Pisces weather of March 2018
If you have Pisces factors in the Twelfth House of your personal birth chart, the strange Pisces weather of March 2018 affects you.
If you have Pisces factors in the Twelfth House of your personal birth chart, the strange Pisces weather of March 2018 affects you.
The Seventh House is ruled by Libra and Venus. Venus also rules the Second House, which is about jewellery, gold and money, as well as food – all the valuable items of life.
The Sixth House is very much about daily rituals and the method and order of your regular routine.
Let’s take a closer look – this spread of cards was chosen back in December 2017 – the question was:
‘What is the most important thing each sign of the zodiac needs to know about the year 2018?’
The Fifth House of your horoscope is ruled by the Sun and the zodiac sign Leo. The Sun is a symbol of the father. Leo is a symbol of royalty.
Cancer is a sign very much associated with home. House, apartment, land, garden, home town, homeland. I often find crab shells in the water, which are reminders that Cancer carries her/his ‘home’ as part of himself or herself.
The Third House, at its core, is about being heard and read. Thus we go into areas like literacy, translation, speech impediments, deafness, public speaking, and of course vision, as one has to read, in order to translate and transmit.
Join me on Radio KKNW with host, psychic medium Kyra Oser, for true predictions and new predictions in January, out of Seattle.
The Waite-Smith deck was built on astrology. The wands suit was given to fire signs. The Pentacles suit to earth. The Cups to water. The Swords to air.
This is a whole chain of cover-ups, secrets and lies affecting the President’s children and young in-laws – and it began on 11th February 2017 and will not finish until 21st January 2019.
Tarot Single Card Secrets bring in the New Physics – and can change your life.
Margaret Hone is making her way back to internet attention as she turns up on a podcast featuring the American astrologer Chris Brennan and British academic, author and astrologer Nick Campion.
The Second House is about everything you earn, own or owe. Money, credit cards and shopping are Second House matters.
How does the Aquarius 2018 Eclipse Weather affect you – and the South Node in Aquarius too?
Learn about asteroids in astrology with Jessica Adams in a three-week London course.
The North Node and South Node are always in opposite zodiac signs but the North Node and South Node meanings are always connected.
Russell Crowe and a large number of his 2 million Twitter followers think that January 26th should no longer be Australia Day, because not all Australians – particularly the first Australians – celebrate it. So, what is the definitive Australian astrology chart?
Lucky, lucky Sagittarius cycles start in a small way from 27th January 2018. How are you affected?
Whenever you have a new Ceres cycle you end up having to ‘trade’ with other people, or just the world as a whole. Sharing can feel tough. It can be extremely emotional.
The first house is about appearances. You can be the real you, away from what you wear, and how you use your body language, and how you are profiled. But – image matters.
If you’re going to make just one Iran horoscope astrology prediction – it is this. January 30th, 31st and February 1st 2018 are D-Day.
The Full Moon over London on Tuesday 2nd January is a Supermoon. It falls in the zodiac sign of Cancer. On 31st January we also have a Supermoon. How does it affect your horoscope?
What does 2018 have in store for your love life according to your horoscope? Pisces could easily become engaged. Scorpio needs to stop working so hard. Leo has choices about children to make.
It’s that time of year again, when you can look back at all the astrology predictions you read on this website about world events. These are validated, dated forecasts – using what I’ll call psychic astrology.
Of all the signs most hit by The Capricorn Effect, on their career, it is Aries and Leo who will see the biggest changes.
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