The Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Virgo!

YOUR BIRTHDAY cover 300x198 - The Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025Your forecast takes you from August 23rd, 2024, until September 21st, 2025, the last day of your sign.

Your report this year includes handpicked extracts from Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins), 2020 Vision (Penguin/Viking), Modern Astrology 2050 and 2020 Astrology.

The new book, Your Birthday (Hachette) will be published on October 15th, 2024, and contain personal information about your actual birthdate and the decan of your Virgo Sun Sign. Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.

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10 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica
    My natal Sun is Leo 29 but I always read Virgo because with my Virgo stellium usually relate to those readings. Is there any validity to that? Can you look at my chart as I’m reading very hard aspects ahead , and am trying to navigate through them… should I stand down completely during this time? Any guidance is much appreciated.
    Best to you , thank you!

    1. Don’t read Virgo, please, the solar chart system is based on the Sun Sign being placed on the cusp of the First House and nothing else. Read the Leo birthday horoscope.

  2. Hi Jessica
    I have my sun in Virgo. These last 9 years have been very transformative for me. I am a widow and last year I returned to my homeland, released two books and I am selling my belongings in the country where I was living in. As you see, I am starting again. I need to sell my home to buy a new one and I would like to find a partner.
    Thank you!

    1. You are really living your chart; not everybody does, but you have tuned into the cycles and are starting again. You will successfully buy and/or sell your home in the second half of 2025. You could do this earlier, of course, then renovate from June 2025 with stunning results by 2025, or even go through a couple of properties. Jupiter is in Cancer in your Fourth House of real estate from June next year. You want to go into a new de facto relationship or marry, which is always about the Fourth House (if you live together); the Fifth House (if children are involved); the Seventh House (equal partnership, with or without children); the Eighth House (the merger of property and/or business). You have a large Libra stellium in the Seventh House and will find that once Jupiter goes into Leo, the sextile to your Libra factors will begin to open up new opportunities for commitment. So that’s 2026, 2027 and later on, when Jupiter actually goes into Libra itself, you have 12 months of historic growth, expansion and hope for the future with a partner, so that’s 2028, 2029. This would also be a big year of hope and healing with the husband who passed to spirit.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    You are awesome! Thank you for your replies to sooo many of our comments. I do read Leo and my decan st 29 degrees was alarming but it is what it is. Already my husband is experiencing serious med issues, and he retired this year to boot, with all those ongoing consequences! I’m trying not to bite into those “powerful, controlling ” forces as you say, but it’s very difficult. My question is when the degree is close or right on transits, is that when it could affect one? Opposed to a natal chart being solid on that degree and the next sign isn’t something to consider. I so feel like a Virgo and a Leo.
    Best to you and thank you!

    1. Thank you. The transits line up at exact degrees, and that’s when events drop, or inner shifts happen. Your Sun at 29 Leo in the Fifth House is quincunx Pluto at 29 Capricorn, from September until November. So this is about how you shine at your brilliant best in the bedroom; in courtship; with a younger generation (anyone from your own child to a stepson). Pushing back against who/what dominates then makes you stronger. Pluto demands self-control and willpower and finding it empowers you forever; that is what is set to happen here.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this horoscope. I’ve had an incredibly rough year. My house flooded causing a lot of damage, had a terrible divorce after years of being separated and I lost my job earlier this year. I had taken up a job in HR after running my own company for years, and after losing this job, I have not been able to recoup my clients I left behind. To boot, I’ve been suffering from mysterious stomach/ gastric issues. I sound like a country song….lol. I haven’t been able to sell my house in another city either after almost a year and financially struggling with 2 mortgages now.

    The only bright spot is that I met a Scorpio male, 26 years older than me 3 days after my divorce was filed and he’s been taking care of me through my health issues.

    Do you see me finding a job? Or when I get new clients for my hr consulting? Any potential with this new partner? I also went through freezing my eggs last year with my ex, which I worry will become an issue though divorce is finalized.

    Any insight you can offer would be great. It feels like I’m stuck in quicksand the whole year.

    Thanks Jessica.

    1. You have really been through the wars and I am sorry to hear this. As you say, your life has been like a song straight out of The Broken Spoke in Austin, Texas. You are at least with a new Scorpio man, who cares. Looking at your Virgo chart first, nothing but total lifestyle transformation will do, and it begins in November, concluding in February (phase one) and this is both your workload and your wellbeing. This is Aquarius weather and it will pass through Virgo’s Sixth House of daily routine, service, duty, food, drink, fitness, drugs, doctors and alternative therapy. Pluto is about extreme change and it is empowering once you realise willpower is the answer. Going to your natal chart in the same time-frame, Jupiter at 3 Capricorn in your Tenth House of professional and academic success, is aspected by the True North Node at 3 Aries in December, and True South Node at 3 Libra. This is what they call a Grand Cross and it can only happen every 19 years. What happens just before Christmas is intense, rather challenging, but also extremely beneficial for you. It may be a role that you know is downright lucky even though the circumstances are a tight squeeze. The stomach/gastric issues are really your body chatting to you, about having frozen your eggs. I am sure you have figured this out. There are mixed feelings there, unconsciously, and you are getting in your own way regarding future motherhood, by generating a condition which will impede your progress. This is not your head; it’s not your feet; it’s your stomach. This is the kind of issue which requires a dream counsellor or psychic to help you drill into, but you can also DIY. This website has three useful card decks to begin. The house will sell after January 2025 when your stuck lunar node cycle in your finance and property zones, ends. And your Scorpio boyfriend is on the freedom trail in love, marked for an independent journey into 2025 when space, autonomy and liberty matter quite as much (even more) than commitment and security. So do bear that in mind in your dealings with him.

  5. Hello Jessica,
    my bday is Sept.20, 2954.
    i feel as I am hangin in and nothing goes ahead. Nothing good and nothing really bad. No action.
    Is any chance for moving things ahead??!!!

    1. You are the second reader to have a Scorpio stellium who feels stuck. Scorpio is a fixed sign, hard to budge and usually keen to hang on – and hang in – sometimes quite stubbornly. With money, houses, apartments, business and banking, heavily Scorpio people will not change, even when life suggests that they do. So the answer is with you. In your life budget as a whole, if you place a higher price on freedom, independence and space than other things (security, permanence, stability) then in October, November, you will be given a chance to pay it.

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