Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
The South Node in Virgo now, will show you how life 18-19 years ago can represent your essence, your inner light, your soul, your body and your human needs – working together. The choices you make now are far more likely to be right for all of you if you can see a current work or wellbeing episode as karmic. You owe or are owed.
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April 20 - May 20
The turning point you’re facing now with friends and groups is entirely natural. There’s no going back, though, so keep moving and try to trust what is happening. The people/conditions/events from 18-19 years ago which trigger your new direction at this time will always influence what is to come, though! The node rules the past.
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May 21 - June 20
The family ‘pull’ coming from the people or situations which are falling away now will always have an important part to play in the future too. Even if relatives are an issue now, this week will also marks a new chapter with them. A new attitude will arrive soon. And yet it all comes from karma 18-19 years ago.
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June 21 - July 22
Pluto in Aquarius has landed. A relationship (or business/professional association) which translates into money, property or possessions will have a big emotional pull now. Scrutinising this link between you can teach you a lot about owning your power and pushing back.
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July 23 - August 22
If you find yourself feeling unusually stuck about a matter which relates to what you own, earn and owe, then look at your past 18-19 years ago as your secret teacher. Sometimes this nodal period can bring real karmic issues involving cash, houses, flats or possessions. Watch and learn. You are owed or you owe.
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August 23 - September 22
As the decisions you make from May 2025 generally translate into pounds, dollars or euros, this is quite a good time to make them with one eye on your diary. Property, possessions, savings, debts, other people’s money, houses, flats and stuff will be involved…this is often a key tax cycle. An alternative universe is waiting.
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September 23 - October 22
Uranus in Taurus is about your values, but it also turns up when you need to make radical choices about banks, partners, flatmates, investment partners or family members. This week you should feel remarkably sure about who or what spells independence.
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October 23 - November 21
Opportunity knocks. That pretty much sums up this cycle as far as cash, property, business and possessions are concerned. By rights, this should be a time to feed your needs and make yourself feel far more blessed by the numbers. It may be meeting your bank manager. It may be confronting your sister about the family will. The possibilities are endless, but you have until mid-2025.
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November 22 - December 21
The way forward is now brilliantly clear, no matter what has gone before. When it comes to your money, business, houses, flats or possessions (or those which are inextricably linked to other people) expect a sea change. Ditch the old reflex response. Power issues are over.
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December 22 - January 19
Even as you’re planning the way forward with a sibling, something about the circumstances which are taking you there will always drag you back to the past. In fact, it’s true to say that your new pathway this week will inevitably remind of you of who or what went before – no matter how far into the future it takes you. This is a true seasonal change, so try to embrace it. Life 18-19 years ago calls.
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January 20 - February 18
Neptune blurs boundaries. As the results could cost you money – be careful. It makes sense to double-check the lines in the sand in terms of your possessions, assets and accounts at this time. However, what if it’s you who feels like indulging in fuzzy behaviour? As a business arrangement, house, flat, substantial sum of money or precious item could be on the line, think twice.
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February 19 - March 20
Mars Retrograde. Your stuck stop-start relationship with your boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about the reversals and rescheduling of this transit as somebody’s revving engine is now operating at full force. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this cycle. Allow for a long circuit.
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