Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday July 15th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday July 15.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

As you reschedule or go back to the drawing board with lovers or children shortly, be aware of Mercury Retrograde in Leo, July 17th to 25th, 2024, in the shadow phase. Mercury goes through Leo at 21-29 degrees then repeats himself August 16th to 31st. Another possibility now is diary rewriting about the world of younger people in general – to the exclusion of other things in your life. If you are too casual about Mercury Retrograde, it can end up costing you (on every level) and it may be time to wake up.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



April 20 - May 20

You will begin a new phase of a professional relationship at this time (or a new phase of your old academic or unpaid work relationship) which finds you dealing with a power issue. What do you have today? Do whatever you can to separate yourself and become whole again. What if you are the object of your colleague’s control issues? There’s something fated about this, now, which is why you are prepared to ask yet again.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



May 21 - June 20

Neptune is still here in your success zone. Once again, you must ask this question. Is all this made in heaven, and taking you higher in your bubble, or is it creating the kind of wobble in your world which is producing confusion? If it’s the latter, it may be time to put some boundaries in. You are you. You are not them. They are not you. This affects your career, unpaid work or study. Saturn alongside Neptune is about boundaries.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



June 21 - July 22

Pluto is passion and obsession. It is possible you will have experienced this with money, property, shopping, business or possessions at this time, or be the onlooker for another’s over-focus, which also fits the above descriptions. The situation which either of you feels can create self-control and control issues, unless you are extremely careful. If you’re spotting Pluto in Aquarius, step back. Change your strategy.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



July 23 - August 22

Learn to be a DIY accountant who says no at this time – if you do not, you can expect confusion at best, and muddle at worst. Your sense of boundaries, or the other party’s, are weak now. If your life is fuzzy chaos, it is time to put some in.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



August 23 - September 22

Try to be utterly realistic about an end game from September to December with adoption, pregnancy, IVF, abortion, miscarriage and all other aspects of childbirth – and the world of children. This also applies to your passions involving a younger generation – those plans you follow in your spare time, or on the weekends. Self-control is control.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



September 23 - October 22

This Neptune cycle (with Saturn) will affect your health and wellbeing, and your working life and daily routines. Let’s look at your body and mind as a place for required boundaries. You will be in a bubble with experts, cures and solutions which appeal to your escapism now – and solutions which inspire you. Yet that compelling medical, health or dietary escape route does need a reality check, too.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



October 23 - November 21

That person who appears to be a natural guide could turn out to be so interesting, in health terms. Ask more questions first. For example – is vegetarianism right for you, or are you following someone else, without checking? Homeopathy, the same. The health, lifestyle or medical options which float past you may challenge you to push past boundaries but do some checking with Chiron in Aries.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



November 22 - December 21

Freedom is regularly offered through a particular treatment, health professional, or lifestyle choice. If your life becomes less predictable at this time, you’re probably affected by a diet, medical, lifestyle or alternative health choice which is not very predictable, by itself. Only time will tell. But as usual with Uranus in Taurus, get second and third opinions.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



December 22 - January 19

Mercury Retrograde is coming with your finances or property. Put ‘re’ in front of everything as July ends. You’ll pull Mercury towards you now. It will probably be a matter related to choices in January, February. Have Plan B, C, D for August.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



January 20 - February 18

Stand back from this new internet wave you are participating in. Is it working well? If so, thank Chiron in Aries. This can be a groundbreaking cycle for the web, but the association with a guide figure, has to be productive. Aquarius, it’s time to ask other people for an angle.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.



February 19 - March 20

Pisces, this friendship cycle can produce powerful relationships that appeal to your own need for empowerment – and the group’s. There is always something potentially so empowering, about friends on this cycle. How can two people or connect like this? In a cynical world, your superglue bond may well inspire others, with Ceres in Capricorn.

Something else for Monday:

Barnes and Noble Discount Offer when you pre-order Your Birthday by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells.

You can receive 25% off until July 17th, 2024 here. The book will be published in October.


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