The Scorpio Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

Scorpio Shutterstock Book 300x250 - The Scorpio Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025Your forecast takes you from October 23rd, 2024, until November 21st, 2025, the last day of your sign.

Welcome to a completely different 12 months ahead. The outer planets and nodes are in the departures and arrivals lounge of your chart. I’ll look for specific information for your sign from some of my books to show you what’s in store. I’ll also give you key dates in the process.

So, let’s start with now – your birthday in 2024, or just past it.


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31 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, I have been going through a lot of changes in my life Since 2013, after my marriage ended in 2014, I’ve been navigating life on my own. It’s been a challenging journey of solitude. However, I reconnected with a guy I met in 2018, and we’ve been fostering a connection over time. He is considering moving back to Michigan, and we’ve been meeting whenever our schedules permit. I’m hopeful that our relationship will flourish, especially as he settles in Michigan and I focus on the business I started. I believe that building this relationship and pursuing my career will significantly enhance my mental well-being. On a joyful note, I have two beautiful granddaughters, with another joining our family in April. Their presence brings me so much happiness. I would appreciate any advice you can offer, as it would mean a lot to me during this time of transition.
    My Sun is in Scorpio at 22°, my Moon is in Aquarius at 1°, and Mercury is in Scorpio at 21°. Venus is at 5° Scorpio, while Jupiter is at 24° Libra. Uranus is at 7° Libra, and Mars is at 7° Aquarius. Neptune is at 28° Scorpio, and Pluto is at 26° Virgo. Chiron is at 2° Aries, and my Ascendant is at 16° Ceres is it 6° in Aquarius.

    1. The end of your marriage shows in your solar and natal chart. Neptune in Pisces has been in your Fifth House, ruling the bedroom, courtship, children and grandchildren, for many years. That’s based on your Scorpio horoscope. Your Leo factors at 9 through 21 degrees in your natal chart are also in the Fifth House and have been under transit. You are wondering about a new relationship in Michigan once the man you want, makes the move. A long-distance relationship offers you space, freedom and independence because of the lack of steady intimacy and commitment. This is typical of the other transit affecting you; Uranus in your solar Seventh House. Again it is echoed in your natal chart with your Libra Seventh House patterns. The key to him and any other man is financial and vested in property, ahead. You may want to invent a new way to share that bears no resemblance at all to your old marriage, or indeed anybody else’s marriage or de facto relationship. Keeping life free, flexible and open from 2025 onwards is wise. It may be that you have to come up with something quite unique, unprecedented and unconventional with this man, or in fact, any other possible lover, in the future. It can feel quite exhilarating and liberating to approach both the bedroom and. your bank account in this way. It’s hard to say more without his chart, but in general, 2025 is the beginning of a very, very different kind of life in terms of finances, real-estate and intimacy. The baby due in April has karmic importance for you and this karmic debt or credit owes a lot to life as it was 18-19 years prior, and in fact, 18-19 years before that. You might say the child’s arrival and the shift with your own child (now a parent) is part of the closure and completion, spiritually. Sometimes the questions people ask are not actually the most important things in the chart. You are a Scorpio with huge stelliums in Scorpio and Aquarius. The latter is central to your life for the next 20 years, as you are here to supply a group, feeding the electricity into the circle so it can generate pure people power. This has been hinted at in 2023, 2024 but it will not be until November-February that you realise how much your life is going to transform.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this fabulous birthday overview.

    I’m wondering if this is the year I become ‘unstuck’ with career and relationships. I left a long term relationship 10 years ago, and also moved to a new city. Since then I have struggled to find a new relationship and I have felt completely stuck in this area -am I just better off on my own or is this just a timing issue and if so, what would be a good time to try again?

    I work out a home office remotely and wonder if the 4th house change referenced above also means a change in work? I’ve considered relocating overseas if Trump wins the election but If I do, I could not continue my current role.

    Last question – I have to have surgery on one of my eyes for an on-going issue and am wondering what time periods would be best to schedule the surgery.

    Thanks again for all your incredible insight!

    1. Thank you. And Happy Birthday, ahead. You are a Sun Scorpio woman with stelliums in Scorpio, Aquarius and Virgo. Scorpio rules your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships (classically, renting an apartment with a partner). Aquarius rules friendship and community within a group, where sex and money tend to get in the way. So you are two different women in one body. It sounds as if you have been playing the Aquarius side and not the Scorpio side. You may have approach life more as a friend, or group/team player, because the alternative was so difficult. Since 2018 Uranus in Taurus has slowly but surely opposed every one of your Scorpio factors, blocking you and stopping you. This transit ends in 2025. The next 20 years is still about groups and friends, but in a more intense way, as you may feel you are in a relationship with a team, club, society, association rather than one other human being. You are never immersed in these circles; you are outside them, but integral to them. It’s rather like being Yoko Ono sitting in a chair outside The Beatles’ circle in the studio. Without her, nothing, but she was never actually in the band. You will see how powerful a group can be in November-February. A work change is very likely in 2025 as the node leaves and two outer planets enter, your sector of career – see the notes in your forecast. You will not have to move on account of Donald. He is part of the Pluto in Capricorn downward spiral of male power and from Nero to Henry VIII we know how that ends. Your surgery is best scheduled away from Mercury Retrograde, if only because of other people’s complicated lives, so if you can squeeze it in quickly this week or next week, so much the better. Otherwise you may prefer to wait until everything and everybody is back to normal from January 2025. Have a look at The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle and use them together, for more personalised timing on this.

  3. Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for Scorpio birthday highlights.
    I am sun Scorpio with Stellium in Scorpio and libra. I have been in a stuck situation with finances for the past couple of years. You have my birth chart. I don’t understand all the transit and facters as I am new to this. Can you please check when my difficult period going to end?
    Thank you so much.

    1. Your birth chart has two houses relevant to money. Taurus rules the Second House, which is your own income. Scorpio rules the Eighth House, which is joint income. You have a stellium at 2 through 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House, which has been opposed by Uranus in Taurus since 2018. It ends next year.

  4. I recently received a $201,000 grant to support my small business, which provides care to seniors. I’m curious if this signals that my business is headed in the right direction for growth. Additionally, I’ve been in an on-and-off situationship with him since 2018. He was born on January 1, 1971, at 10 PM in Peshawar, Pakistan. He is a US citizen and moved to Dubai from New York around 2004. I’m wondering about the potential for long-term commitment from him.

    1. Congratulations. Fortuna at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and Salacia at 26 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, were just triggered by Uranus at 26 Taurus in your Second House of personal income. The on-and-off relationship with him ends in 2025 when from May-December that year he realises how lucky he is to have found you (assuming there is no other tempting woman we don’t know about). He will have to make up his mind about commitment with you by mid 2026 and hopefully will realise what a good wicket he’s on. Best cycle for a de facto relationship or marriage for him in 12 years.

  5. Thanks for the birthday horoscope! I see a lot of similarities with other questions, but let me know what you might see with me. I’ve been divorced since 2018, no real relationships since then but I’d like to have one a lot. I’ve had an on-again, off-again, relationship with a Libra man since 2018, but it’s been off all of 2024. My career is ok, but I think I’d like a little more. Will 2025 finally bring a breakthrough with a relationship and maybe a career boost? And a break with some of these financial issues as well? Thank you.

    1. It’s a pleasure. You are a Sun Scorpio woman with a Libra and Scorpio stellium. You also have Capricorn and Sagittarius stelliums. Your career shifts from 19th November and again from 7th December when Pluto and Ceres leave Capricorn and your Tenth House of professional life. The New Moon as 2024 ends is a new beginning and there is a prolonged reshuffle in rights, roles and responsibilities in your work space or chosen field. You can get in the gaps. In fact 2025 is an end to the politics you have seen for years now. The erratic nature of your love life ends in 2025 and from 2026 there is no more stop-start or sudden changes. On the plus side you have been given freedom and independence. Nothing and nobody to tie you down. What is happening long-term is the gradual loosening of the soil beneath your feet as when you were married you had pretty deeply held ideas about what should happen, how things should be, what marriage was and the rest. This is going to change quite radically from this point forwards, way past 2030 and the ultimate deal with a house, apartment and man in future will be the last thing you expected. It will involve an independent arrangement which you both invent to suit you and will be unlike anything you have ever experienced. You will see the first hints from the middle of next year, but this period of flux is really the breaking up of old patterns, habits, attitudes, expectations.

  6. Thank you for the detailed birthday horoscope Jessica. I would be grateful if you would let me know what you see in my chart in terms of my career, finances and house? Thank you so much.

    1. Any Sun Scorpio woman always wants to know about finance and property. The second half of November until the second half of February shows the decision you will have to make about the house or apartment so that you feel in control of it. This is a transformation, not just another change, and the key is using your willpower to have real power in the situation. You can save or make money in a hugely fulfilling way at the same time, either directly connected to the rent/purchase/sale/investment or to a separate matter which you know will deliver. This is the case until May. May is the month that you will also be shown a different way to work. It may involve two jobs or just two tasks or projects in the same job. One will be real world. The other will be a total escape from the real world. The choice is there for you.

  7. Hi Jessica, I’m a little apprehensive reading about Uranus’s impending transit in Gemini.

    My husband (Gemini sun and Gemini, Sagittarius & Aquarius stelliums) and I were hoping to permanently emigrate to Europe from our home base in North America in 2029 or 2030. With Uranus opposing Sagittarius matters such as international emigration – and given both his and my Sagittarius stelliums would we have to wait until after Uranus leaves Gemini to start our emigration process? We might be too old by then to make the move!

    On a related note, would Uranus in Gemini oppose obtaining a Masters degree (a Sagittarius matter)?

    Many thanks for your continued generous guidance.

    1. Emigration, globalisation, multiculturalism and illegal migration, as trends, will be blocked and stopped during the long years that Uranus in Gemini is in opposition to the outer planet and inner planet placements of billions, in Sagittarius. That much is true. It’s the reversal of the years when Pluto was in Sagittarius (the 2000’s up until 2008 in particular) when everybody was travelling or moving, all the time, everywhere. Blocked and stopped does not mean impossible. Given your chart, I think you’ll just have to work around. It really depends where you and your husband have in mind. You have the North Node at 15 Gemini and South Node at 15 Sagittarius, so Uranus going to 15 Gemini will trigger your past life, which was probably spent in academia (you are doing that now) and at the very least, in the world of books, languages and exploration. If you are curious about that, do pick up your free copy of Modern Astrology 2050 this month which goes into the nodes and reincarnation. Sagittarius in your chart rules universities and colleges, as well as emigration, natch. I have to be honest with you, it will be a zig-zag journey to navigate from mid 2025 for many years into the future, but a little bit of common sense research, homework and scenario-anticipation will help a lot. Just be aware that governments in certain countries will change mid-stream and so will the travel industry.

  8. Hi Jessica

    In case you didn’t know… your incredibly spot-on readings mean the world to me and I believe they are, for the rest of us reading your readings every week and every year. Please continue to enlighten us, bringing us the comfort, hope, and joy that we need, especially when life brings us crazy uncertainties.

    I am single and 53 this year. After leaving a job I was unhappy with back last year, I decided to take a break to care for my health during which I was infected with hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately, the break took longer than it should as none of my job applications have been successful since. My mom is always elated with the fact that I’m home and now have more time for her as well as for myself and my health.

    You can imagine the jaw-drop-mouth-open moment when I read the birthday horoscope you have prepared for us, Scorpions in the 12 months ahead, stating that we can expect an ending which would turn into a beginning, for example, as I retire to take better care of my health.

    It looks like a fantastic year for us, Scorpions. I would like you to help me look into my personal chart, Jessica, and share with me if I should find a way to return to work eventually. Should I start a small business? I live in Singapore and I have a small apartment in Thailand, that I am trying to market for sale. Will I be able to see the sale transaction going through soon? How will my social life, finances, stock trading returns be, in 2025?

    Thank you so much for your guidance!

    1. Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say. You are retiring on health grounds and are back home with your mother – which sounds like a classic Scorpio transit story to me. You are in Singapore with her and are selling your apartment in Thailand. You also have a huge stellium in Sagittarius, the sign which rules foreigners and foreign countries, academia, the worldwide web and publishing. You may in fact return to study – or teach. The lifestyle you eventually choose to lead from the second half of 2025, for years into the future, suggests a complete escape from what most people would call regular work. I am not a betting woman, but I would wager you would be very tempted by part-time or full-time university/college study.

  9. Hi Jessica, you’re right again. I have in fact already started on a 2.5 years part time study that I haven’t had a chance to complete when I was younger and started working then.

    If I am blessed to be able to lead a lifestyle that I could escape from what others would call it the regular work, can I assume my finances, stocks trading returns, and especially my property matters in Thailand will be resolved in 2025?

    My main concern is the overseas property in Thailand that I am using my savings now instead of my salary income like in the past, to finance. Is my personal chart aligned with a smooth property sale transaction in 2025?

    Thank you so much again! Much appreciate your enlightening as always!

    1. Thank you for confirming you are studying. It will continue. You want to sell the property. Can you wait until June 2025 and later, when Jupiter is in Cancer in your Fourth House? If not, I suggest you use the Tarot on this website to look for a suitable time.

  10. Hi Jessica-

    Thank you for all of your analysis during what has been a roller coaster year. Next year looks to be full of changes and i could use your insight especially on family matters and work changes.

    Thank you!

    1. As a Scorpio with a Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing, you have the same story told twice in your solar and natal chart. In your solar chart in 2025, Chiron in Aries is met with Saturn and Neptune, also in Aries, from May onwards. In your natal chart, we find the South Node going into Virgo for the first time in 19 years, also in the Sixth House. So there are two bumps you register. January puts you into a situation which thematically you recognise from 18-19 years prior, in terms of your job, any unpaid work or study. Health, mental health and fitness stories from that period also resurface – thematically and karmically. The more life repeats, the more you change on the inside in 2025. As a strongly Virgo person you are at your best when you have the tiny details of daily life covered. From the contents of your grocery bags, to the dog (say) to your bathroom lotions and potions, to bed time rituals. Work is terribly important and if you have a fulfilling job, course or unpaid role, you will do it to the absolute hilt, building your craft, skill and talent over many years – you know how to serve. All of this is very much on your mind in January when you realise that you cannot serve others unless you serve yourself. So your attention will be taken back, throughout the year, to your body. Is it a Rolls Royce or is it a Malvern Star bicycle that needs repair? This becomes even more important in May when Saturn and Neptune change signs. From that point on, you will need a dual approach to your lifestyle, workload and wellbeing. One half of you will be offered total escapism; a holiday from reality; a departure from terra firma. The other half of you will be shown the walls, fences and gates. Sometimes you see both outcomes because you win a role which has nothing to do with the real world, but it also comes with quite heavy restrictions. This cycle runs to 26.

  11. Jessica, not sure where to ask this question. Reading my Birth 24-25, i see where it says my job will change or end possibly due to health. I have a medium who told me a year and half ago that my job would come to an end in January. She did not completely know why as she could not see me in another. I thought that was January 2024. I have stage 4 Sarcoidosis among other issues. I have dreams that have come true in the past. I dreamt last night in color of all my passed relatives and my husband telling me to get my things in order because I’m going to die. I then dreamt I went to my doctor who told me the same thing. I’m dealing with Blue Cross Blue Shield who my employer just switched insurance too, denying my medicines that I have taken for years. Some of my doctors left this year and have been replaced by inexperienced Nurse Practitioners who have no idea of my complex issues.
    Does our birth chart show us our life expectancy? With is in America dealing with Trump and really his VP Trump who I believe is the devil behind the scenes it scares me that this could happen to me without my medicines.

    1. Death does not show in an astrology chart. Your lungs do show up as part of a huge Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of doctors, hospitals, self-care and self-cure. You have dreamed your husband told you that you were going to die. That is a personal matter for you and I can’t comment. What I can tell you, is that Virgo stellium women are about to go through the South Node in Virgo, from January 2025. Your health and wellbeing, mental wellness and physical fitness for duty, is now down to tiny details on a daily basis. This is the tea bag in your mug and the half-hour on a walk (even with lung issues). The tiny, tiny things are Virgo. Virgo also rules your work ethic, unpaid work (good causes, volunteering, caring for others), feeding the pets, any paid job, any study – it’s all labour and chores. Housework is Virgo. It is extremely important that you look at your employer and employment as a whole, with a microscope. You need to do the classic Virgo stellium thing, which is to be ruthlessly honest about how you actually feel, deep down, about what you ‘should’ be doing, and ‘must’ do and ‘have to’ do. Virgo is habitual and often unthinking. What you cleave to may not be necessary or desirable at all. So step well back and look at all of this. Your lungs. Your concern with death. Your health insurance. Your job and tasks. If you need to use your intuition to find out the truth (and some suggestions) use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle on my website. The South Node in Virgo from January 2025 is the time to start. It may run pretty deep, but depth is required.

  12. Jessica, I wanted to share with you as we talk about Pluto. Clyde Tombaugh that discovered Pluto was born in my home town in Illinois. When I was young my mother showed us his childhood home. He went to the same country school in Heenenville just a few miles outside of our town of Streator that my mother went. It was a one room school house about the size of a shed. Our home town has always done things slow and backwards.

    1. That’s amazing. Clyde was part of a power and control story (typical of Pluto) that dominated its discovery and naming. I love that your town does things ‘slow and backwards’ which Pluto also does. He was certainly slow and backwards in Capricorn, but he’s gone now. So let’s see.

  13. Hi Jessica, I’m amazed reading the questions from “mime” above.

    I too was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism back in 2023. And I too have gone back to grad school – although mine is paused for now due to health issues.

    I have a huge Sagittarius stellium too. And a few factors in both Virgo and Aries, our sixth house planets.

    Sun sign astrology works.

    1. Thank you. Yes, Sun Sign astrology is always Queen for me. It comes first and then the natal chart falls in with it. Your Virgo stellium and Sixth House focus shows up in both your solar and natal charts so it’s most important.

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Pluto in the fourth house – okay. I bought a new home, a condo, in August 2023,, not knowing the whole soap opera here with the Home Owner Association and the very toxic president who harasses me constantly since day 1, and we re having an election mid May to try to replace him and get some new people in charge. Many owners want me to replace him. He is very insecure, dishonest and threatened by me. Any advice?


    1. Jupiter (solutions) goes into Cancer (your home) from June 2025 to June 2026 which is the best cycle in 12 years for residential priorities, be it a condo or a castle. Your timing will be right, or theirs will be.

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