Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Chiron reveals what everybody knows about you. What everybody can see, about your life. What is public? This is rather like the television weather forecast, after the news headlines. It’s there for you and everybody else to see. On the inside, though, you have another reality.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
April 20 - May 20
What goes on behind the scenes, away from all that is obvious, is more personal. This horoscope trend now with Chiron reveals what rings bells with you privately. It shows the second story taking place, far away from the gaze of other people. And that’s an experiment.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
May 21 - June 20
Solitude is liberating. In the privacy of this dedicated space, when the time is right, and you see your chart coming alive, you can ask yourself about specific concerns, as they arise. What or who would set you free? Freedom through, or freedom from – today?
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
June 21 - July 22
Every so often, we see astrological weather sweeping across your finances and property which is when you become who you are meant to be – if you have the willpower. You grow into yourself, if you like, but it takes self-control. When the time is right, it’s waiting.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
July 23 - August 22
Uranus in Taurus and the end of Pluto in Capricorn reveals more about who you are – and what you’re all about. These are life-changing months. On a global level this means the end of the people at the top. It also means the beginning of progress. System change. In your own field? The end of elite minority control.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
August 23 - September 22
Partnerships? This department of your life has already been such hard work, thanks to Saturn, and so full of politics, thanks to Pluto in your bedroom zone, that you have been stuck, yet…The break in the weather you have been looking for is here. And from May it’s big.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
September 23 - October 22
Home or family? At this point you will begin to see hope for the future and a glimpse of a solution or breakthrough. The person, situation, place or organisation which dominated you is over. In its place comes a sign-off compromise by December 7-8, 2024.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
October 23 - November 21
In the interests of your self-interest (and self-sufficiency) this is the time to focus on yourself and your health, fitness and mental health. How you assert yourself, how you make your moves, how you make your way in the world – for yourself, by yourself!
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
November 22 - December 21
Image is very much what the First House is about, and in this Mercury Retrograde cycle your First House of ‘myself’ is where you will experience this particular transit of rescheduling, rethinking and just – ‘re.’
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
December 22 - January 19
Financially, or with property, you may find others doing battle with you. Yet very little can stop you for long, when you have a Mars transit, as you owe it to yourself to push on. Just give it a bit more time.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
January 20 - February 18
Pluto in Aquarius is associated with the First House of your horoscope, long associated with the ram. So, on this cycle, we find new questions about how powerfully you can ‘ram’ forward. How you put your head down and also hold your head up too.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.
February 19 - March 20
This double Pisces cycle does rather raise some questions about your appearance, but also your strength, fitness and energy. That’s down to Mars in your health zone. Fast enough? Fit enough? That’s partly what this is about.
If you would like a 2025-2026 Astrology Report based on your Sun Sign, but also taking in your natal chart, you can order one here for US $100.
The report with forum access has been sold out.