
Astrology and the US Election

It’s an unforgettable election but if you want to ‘be the change,’ you’ll get through Mercury Retrograde chaos and out the other side.

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The Full Corn Moon in Pisces

The Full Corn Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020, triggers workload, housework, unpaid work and study issues for you. It also triggers health, wellbeing, food, drink, medical and fitness questions. How can you work the Virgo-Pisces weather in 2020? How can you best use the Virgo New Moon two weeks later?

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Apollo in Modern Astrology

Apollo is a symbol of leaders. People who are influential and frequently imitated. By zodiac sign and house, he shows you where you lead others.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Why Astrology Works

Astrology works. It predicted a 2020 virus and economic shock years ago. If you know your birth time, place and date – or even just your birthday – please use it. Could there be any more intriguing way to spend the coming days at home?

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Jupiter and Neptune in Astrology

The Jupiter Sextile Neptune 2020 patterns are about opportunity and escape. They concern your career, unpaid work or university/college degree. This is the final one for another 12 years. Jupiter and Neptune also work. in your birth chart and by transit, reshape holidays from reality for many years to come.

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Lilly and Psychic Astrology

Dreaming zodiac sign symbols for future dates – which may not be understood by astrologers for centuries – is truly psychic astrology. William Lilly, who predicted the plague and The Great Fire of London in 1666, was a master of the art. How did he do it?

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Millennials or Gen Y in Astrology

Millennials or Gen Y in astrology form radically different groups, so classifying them all as one, is a big mistake. Generation Sagittarius, Generation Capricorn, Generation Scorpio, Generation Scorpio-Capricorn and Generation Aquarius show five separate groups.

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The Ghislaine Maxwell Astrology Chart

Sun Capricorn socialite Ghislaine Maxwell also has Mercury, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. In July 2020 we have Pluto in Capricorn. What next, following her arrest by the FBI? Why does astrology show specific dates to watch as questions continue to be asked about Jeffrey Epstein and his rich and powerful friends – including Prince Andrew?

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Astrology Predictions to 2040

You will see the end of travel, immigration and globalisation as you knew it, by 2040. It happens in slow stages. Get ready for COVID-19 free bubbles with air bridges. Get ready for ‘the new tents’. Put the final week of January 2021 in your diary too. This hasn’t even started, according to the astrology.

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: The Nodes and Destiny

The North Node and South Node move backwards through the 12 signs of the zodiac. They hit the same sign every 19 years (approximately) and according to astrology, this triggers karma from 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, and so on. Right into past lives.

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Prince Andrew

Astrology – Epstein, Ghislaine and Andrew and COVID-19

Astrology predicted a crisis involving Buckingham Palace and the White House on July 2nd, back on February 4th. Ghislaine Maxwell linked to the Prince Andrew/Jeffrey Epstein enquiry was arrested by the FBI on July 2nd. Astrology also called the virus for January 10th 2020 (a year before the date the first Chinese death was announced) and it again called a virus, two days before WHO declared a pandemic. How was it done? And what’s up next?

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Stonehenge Eclipse Astrology

This eclipse on Stonehenge Summer Solstice is really important if you have a stellium (more than three factors) in your personal birth chart, in the zodiac sign of Cancer. It also holds some modern plague prediction secrets. Was it a place for Neolithic astrology?

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The Astrology Show – June 2020

Avebury is the less famous stone circle after Stonehenge, even though they are within long walking distance.

As we approach the June Solstice, when the Sun appears to stand still in the zodiac sign of Cancer, what can Avebury tell you about your horoscope?

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Full Moon Eclipse – June 5th and 6th, 2020

How will you be affected by the Full Moon Eclipse of June 5th, 6th in the sign of Sagittarius opposite the Sun in Gemini? In astrology this is also a Strawberry Moon. It’s a point of tension. It’s also a cover-up. Here’s what to do.

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