Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
If you are naturally independent or prefer to take the lead, this cycle will be very challenging. In fact, every time you forget that you are actually supposed to be working as part of a team, you will create real issues – both for yourself and the hub, collective or group.
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April 20 - May 20
How are you going to make it from Paris to Provence or sort out your internet (ah, the joy of self-publishing) if you have Mars Retrograde in your zone of short trips and the web? How will you succeed? Keep it bendy. Allow wiggle room for rescheduling.
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May 21 - June 20
Pluto promises you empowering things. For a few weeks, you will be given a rare chance to expand your horizons in a more potent way. The world could seem bigger, more interesting, and more full of possibility now. But…the price of admission is the art of people management and that means working it.
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June 21 - July 22
Your challenge now is to keep your eyes on the boundaries, no matter which aspect of education, publishing, travel or multicultural connections/long-distance connections it relates to. If you can do that while checking back, you’ll stand a much better chance.
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July 23 - August 22
In terms of getting what you want from any duet…forget the ‘Me’ part of the equation if you can. The more you can think in terms of ‘We,’ the farther and faster you will progress. Locate the common ground between you and use that to navigate if you can. Powerful!
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August 23 - September 22
Jupiter is a big chance for success. Fine-tune your people skills and, above all, get the communication pinging! For the next few weeks, you’ll be in a space which is so crucial to your ambitions, status and goals. A boss, colleague, client, employer or co-worker has a key.
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September 23 - October 22
The end of karma, a loop and a circuit from last year? Well, it’s now something to accept. We may be talking about your husband or wife here, a partner or even someone whose only connection to you is through a squash duet. That was then, this is very much now.
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October 23 - November 21
The nature of the financial relationship in all these new solutions and opportunities is the same. It’s about co-operation and understanding – giving and taking. If both of you put the effort in now, you can create a quite extraordinary phase of expansion.
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November 22 - December 21
At the core of this ever-growing association is genuine affection and, sometimes, real love. But it’s more common to find yourself being thrown together with someone who just likes you, trusts you and, above all, wants you to go forward together. Platonic, too.
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December 22 - January 19
This Jupiter cycle is about slowly edging to where you need to be in terms of your success and lifestyle. But the trick is doing it by mid-year. Everything depends on how sensitive you are to the big opportunities. Astrology can be useful at such a time – do use it.
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January 20 - February 18
Mars Retrograde in Leo in 2025 is about your other half or the other side. Backwards. So, do you know the other person’s Sun Sign? It describes what he or she is best-known for (for better or worse)! It says a lot about what’s really important to the other person. Use it. This is a duet or a duel, but it takes months.
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February 19 - March 20
The South Node in Virgo is about your duet or partnership. New? Pisces, even if you’ve been together forever, this cycle can still make or break your understanding of old karma, Trust in the process of karmic settlement, so never take them for granted.
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