Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Pluto leaving your zone of ambition, achievement, success and status will help you to sign off from years of politics, within days. A confirmed compromise by December 7th with staff, colleagues, employers, professors, classmates or those at home, is a very common outcome. Power shifts.
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April 20 - May 20
Uranus in Taurus is about your image, appearance or name and you’re ready for your wake-up call again. Your previous ‘Me’ progress may be good, bad, indifferent or non-existent, but for the time that Uranus is in your First House, making patterns, you are free to lose/gain weight or switch profiles.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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May 21 - June 20
If you are single, destiny will line you up with rescheduling and rewriting with a new lover (or more than one prospect) who will take you to January. If you have a former or current partner to negotiate with, then remember there are no fixed outcomes in November, December.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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June 21 - July 22
What is a vocation? It may not be your career or course at all. Just take what you can do, with Chiron in Aries in your Tenth House and use it to shift yourself and your abilities to new, new places. The day-to-day is in flux until January with Mercury Retrograde.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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July 23 - August 22
This November, December flux in Sagittarius is about your own and other people’s children; teenagers; young adults; parenthood-potential relationships. So, a daughter from a previous marriage. A marriage which once opened the door to adoption. A campaign for children. Have Plan B.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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August 23 - September 22
Pluto in Aquarius is about heavy lifting regarding new work, unpaid work or academic realities, from the 19th of November, with a huge change by February. Empowering new options for your body, health, wellbeing and medical situation will appear in this cycle. It’s the same with work.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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September 23 - October 22
Neptune in Pisces in your zone of health, wellbeing and fitness is about escaping from the real world, but you must still inhabit reality. A way out, or a bubble is okay. Just as long as it’s a realistic way out, or a realistic bubble. You still have Saturn here too.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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October 23 - November 21
Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes you just need time or money to deal with your questions about time and money; if so, you are right to be an optimist. Alternatively, you just need an accountant’s breakthroughs, or other advances, hi-tech inventions or new people to use Jupiter opportunities.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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November 22 - December 21
Pluto is soon leaving your zone of business, property, money and charity. The end of years of a particular system or set-up are soon over. This looks like you have learned about empowerment through willpower. You will soon have a different atmosphere – and new numbers.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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December 22 - January 19
Jupiter in Gemini is about work and lifestyle, wellbeing and health. So…explore, experiment, learn, grow. Your options, all this time, may have been far more limited than you realised. It may be your mindset that’s been holding you back, or just the narrow parameters of your old mirror.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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January 20 - February 18
Pluto is about understanding how far you have come in reshaping, improving and opening up your inner life. This is about your religion, astrology, spirituality, psychic ability, trust in science and so on. Yet you sign off in days. And no longer need iron willpower.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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February 19 - March 20
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius spins backwards in November and December, so flux affects any job in this cycle if you retire, resign, or find your current position is reshaped – or have full-time home duties you may also see flux. It’s the same with health. Allow for that.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.