Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Friday July 19th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Friday July 19.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

The South Node in your partnership sector rules former and current significant others, in bed anyway. You have karma to complete from 18-19 years ago, as you may owe (spiritually) or be owed. So, you are paying out or receiving until January 2025 and it takes time. This may explain the loop you’re on, or stuck circuit, with a situation.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



April 20 - May 20

Your group, or groups (plural) shows the usual Saturn waiting game as you have already been remarkably patient and found others wanted to go faster. More fool them. Will you be around to give them a second chance? Saturn and Neptune together in Pisces suggest a lot depends on who is going to exit stage left and when.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



May 21 - June 20

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your career, unpaid work and academia sector suggest a McJob, perhaps, or a side hustle which puts you firmly in a bubble of alternative reality. This is fine to bob around in, although it is mildly confusing for other people. Don’t you be confused, though. Make some firm lines in your mind

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



June 21 - July 22

You must be wondering when this endless waiting game will end with foreigners or foreign countries. Well, Saturn is out of Pisces in February 2026, which suggests you have plenty of time to twiddle your thumbs and go in for a deeper, longer judgement about certain places, spaces or faces. Not a bad thing. Why be a bull at a gate?

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



July 23 - August 22

Saturn and Neptune in your sector of sexual and financial relationships, or extended family and property ties, suggests an alternative reality or other world. A bubble. Despite this long episode of escapism, you also have to realise you can’t move with particular restrictions or waiting games. Can someone or something stand the test?

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



August 23 - September 22

When it comes to the duets and duels in your life, you were made to wait (and wait) at the very start of the year, owing to circumstances beyond your control. Then, while you were unable to do anything, others raced ahead. This no doubt still disappoints you, but you must also be wondering, from time to time, if you dodged a problem.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



September 23 - October 22

The only good thing to say about Saturn in your work, unpaid work, health, study and lifestyle zone is that it buys you time to think. It’s quite true that if it were not for the most relentless obstacles, you would have raced into something in January or February. Well, now it’s July and again, you’re stuck. Use this to test your beliefs

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



October 23 - November 21

The bedroom, courtship, children, grandchildren and the world of Generation Z has really tested you since the start of the year. It continues to test you and yet this isn’t such a bad thing. When what or who you want becomes freely available in February 2026, you have to be utterly sure that it’s all still worth it to you. Core question.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



November 22 - December 21

You have learned a really big lesson about the reality of houses, apartments, gardens, particular towns and countries, relatives and those in the household. Not a lesson you wanted, but you’re living with it at the moment. Getting real is what Saturn transits are all about. Having come this far, though, you need a solid 2024, 2025 strategy.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



December 22 - January 19

The best way to deal with Saturn transits in your internet sector is to be highly strategic, do a bit of research and maybe wake your ideas up. Assuming, guessing or speculating is not appropriate in 2024 as 2025 approaches. Find out. You are being made to wait (and wait) for the very good reason that a massive decision takes time.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



January 20 - February 18

Were you to have plunged into a particular financial, charity, business or property situation as the year began, you know very well you may be regretting it now. You have to be honest with yourself. Yet, if you still find yourself fondly speculating about what might happen, it’s as well to be a realist about your dreams as well.

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.



February 19 - March 20

Your self-promotion, reputation, image and appearance are still under a Saturn and Neptune transit in Pisces so on the one hand you have quite a welcome holiday from the real world, on a regular basis. On the other hand, you have some fairly heavy realities to live with. The real world can be like that! What about long-term goals?

Something more for Friday:

If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. And find The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X also.

It is free to sign up and I put extra Tarot content there as well as astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


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