Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Saturday December 31st

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Saturday December 31.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

The gauntlet is being thrown down, now. Move on up, sideways, out – with money – or else! That means going to places, financially speaking, which you have never been to. But do you really want to spend your entire life with a life budget, which maroons you in the past? Sometimes, you will feel so trapped by your situation that you will take dramatic, radical steps to escape it. Use the Tarot on my website to see what it says about May-June 2023.

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April 20 - May 20

If you genuinely feel tied down by the way you look, or the way the world sees you, then you may be tempted to take the most sensational U-turn – the kind which sends people running for cover. You’ve done this once or twice since 2018, Taurus, with Uranus in your sign. Well, here you are again. May 2023 looks like a dramatic relaunch in your horoscope. Are you dreaming bigger? You could lose weight, divorce, become a born-again Christian or…

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May 21 - June 20

Religion, and your God, is an interesting subject at Christmas. You can’t stay stuck in the box that the world has put you in. And you shouldn’t. But every successful spiritual or religious revolution has to happen when the time is right. When the mood shifts around you, and you realise you’re free to become a new version of yourself, take it. Sometimes this is about not believing at all. And sometimes Uranus in Taurus is fireworks of the soul.

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June 21 - July 22

The difference in your financial position, your property situation and your attitude to what you own, earn and owe will be quite astonishing, once this cycle is over in March 2023. Saturn issues? You’ll be aware of this planet’s background effects on you for the whole time it’s here, as you will either be waiting all the time – or uneasily aware of insurmountable obstacles, which immediately means you have to change course too. Three months to go.

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July 23 - August 22

Plan for more obstacles and barriers in your financial, business, property or charity affairs from March 2023, Leo, when Saturn enters Pisces. This strongly applies to your income, savings, debts, banking arrangements, lease, mortgage, insurance, possessions, investments, budget, accounting and anything else which rules your financial situation. You’ve not had this cycle for around 29 years. Look at the dates on what is due or likely, coming.

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August 23 - September 22

This rewarding, hopeful, optimistic new financial cycle also rules values. What you will and won’t sell out for, and what you consider to be above mere money. Your principles and ethics will be in focus during this cycle, and once again, you will either have your own agenda for growth, or find that you are delighted to keep moving, because the rest of the world seems like opening every door. It may be charity, business, property, valuables or the bank.

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September 23 - October 22

If you believe your values are worth it, then with Uranus in Taurus in your banking zone, you may stage your own revolution in this cycle. Watch out for the impact you are having on other people or organisations, though. If you cause too much kerfuffle, you will begin a domino effect that is completely unpredictable, and at some point, the entire set of dominos may well bring more than you thought. Still, May 2023 looks super-duper.

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October 23 - November 21

Your duet or duel? Uranus works best in your life when you go with the natural flow of progress and change. If you try to stay where you were, you will not only be out of step, but you may also find that in years to come it’s almost impossible to make up for lost time, or lost progress. This may be your marriage or professional partnership. It may be a known opponent. Think about May 2023 as the start of something so much better. So much bigger.

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November 22 - December 21

March is the ideal time to loosen up and become more flexible about cash, property, possessions and values. Pluto goes out of Capricorn and all the old patterns since 2008 disappear. Are you ready to move forward later on? That’s how quickly things could open up for you. Are you prepared for circuits, loops and stop-start along the way, as others suddenly decide that now is the moment to push their Mercury Retrogrades on you?

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December 22 - January 19

Plan ahead for March 2023 when sibling and cousin relationships go into a new phase, when you have to live in the real world and deal with what/who puts obstacles up. Christmas is a useful time to be aware of that. First of all, if you have a cousin, brother or sister, this cycle will reposition you, in your relationship with them. You may seek this change out, Capricorn. Alternatively, the change may be forced on you, by circumstances. Plan ahead.

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January 20 - February 18

It’s actually not possible to hang onto the old set-up with your cousin, brother or sister at this time, because you will either feel tremendous temptation to take a terrific solution or you will reach a point where you want far bigger movement or progress in your life and try to push a more hopeful agenda. There is usually an element of luck, with Jupiter, as your attempt to find a different place in the scheme of things is often blessed.

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February 19 - March 20

An internet revolution (like Musk buying Twitter) is the last thing that other people see coming. Alternatively, it may be you who is confronted, and not just by Twitter, as what appeared to be a fixed state of affairs in your digital life is resolutely shaken up and down by fate – or other people. When you get your breath back, though, you will see that the change you have chosen (or the change forced upon you) has opened up all kinds of new worlds.

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