Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday October 28th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday October 28.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Your unpredictable life budget covers your salary, savings, debts, credit card, shares, holiday homes, company, property and charity. It is about possessions, insurance, pension/superannuation, shares and so on. With Uranus (the revolution) in your life, making waves, surf the X factors.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



April 20 - May 20

Pluto in Aquarius is the mid-November answer to your career, study or unpaid work question, and that question is probably about empowerment in the face of relentless issues. As Pluto turns the corner in January and February 2025, through the zodiac sign of Aquarius, final choices come later.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



May 21 - June 20

From mid-November, do factor in Pluto and travel, foreigners, publishing, the web or academia. Pluto in Aquarius raises those issues and as this is a relatively new arrival, it’s still so very fresh. Self-control gives you control, and willpower empowers you. In fact, you just found that out. Steel pants.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



June 21 - July 22

Now, with your former, current or potential partner, Ceres makes her presence felt until 7th December. Until then she goes back and forth to your opposite sign of Capricorn which rules your opposite number in life, be he/she tied to your past, present or future. Deal-making time. Bargaining!

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



July 23 - August 22

Leo, your lifestyle, fitness, health, daily routine, mind/body/spirit links and workload will require two sign-offs in November, December. It takes all year with Ceres Retrograde. Yet, one particular matter that has been with you since 2008 associated with work, study or unpaid work, as well as your own wellbeing is winding down. November, December is sign-off time.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



August 23 - September 22

Let’s talk about your former, current or potential partner. This may be love or work. You and he/she/they must now find a way to deal with the hard realities while honouring the need for total escapism. It’s an odd situation. It also ends in 2025. Yet, karma begins then too, from the past. So, it takes time.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



September 23 - October 22

The Eighth House, ruled by Taurus, sees Uranus circling. This is essentially your independence that’s priceless, though. Freedom! You can’t buy that. Yet you must be wondering when the unpredictable, erratic nature of banking or property will end. It will do so, next year.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



October 23 - November 21

Jupiter in your Eighth House is associated with wealth and how it is managed. It is ruled by Gemini in your solar chart, and you have a lot to sort out with your money, house, possessions, apartment, charity or business interests – but it may help to go realise luck is a Lady and she leaves in 2025.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



November 22 - December 21

You are heading towards historic opportunities, solutions and breakthroughs with sexual, professional or platonic partners at the very end of May, June 2025 Sagittarius. Who knows, your optimism may be the key; it may even help you with your forward planning decisions, now. Look at the calendar.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



December 22 - January 19

And so, to the end of the long transit of Uranus in Taurus, with all his revolutions for your parenting; the bedroom; courtship; a younger generation. A way out or way through presents itself, one more time. However, the surprise may be there one more time too, in 2025.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



January 20 - February 18

You now know who and what is so confused and confusing, as Neptune in Pisces suggests that what he/she/they inherit must be sorted out now or in 2025. This may be government benefits, savings, your credit card, shares or life insurance, for example, and the mortgage. Planning ahead is wise.

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.



February 19 - March 20

The Uranus in Taurus transit is about regular revolutions with the media and web. If you have not pursued everything and everybody you promised yourself you would, to find new freedom, think about April or May 2025 as a deadline. Who or what is surprising, liberating and such a new road?

Something else for Monday:

Bid on signed lots here from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children In Need auction. I am offering a 45-minute Zoom consultation and a signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday with Rachel Wells . We are also including signed books and a poster for The Aries Billionaire, read by Oliver Chris (The Crown) as well as a rare tote bag.

Thank you for helping this excellent cause – the BBC Children In Need Fund by either bidding or passing the message on.


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