Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday September 9th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday September 9.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Pluto Retrograde will provide you with the career, unpaid work or academic sources, contacts, networks and information, if you are prepared to put in the work to wait for the loop or circuit to complete in November. Willpower is a superpower. Power issues are solved with your will.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



April 20 - May 20

Karma from 18-19 years ago around your health and wellbeing, will continue to come up now, and you’ll be able to do a lot of ‘homework’ and useful analysis on this last circuit. This period is crucial, because you’ll be using your head, to fathom a situation which usually affects your soul. Closure comes in January.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



May 21 - June 20

If you believe that money is best organised by a computer, you need to make a conscious effort to respect your emotions now – and other people’s Ceres and Pluto cycles, which are also emotional. This general advice also applies to your property. Allow weeks for the wheels turning, but the final deal is in December.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



June 21 - July 22

Don’t date (online or in the real world) at this time, unless you actually like waking up next to Pluto. Those who are famously interested in power and control games may walk your way on Pluto Retrograde. Those who create upper hand questions in the dating jungle on a regular basis will also be at their most obvious.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



July 23 - August 22

When Pluto is Retrograde in the Sixth House, people connected to work, unpaid work or academia will drive you round in circles, if you are actually serious about fixing things with your staff, say, or clients. If you have ever shaken up a snowdome and watched the flakes whirling around, that’s now. It ends, November 2024.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



August 23 - September 22

In 2025, when Saturn changes signs, the state of play with enemies, rivals or opponents becomes easier – it has recently been heavier and harder to shift. You are undoubtedly going to find them on your radar at this time, because 2025 is looming. Rehearse it. How do you want to sign off from a feud or battle with so many rings, fences, barriers, moats, drawbridges, walls and the like?

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



September 23 - October 22

Loads of astrologers will not do anything on these multiple retrogrades. It’s not just the general atmosphere of uncertainty or gentle chaos which now surrounds your Mega Retrograde cycle that could cause issues – it’s the worldwide loop. There will be x factors you cannot possibly know about, now having a domino effect on you, and your life (and your people too.) Just have Plan B and C. Maybe Plan D.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



October 23 - November 21

Given that Jupiter offers you superb financial or property opportunities until June 2025, this is when you’ll do most of the number-crunching and fact-finding. Whatever is going on in your horoscope, the Eighth House now hosting Jupiter will deliver some of the most beneficial financial, business and property issues of the year from late November. Your precious possessions, or those of other people, may also be involved. Useful Sagittarius Second House transits are coming.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



November 22 - December 21

The time has come to talk…and talk. This can be a really useful rehearsal time for you to research money-related questions, and do your (long) homework on banks, property prices, leases, legal matters, investments and other complex issues. Once Pluto and also Ceres have finished going backwards, information sources will open up before you, with a two-step sign-off, first in November, then in December.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



December 22 - January 19

Pluto is about who has the upper hand. Because this planet is now triggering financial, business or property matters in your life, even though he has temporarily vanished, you need to be aware of this as a December-February choice looms. Perhaps there is a will on the agenda, or a family heirloom, or debt. That’s an extreme example, but it will pay (in every way) to be aware of power issues.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



January 20 - February 18

There will be quite a lot of March 2025 diary focus now, most of it about a financial, business or property question which is on your agenda then. Don’t write anything in stone just yet, unless you actually like pre-empting Saturn and Neptune’s final exit from Pisces. Even if March is in your schedule, it’s too early to call sales, purchases, settlements, financial claims, contracts, tax returns, and so on.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



February 19 - March 20

Jupiter happily stuck in Gemini makes your house or apartment the zone for circular action with benefits until June 2024. So, real-estate investment, the household bond, your tenant or landlady. And if this is serious property? All the more reason to sign, buy, sell, wheel or deal when you see the time is right.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.


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