles. You’re all fired up now – or they are. That can create a chain-reaction all by itself. You’ll have strong convictions.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
September 23 - October 22
And so, to an inheritance, or other financial question. As always with Mars, ask yourself if you’d do this/say this anyway, even if you weren’t feeling the transit. And ask outsiders for their angle: are you making all the right moves and decisions now, or are you being a little bit too pushy, or maybe a lot pushy? Fair Mars questions.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
October 23 - November 21
Your reputation, title or appearance is an issue in Mars in Scorpio cycles like this one. The Mars rules apply just because you or someone else is getting all hot and bothered, does not mean the principle at stake is worth the pile of merde that will result if either of you lets the situation go further. Slow down, Scorpio. Don’t speed up.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
November 22 - December 21
Your secret solo life will often provide the arena where Mars in Scorpio gets played out. Your private agenda (or other people’s burning mission) might be right or wrong but unless you remove the heat, you are unlikely to travel in the right direction, in the right way. Tremendous tension and passion in you, or others, is a sure sign to cool down.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
December 22 - January 19
This Jupiter cycle is actually about the expansion of your horizons in the bedroom or in courtship. It’s about stretching your usual limits, geographically or mentally. That’s why it covers the world of the four-poster bed, as well as your dealings with people who want you – or whom you desire. Jupiter helps if let it call the shots with options.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
January 20 - February 18
This cycle brings lessons about travel, people from other countries and cultures, education, publishing and academia. In a nutshell it’s about the decisions you make, which you hope will expand your horizons. So, it covers writing books and website blogs, as well as study, and journeys overseas. Life 18-19 years ago is your karmic teacher.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.
February 19 - March 20
The most common outcome of this cycle is a new reality check about someone who has a totally different national or cultural background to you. They may be visiting your country or be resident here. Alternatively, you may be dealing with them on the other end of a phone. Nevertheless, there is nothing (and nobody) so foreign it can’t work.
If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.