Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday February 20th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday February 20.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

You will make some extremely influential new friends in just over a month, or find the old friends become quite powerful. Their experience of life, their attitude and their huge passion could be the beginning of something quite dramatic for you, taking you into undiscovered territory – changing you for good. As Saturn is now in the last stages of his transit in your social life, friendship and people power sector, you are seeing solutions where there were none, and perhaps hints of March-June 2023.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


April 20 - May 20

Your existing friendships, which were there well before this Neptune in Pisces cycle began, will go through changes in March. New restrictions will accompany a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people in weeks. This is a rare chance for you to become a part of something which is far more challenging, in every way. Groups you are already involved with will also hit new walls over the next 12 months. New tactics!

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


May 21 - June 20

There may be welcome departures or arrivals which reshape a circle of people, giving you much more room to move, and some big, new possibilities. Alternatively, the faces will remain the same, but what happens for this group will mean amazing journeys (or life journeys) for you. Jupiter in Aries in your Eleventh House is here to help until May. Aries guitarist Angus Young had this cycle on December 31st, 1973, when he played his first gig with the Australian heavy metal band AC/DC.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


June 21 - July 22

You will be absorbed in a project or plan, role or goal with vast potential now, which means you must take every opportunity at this time. Give your ‘Project X’ or new role as much time and energy as you can – and think about success as you define it. What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly? The search for those answers means you will discover that there is an awful lot more to you, than you ever knew was there. Onwards and far upwards.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


July 23 - August 22

Taking a voyage around yourself online, via foreign cultures and countries, can be a mind-blowing experience at this time, and one not to be missed. You will never see yourself or other people the same way again if you allow yourself the time to take this digital journey. Take a long look at the people or situations which are calling you across the map. It’s time to look in all compass point directions, Leo.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


August 23 - September 22

You are nearly at the end of Saturn in Aquarius, which has so heavily restricted your work, unpaid work or academic career since Christmas 2020. You are still proceeding with extreme caution now, which is why relaxing and being spontaneous – being yourself – will be difficult while Saturn is still in the Sixth House as February ends. Nevertheless, you will also learn a great deal about self-control and self-discipline. Others will see the barrier, or a wall, between you and them come down in March, Virgo.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


September 23 - October 22

Ceres in Libra asks you to compromise you’re your title, reputation and appearance. Whatever you use to help you stage your act in this cycle, you need to ask yourself if your deal-making, about yourself, can actually justify the lengths you’re going to. The circumstances you face in your personal life, or in your professional life, will make it necessary to strike a bargain with others, or with the universe itself.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


October 23 - November 21

The closer the mask is to the person you actually are, the more stuck your life will be as the South Node is on a loop in your sector of title, appearance and reputation. Nevertheless, it appears that a reasonable amount of routine and ritual will be involved in building your response, or pondering your reputation, as the cycle rolls on. Progress will be unavoidably slow by the way, so don’t expect instant or easy results in your task. The South Node in the First House will present you with an epic set of chores so you can finally find closure in July 2023.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


November 22 - December 21

You’re structuring your internet world, even now. It will go up, as rather heavy restrictions went up, brick by brick – until this cycle ends in March. You have to be a realist at this time – utterly responsible for yourself and your situation. Just make sure that that your web strategy is the kind of thing you can thank later. Saturn in your Third House of internet has been a heavy wall to gaze at, but it comes down soon.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


December 22 - January 19

Saturn treats us all equally. It doesn’t matter if you’re rolling in it, or too frightened to look at your account slip. A system which will protect you, and a strategy that will defend you, is still what you’re after, this late in the cycle. It’s going to take enormous amounts of time, energy and effort to put into effect to get to the finishing line in March – but you have no choice, now. Saturn is nicknamed TINA by some astrologers; There Is No Alternative.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


January 20 - February 18

In March, your financial and property set-up changes. At least once in this forthcoming cycle, you will be put through a test. That test will prod and poke the budget and bank structure you have patiently built up in your life, to see if it’s actually fulfilling its function. If it’s all thoroughly inappropriate for you next month, you will need the best advice you can afford. If so, you will also be taught something about what to do…and what not.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


February 19 - March 20

Here’s a quick way through Jupiter in the Second House. Ask yourself if you would be making the same financial/business/property choices, and adopting the same attitudes, if you knew May was the deadline and the goal was much saved, or much made. Jupiter expands the cash, business, property, possessions, banking, tax and accounting picture for your greater good right now, Pisces. Luck’s in.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.

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