Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Jupiter in Gemini is awfully good for the web. The astrologer Ronald Harvey was also a BBC producer and writer, and his book The Spindle of Meaning (Urania Trust, London, 1996) has some great material on the cycle you are experiencing. It is about language and syntax. Criticism and codes.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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April 20 - May 20
Mercury Retrograde in your finance and property zone is all about Plan B. Mercury and Gemini rule the web and the post. Our astrology is Roman in origin and Mercury the messenger of the gods was the custodian of the old Roman ‘post office’ which was a horse-run relay system. Well, those horses now bolt backwards.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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May 21 - June 20
Today we associate your current Mars Retrograde transit with the aeroplane that takes you from Hobart to Sydney, the train that goes from the airport to your hotel, and the taxi that takes you from your hotel to your lecture. More obviously, FedEx couriers. Trains and buses. Cars and bikes. Have a Plan B through 2025.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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June 21 - July 22
Mercury Retrograde in your zone of lifestyle and daily routine is a Plan B waiting to happen. Mercury was the god of commerce. In fact, the root word ‘merc’ can be found in both words. Car boot sales are ruled by Mercury. So is any Bureaux de Change which often involves at least one person speaking a foreign language. All of this now skids around in your life.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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July 23 - August 22
This karmic Third House cycle is associated with brothers, sisters, cousins and neighbours who are like siblings, to you. Childhood or teenage best friends, next door, perhaps. This is where you learn how to speak and read. It is where you practise your English or another language. Life 18-19 years ago, revolves.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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August 23 - September 22
The way you have lived your own life and made your own decisions will dictate how you experience this new Capricorn end game cycle. Perhaps the world of children is of interest and importance. Perhaps it’s very low down on the scale – yet, you’re having a baby.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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September 23 - October 22
Mercury Retrograde in your Third House sees backwards traction with: Rumours and reports. Newspapers and magazines. Mobile and landline telephones. The post office or mailman. Contracts. Debates. Television and radio. Sign language. Speech impediments and speech therapy. Deafness. All of this belongs to this cycle. Plan B and C is very wise.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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October 23 - November 21
Mercury Retrograde is with us right around the planet. The technology behind your communication, be it Apple or Microsoft, may be the backwards story. Perhaps, the huge corporations who dominate the worldwide web. Google. Wikipedia. Amazon. Facebook. Twitter. These global issues may become personal. Have a back-up.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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November 22 - December 21
Pluto’s communication transformation? At a core level, we are talking about your eyesight. Your hearing. Your voice. I am very fond of the phrase ‘your voice, across all mediums and media’ which I sometimes use for your weekly and monthly horoscope columns. Yours is now changing, so deeply. What’s the reach?
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
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December 22 - January 19
Being understood, and understanding, are central to Third House cycles. Comprehension. Instructions. The fine print. Large print. Neptune and Saturn now in your Third House are only here until May 2025. Until then, though, dual tactics are needed for dual situations.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
January 20 - February 18
Memory on Mercury Retrograde can sometimes vary, (As our late Queen said, ‘Recollections may vary.’) This now applies to friends and groups. However, it’s an intensely personal cycle and very much depends on your own unique situation. If there are any real communication issues, though, look very deeply!
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
February 19 - March 20
Uranus is about saying no to the internet or the media. There may be an even more profound reason for ‘switching off.’ I hope you are getting a feeling for the Third House in your horoscope. It’s so important, and this is where we have Uranus in Taurus, now in transit.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.