Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?
March 21 - April 19
You are being thrown opportunities to increase your media and internet reach. Not all of them have been absolutely what you were looking for, but you should still be opportunistic enough to grab another chance, next.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
April 20 - May 20
Jupiter in Gemini is showing you that you should be, can be, must be far more optimistic about making or saving money. Sometimes things do seem to fall into place and no matter how you play this hand of cards, they’ll work, on whatever level you want – later.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
May 21 - June 20
Your preferences for a better (or different, better) look are quite comfortably accommodated by the transits at the moment. A chance discovery recently should have showed you what is possible.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
June 21 - July 22
Jupiter in Gemini is expanding the possibilities, bit by bit, with your soul, psychology or spirit. There is really no chance with Jupiter and so what you are being shown, introduced to or even (outright) offered these last few weeks is a good thing. A real thing.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
July 23 - August 22
More friends, better friends, friendship issues solved – it goes on, with Jupiter in Gemini. Not absolutely every opportunity with your social life or groups these last few weeks is going to deliver first time, but the possibilities are there.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
August 23 - September 22
If you want to do more have more and enjoy more with your success in life, don’t just glide past a very decent recent achievement. It does mean quite a lot and the potential is there for the acorn to be a 2025 oak.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
September 23 - October 22
The Jupiter in Gemini transit in your Ninth House of foreigners, foreign countries, publishing, the web and academia has been opening doors all over the place for you in recent weeks. One of them is still open. So viable.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
October 23 - November 21
Making or saving money, or gaining from property, charity, valuables or business is far easier when Jupiter transits Gemini and your Eighth House. You have until June 2025 to follow up on recent possibilities.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
November 22 - December 21
Partnerships on all levels, from marriage to professional duets, are well-starred when Jupiter goes through Gemini. Anything or anybody which does not truly lend itself to expansion, growth and a broader landscape may not last, however. Yet, there are solutions.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
December 22 - January 19
The Sixth House transit of Jupiter has already resulted in some genuine gains and possibilities – open doors – with work, unpaid work and study. There will be more to come but you may also need to circle back and follow up.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
January 20 - February 18
Jupiter in your solar Fifth House is here to help, with big solutions which benefit you, he and/or she. This may be a child or a partner. A younger generation (a Zoomer as its representative, perhaps) or a lover.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.
February 19 - March 20
The transit of Jupiter in Gemini in your Fourth House of home, hometown, homeland, real estate, family and household has been showing itself in quite obvious ways. This planet with all its expansion is here to help you.
If you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology, find me on Substack and Twitter/X. As well as The Astrology Podcast on Twitter/X.
Both are free and I put extra Tarot content there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.