Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Sunday July 14th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Sunday July 14.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Your image is an ongoing experiment. You cannot change any of that, but perhaps you can choose an image or a look which complements the being you are, so the big stretch is not so much of a stretch.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



April 20 - May 20

Uranus in Taurus is really about another new mask for 2024. And maybe more than one. The closer the mask is to the person you actually are, the more authentic your life will be. And it has to set you free.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



May 21 - June 20

Ceres in Capricorn is about deal-making, all year, with your money, property, business or charity. Progress will be unavoidably slow by the way, as Ceres backtracks, so don’t expect instant. Do expect stop-start.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



June 21 - July 22

The Sun in Cancer gives you your annual angle on how you are seen, appear, look and sound to the world, Cancer. It’s very handy. The spotlight and the well-lit mirror reflection or glare of Google are a refresher.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



July 23 - August 22

Ceres in your work zone, unpaid work zone and study area suggests deal after deal with others. Just make sure that that your strategy is in tune with the transits. So, sign off on December 7th. Enough with the compromises!

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



August 23 - September 22

Thinking big is your right and actually, what you have in mind for your goals, roles and success later this year isn’t so particularly unlikely. It’s a strategy and it’s worth taking. Even if you only get half of what you want, why not?

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



September 23 - October 22

Right now, your job is to create a flexible, rubbery, bendy, financial structure in your life that will take care of these unpredictable and elastic situations that turn up with Uranus in Taurus. Life since 2018 is the evidence.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



October 23 - November 21

Saturn is now in your sector of children and younger people. Saturn is nicknamed TINA by some astrologers; There Is No Alternative. At this point in your life, Tina is in charge of your sons (say) or grandchild. It does end.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



November 22 - December 21

Your financial sector is reloaded again with Ceres Retrograde. Sagittarius, no matter what backwards situation your bank balance is in, you must be ruthlessly practical about sorting things out. Deal after deal is likely by December 7th.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



December 22 - January 19

At least once in this cycle, you will be put through a web test. That test will prod and poke the internet structure you have patiently built up in your life, to see if it’s actually fulfilling its function.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



January 20 - February 18

The same rather escapist financial/business/property choices, and the same (equally escapist) attitudes, suggest an alternative reality. This is not everybody else’s cash, business, property, possessions, banking, tax and accounting situation right now. Test the bubble.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 



February 19 - March 20

Ceres Retrograde is back in your sector of groups and friends for the last time, pushing off for good, weeks before Christmas. This is a good time to be super-aware of what you’re compromising over in your life. This is a long period of bargaining.

Something Else for Sunday:

Barnes and Noble membership offer.

Pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells for 25% off until 17th of July here.

The book will be published in October. 


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