Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
Mars, your ruler, is in your zone of babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and Zoomers. This is also where we find the bedroom and courtship. A prolonged period of fight-or-flight is here until January. It then resumes in April-June 2025. So do pace yourself. And choose your battles.
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April 20 - May 20
Mars in Leo is in the chart zone ruling your country, hometown, house, apartment, household and family. Be careful what you begin now as it will take longer than you thought and go back and forth. This is backwards action and backward traction until January, then it repeats April-June 2025.
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May 21 - June 20
Mars Retrograde in your internet zone is best suited to a project you stop-start with, go backwards with, then repeat yourself with – April-June next year. If you are involved with a digital or media plan and assume it would be over rapidly, take another look.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
June 21 - July 22
Your money, house, apartment, business, shares, charity, valuables and so on, suggests far more pushing and rushing than usual, and of course the new concern is the power and control you have (or lack). Try to allow for delays and repetition here and reduce the heat if you can.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
July 23 - August 22
Your name, face, reputation profile, image, title and brand are now in the Mars zone for far longer than it should be. So, expect one matter to drag on until January then repeat itself April-June 2025. Given that you now understand this, you can pace yourself accordingly.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
August 23 - September 22
We have a couple of retrogrades going on at the moment. One is Mercury (Malarkey) Retrograde and the other is Mars. No wonder two areas of your life are in backward propulsion simultaneously. With the house, flat, family, household, town or country issue – allow until January 2025.
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September 23 - October 22
Friends and groups are in the action stations zone, but this needs a long-term strategy as what would normally be a quick matter, will take until January in its first phase, and April-June in its second. Chess game not rush-and-push.
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October 23 - November 21
Your career, unpaid work or academic career is drawing something you see every two years – urgency, attack and defence mechanisms and action. The only issue is Mars Retrograde. So, time this. Pace yourself until January 2025. And expect ‘Take two’ in April-June 2025 before you hit Director’s Cut.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
November 22 - December 21
Normally, travelling, tourists, export, international affairs, foreigners, foreign countries are like mother’s milk to you. But with Mars going backwards in this chart zone, and Mercury going backwards in the natal chart version of this, your Plan B and C are your friends.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
December 22 - January 19
The money, house, apartment, valuables, shares, business, charity and so on, suggests a huge need for proper pacing. Allow for reversals and stop-start. The power shift taking place now ends in February 2025.
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January 20 - February 18
Mars Retrograde in Leo is the battle in reverse. This is with your other half or the other side. What would normally be a quick thrust and parry is now a prolonged piece of fencing. So, treat it as such, with stoppages, reversals and repetition too. Make sure the core issue is worth it as it’s not over until 2025.
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.
February 19 - March 20
Your Sixth House of workload, wellbeing, daily routine, health, fitness, mental health, duty and service (from the dishwasher to the dog) is tenanted by Mars. Expect action, backwards and heat, ongoing. You need a strategy, Pisces, because this takes longer than you thought. Allow until January 2025 in the first instance.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology…
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Both are free – I put extra Tarot and astrology content there that you won’t find anywhere else.