The Taurus Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Taurus!

Taurus 2024 300x216 - The Taurus Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Your forecast takes you from April 20th, 2024, until May 20th, 2025, the last day of your sign.

Sneak Peak: This should gladden your heart. From May 2024 to June 2025 you can make or save an absolute fortune. Jupiter goes into your Second House of personal finance, assets and property. The first glimpse is May. The new start is June. You can say no to this, but why look a gift horse in the mouth?

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11 Responses

  1. Thank you for this birthday horoscope, Jessica! I’ve been looking forward to it.
    As a Taurus Sun and a Taurus stellium in my birth chart I welcome this change. As we speak, Jupiter conjunct Uranus is conjuncting my Venus at less than a degree.
    In Taurus I also have Vesta 26°, Panacea 28°, Mercury 29°, Sun 29°.
    I am expecting a whirlwind of blessed changes as Jupiter and later on Uranus will cross over these degrees.
    As always your insight is treasured.
    Thank you!


    1. Thank you Ela. Jupiter will indeed pass over 26-29 Taurus in May, so next month will help you to take rare opportunities to expand, financially, or to pursue all that is biggest and best with charity, a house, apartment, business, purchase or sale. Jupiter at 29 Taurus will be in conjunction with Mercury and the Sun at 29 Taurus at the end of May so you will receive a lot of useful attention for your way with money, property or philanthropy if you accept the situation.

  2. Hi and thankyou Jessica for the birthday horoscope. I always look forward to reading everything.

    It will be interesting to see what unfolds over the year – I have stelliums in Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. Jupiter at 28 Gemini, Saturn at 25 Pisces.
    At the moment I am working part time, but I am also (along with my brother) trying to sort out my elderly parents interstate with their living arrangements as dad has dementia, very sad to see loved ones decline. Do you have any advice going forward? I would like to see them relocate to be closer to myself or my brother.

    1. Thank you. Your Jupiter Return is imminent in the Third House of brothers. I am sorry your father has dementia; I can understand why you want him and your mother to move nearer to you, or your brother. It will be your brother (in fact) or perhaps another sibling/cousin who is the solution to so much for you.

  3. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for this. I am. Taurus rising with Sun at 29 Capricorn. I have been stuck in an immigration situation since 2021. Can I expect any positive outcomes this year? If so, which months would be favorable? The July full moon is conjunct my Sun, and Pluto is in Cap from Sept to Nov. Thank you again.

    1. Thank you. I assume you mean you want to emigrate and are being rejected or delayed. We always start with the solar chart. That’s Queen. Rising signs are irrelevant. So you are a Capricorn whose Fourth House of home, home town and homeland is under transit by the North Node and Chiron in Aries. The North Node goes backwards and keeps us stuck in a loop or time warp. This explains why you’re not packing your bags. This is down to karma from 18-19 years ago, either with this specific country, or a different situation which still has recognisable karmic themes. This cycle stops in January 2025 and so does the loop. Further ahead, Saturn and Neptune go into Aries and your Fourth House and you will ultimately move to a home and place which is a holiday from reality, beyond 2030. In your natal chart, the Fourth House is ruled by Cancer and your IC is here at 27 degrees. If your birth time is accurate then Jupiter on your IC at 27 Cancer will give you the biggest and best chance in 12 years to expand your foundations. That’s not this year, but there are signs of possible progress in Cancer Season 2024, starting in a couple of weeks.

  4. I’m sun Taurus with stellium in Libra too. I think I’m more a Libra than a Taurus. My daughter born with sun in Leo estranged from me. I’m mentally exhausted worrying about her safety. Her birthdate is Aug 20, 2002 at 5.40 am in India. Her dream is to become a doctor. She didn’t join the program yet for reasons unknown to me. She currently lives with an older adult with questionable character. He is the father of my daughter’s friend. Attempts to connect with her has failed. Kindly give me some insight into what the future holds for my daughter. Any insights are much appreciated.

    1. I am sorry about your daughter. I understand why you are concerned about her relationship. This will be sorted out from January 2025 onwards when the South Node enters Virgo and your solar Fifth House of motherhood. A situation which unfolds in 2025, 2026 will owe a great deal to karma from 18-19 years prior; the last time the South Node was in this sign. You are owed, from that time, or you owe, spiritually. The situation will end once the South Node is out of Virgo, then end with the family as a whole when the South Node reverses into Leo, which rules your entire clan, not just your daughter. So it’s a slow process of karmic closure but it will come. You can find out more about the nodes on this website and in your flipbooks, as a Premium Member.

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