Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday November 25th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday November 25.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Groups around you want to tempt you towards new control now, and that is your great encouragement. However. Aries, you won’t be immune to the new power in the space at this time, so don’t take the Pluto bait. That level of complication is not a good place to operate from. Strategy and planning!

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




April 20 - May 20

This prolonged journey of yours goes on into 2025 and 2026, in terms of God, religion, astrology, Tarot, meditation, solitude and self-examination. Managing previous cycles this year will help you sort out what’s worth it and what’s not. What’s the intention here? And the likely outcome?

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




May 21 - June 20

If a group/team/band/circle triggers 1977 tendencies now – do the Chiron thing. Find a collection of people (or rediscover them) and know that Chiron transiting the Eleventh House of your solar chart can help you channel team energy the same way Lydon once did.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




June 21 - July 22

The keynote for the rest of the year, the second half of 2025 and 2026 is ambition. Achievement. Aspiration. It’s not the kind of thing you can tell people about – unless you choose to share the great vision. Chiron is around now. Some experiment. Later on, Neptune and Saturn move in. Big restart.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




July 23 - August 22

Ah, the good karma of Jupiter in Gemini with friends and groups. Leo, if you look back over the last few months, you should be able to learn from any acorns you planted at the time. They are becoming acorns. There are more social, friendship or group acorns to plant, by mid-2025.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




August 23 - September 22

It’s important to decide your next move based on logic, as well as heat! Mars is in your religion, counselling, Tarot, self-help and solitude zone for a long time. Pace yourself. As with all Mars cycles, the fact that you feel psyched about something is not necessarily a reason for charging ahead.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




September 23 - October 22

Let’s talk about your former, current or potential other half in terms of repetition again. And closure. This too shall pass! You know how to balance the scales of justice and fairness, as well as true partnership. Time to appreciate that. The wheel is still running backwards but it stops in January 2025.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




October 23 - November 21

Chiron in Aries in your Sixth House is triggered. It’s possible that your outrageous health, medical, fitness, food or drink idea is a very good one (your detox retreat with wolves is just what you need.) But track your body, mind and spirit. The Sixth House is about the details, most of all.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




November 22 - December 21

November, December is basically it for foreigners and foreign countries. Pace yourself. Mars races through until the first week of January 2025. You’ll get more done in terms of action plans, than is usual. It may pull in academia, the web or publishing too. Just allow for rescheduling.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




December 22 - January 19

Trade on your outer packaging now that Pluto is out of Capricorn, because it’s your passport to a completely different way of experiencing your CV, photograph, blog, website profile, personal style, presentation and appearance. Mr. Wacky or Mr. Grumpy? Well, maybe it’s time to drop it.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




January 20 - February 18

Pluto is in Aquarius to stay. Pluto is urging you to squeeze more mileage out of your surface, as well as your substance. You also have Ceres in Aquarius in your image, title and appearance zone, from December 7th. It rolls on into 2025. Major relaunch for you.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.




February 19 - March 20

If there are issues about your face, body and hair then you will be amazed at how much of it is down to Neptune’s confusion about where things are at (and what’s going on). This transit ends in 2025 but just for now, try to figure out a system for your profile, packaging or presentation just one more time.

Something else for Monday:

If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.

Please Note: The report with forum access has been sold out.



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