Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday July 1st

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday July 1.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Being part of a group effort, or feeling rebooted with some kind of circle, community or club brings Pluto into the room. What do you gain? Well, the most tremendous empowerment, Aries. And all via this or another group.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



April 20 - May 20

The Pluto transit of your success, achievement, ambition, mission and position zone is hard work. If you try to get away with doing the least, or sliding back to old ways of managing, you will waste a chance to be empowered.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



May 21 - June 20

Pluto in Aquarius is stretching you (so much) with foreign people and places, regional differences, the worldwide web, academia, publishing or education. This stretch is really about your Life Gym. Mental weight training is key.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



June 21 - July 22

Facing who or what makes you feel disempowered or empowered is a very smart idea with money. This also applies to your house, business, possessions or apartment. Pluto is notoriously demanding but February is a pay-off.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



July 23 - August 22

What you gain next year through or for your former, current or potential partner is a result of what you do now. Nobody ever does it the easy way when Pluto is around, but if you are prepared to accept that, power is yours.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



August 23 - September 22

The wonderful astrologer Debbi Kempton-Smith used to describe Pluto as the most intense test. This now applies to your workload, daily routine, lifestyle, housework, unpaid work, body, self-care, food, doctors, drugs, drink, healers.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



September 23 - October 22

The world of parenthood-potential sexual relationships, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or a younger generation (say, Millennials) is now where the effort must go. Pluto empowers those who draw on real willpower.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



October 23 - November 21

You are now completely across the new realities of your family, house, apartment, town, country or household. You can’t really duck or dive here; it will take work. Basic lessons about how psychology works help self-control.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



November 22 - December 21

The Aquarius weather rolling in from the future is designed to train you, right now, in what it means to juggle the worldwide web, multimedia, and all kinds of communication, from the fundamentals and beyond.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



December 22 - January 19

Next year you will make or save money as a result of all the hard work you devote in 2024. You were recently shown exactly what a life budget looks like, and why it was important to stubbornly hang on to control and power.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



January 20 - February 18

Pluto in your sign is designed to show you how it’s done, in terms of your appearance, portrait, profile, image, brand, title, name or reputation. Learning from others for whom it comes so naturally is one way. The rest? Willpower.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.



February 19 - March 20

The Pluto transit one sign behind you is really about your religion or spirituality. Your belief in science, perhaps, or your belief in astrology, the Tarot or the ‘Universe.’ This is best accomplished alone. So is self-help or therapy.

Something else for Monday:

Have you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Hear your weekly sign forecast, your Tarot card for the week and the aspects to your birth chart.

Listen here. And follow us on Twitter/X.


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