Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Friday October 4th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Friday October 4.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Uranus in Taurus is rolling again. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources. Well, the revolution needs to be accepted and maybe even embraced. It’s about what you own, earn or owe. But it’s accepting unique, independent people or organisations which offers you freedom.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



April 20 - May 20

We’re in Pisces weather still for your social media, friendships, social life and the group which is central to your existence. You can’t get out of a group situation any more than Sunak or Morrison can leave their religious groups, their political parties or those friends. No wonder you keep on escaping. Holidays from reality with/about these people need a time limit.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



May 21 - June 20

Pluto in Aquarius made himself known in 2023 with foreigners and foreign countries, foreign cultures in your own country and the foreign parts of the worldwide web. He made himself further known this year with all the usual signs – obsession, for a start. This has been the case for you, he, she or they. It comes back in November. Use the breathing space to assess, now.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



June 21 - July 22

Pisces weather rolls on with Saturn and Neptune. What is it that looks like such an escape from the real world in terms of study, travel, teaching, foreigners, other cultures, publishing or your beliefs? What is it that’s truly an alternative way out? You need the escapism to counteract the heavy realities of the most limiting, restrictive situations. The trick is alternating these fairly.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



July 23 - August 22

Chiron is rolling in Aries. Maverick moves with your academic abilities, your teaching or lecturing skills, your religious, spiritual (or other) beliefs and even your potential as publisher or author – bring out your inner punk. Why? You have a fearless professor, teacher, guide or mentor. It may be a person, an organisation or a situation. You’re here to bend/break rules.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



August 23 - September 22

The situation you share with your former or current sexual, professional or platonic partner is shifting shape. The same goes for any enemies, rivals or opponents. A deal with yourself, where half the time is spent immersed in a holiday from reality, and the other half dealing with the most heavily ring-fenced situations, is wise. Try not to lean too much in either direction.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



September 23 - October 22

This Pisces transit ends next year, but until then, it is about doing your duty and working hard, doing the housework or gardening, volunteering, looking after the cat or dog and working for the man (or woman). You’re gated and barred. No wonder you need the escapism of a vacation from the real world. How you get it is up to you, but you are your own best judge.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



October 23 - November 21

Pluto is temporarily out of your Fourth House of extended family, property, town and country, household and home. You have several weeks to step back from 2023 and 2024 and figure out what just happened. It was ridiculously intense, but at least you can now say you understand the part that obsession plays in human psychology. Ongoing – use this time to figure out strategy.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



November 22 - December 21

Pluto is out of Aquarius just long enough that brothers, sisters and/or cousins can be assessed without the intensity. The soundtrack has been increasingly Beethoven – maybe Led Zeppelin – since 2023 when the first momentous event occurred. Now that there is no noise, you can take a deep breath, step back and start to ponder some rational, logical, detached decisions.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



December 22 - January 19

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces roll on. So, your way with words, images and ideas is central. You may be a cheerful Luddite, a multimedia person, internet citizen or, perhaps, in the most basic tests of your ability to be heard, read and understood – a beginner all over again. One half of you sees the escape or holiday from reality. The other half sees the bars. Divide time?

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



January 20 - February 18

A life-changing event for you and/or others in 2023 put you on a different pathway with matters of image, reputation, appearances, title, name and profile. In 2024, it developed. And right up until early September 2024, life was about extremes. Now you have time off to contemplate, meditate, assess and judge you can reach some logical decisions which will help in December.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.



February 19 - March 20

You’re in deep Capricorn weather with Ceres and Pluto retrograde. Social events will come along now which throw you and your friends together to remind you how people politics work or groups get caught up in their own episodes which directly involve you. You’ve learned a lot about how power works since 2008. You’ll sign off from this in November/December 2024.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X.

Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.


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