The Sagittarius Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

image from rawpixel id 2847702 png 300x300 - The Sagittarius Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025Your forecast takes you from November 22nd, 2024, until December 21st, 2025, the last day of your sign.

Welcome to a completely different 12 months ahead. The outer planets and nodes are in the departures and arrivals lounge of your chart. I’ll look for specific information for your sign from some of my books to show you what’s in store. I’ll also give you key dates in the process.


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14 Responses

  1. Thanks Jessica for Sagittarius 2024-2025! I hope from 2025 things will be better. Since 2008 it’s not been great on career/financial/property area specially if I look back on everything that happened to me. Uranus also didn’t help much. Will I change career? Still seems to me that Pluto in Capricorn is still resisting to leave “me”. Lot’s of changes to come up until April 2025 if I still be working were I am. Thanks!

    1. You are a Sagittarian Sun with a huge Sagittarius stellium. Your challenge over the next few years is foreigners and foreign countries. foreign cultures and languages. Uranus will be in opposition. You will often win, as Neptune and Saturn are trine. So it’s a long and winding road with other nationalities and countries. I don’t know if you are a migrant or travel a lot, but the rule of thumb with a lot of oppositions like this, is to do less of the Sagittarius in your chart and more of the other signs. (Just for a low stakes life). You can read more about your Sagittarius stellium in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to download from here in November.

  2. Thank you so much Jessica for the 2024/2025 Sagittarius bday article and the detail /info you provide.
    There is alot to absorb and ponder.
    I’m looking forward to the easing of certain aspects that affected life the last few years and provided a bit of a roller coaster ride.
    I keep seeing the date 7th December in many of your recent articles and I take a deep breath as it will be my birthday and I wonder “what now!”
    Whilst I have not been in “paid work” for quite awhile I have been spending time with my 2 young granddaughters. Today I have been approached regarding some temporary employment, which I will gratefully take. I’m hoping it is something that may extend longer into next year. I am wondering how I can balance work with wanting to spend time with another grandbaby due early February

    1. Thank you. The 7th December date is the end of Ceres in Capricorn. This is the real end of the people politics surrounding career for everybody, as Pluto was the end of the power players and Ceres is the sign-off around two weeks later. Expect to see sackings, resignations, arrests, retirement, replacement and everything else. It has nothing to do with your chart. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with an Aquarius stellium so were always drawn to teams, clubs and friends as a child or teenager. This was early training for what is to come next as you will find that it is a circle of allies or network of like-minded people which gives you a powerful new part to play. You don’t say if this is the nature of the job or not. Perhaps it is. In any case by February 2025 you will have been shown just how much of a booster it is, to give a community of people what they need from you. In turn, you realise your own power. This may be online or in the real world.

  3. hi Jessica,

    if one is owed from 19 years ago, does that mean the karma closes off in 2025 or are we creating karma for 20 years from now? in 2005 I bought my parents a home but then I also moved in with someone who paid the rent but wasn’t easy. I imagine when 2025 is through I will see very clearly how the chips fall. do you foresee overseas travel will be very difficult? it is a big way I interact with my birth family. I felt terrible through Covid lock downs when I couldn’t travel to them. so much of what you have written has relevance – marriage, parents, siblings, travel, work and I do hope the shifts are liberating and empowering! thank you so much Jessica!

    1. Only you know if you are owed, or if you owe, from life as it was 18-19 years ago, as the North Node and South Node move on. If life, or other people, did you down – then there might be quite an obvious ‘settlement’ as events turn in your favour and balance is achieved. If, on the other hand, you obviously have a karmic debt to repay, you’ll see that played out. You bought your parents a home, so presumably you are owed. Regarding overseas travel – from mid 2025 for many years into the future, Uranus (shocking and radical, sudden and revolutionary change) is in opposition to the Sagittarius (foreign tourism, emigration) factors of billions of people. So the old days of going where you want, when you want, as you wish will be over, past 2030. We don’t know why yet.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I have Ceres at 0• and I have my MC, Moon, Saturn and Cupido all in Aquarius ♒️ in the 11th House. I also have my north node in cancer which I believe I’m owed for an old family karmic dynamic 19 years ago with a sibling ! Based on the wisdom you’ve shared it sounds like I’m getting some big hits. Any key tidbit you could share about this? I so value your knowledge and wisdom. ❤️
    I signed up for the yearly horoscope with forum which I will attend in November 2025 (for Sagittarius) I’m already excited for that even though it’s a year away! 🙂 Thank you.

    1. I’m pleased you have your 2025-2026 report and access to the forum as well. Some of what I am writing about here I’ll come back to you with you, later on. You’re an Aquarius stellium person with your Moon there too so you mother your friends and look after the people in your group/s. All this is about to become a powerful asset as Pluto transits Aquarius and your Eleventh House, as you can see. If your birth time is right then your MC or Midheaven suggests supplying a group of allies in their pursuit of people power is actually your highest achievement. Certainly Saturn there makes it all quite weighty and serious. Cupido also suggests it’s where the passion is and of course crushes on friends, or friends’ crushes on you, also occurs at regular intervals. What is very new is the ‘thump’ of Pluto, Venus and Ceres in Aquarius on 7th December and whatever ensembles are gathering around you are life-changing. They would contain male, female, black, white, old, young faces and represent something that will grow slowly in importance over a 20 year period. The principle of tolerance, space and mutual respect powering goals that would be impossible if not for collective commitment.

  5. Hello Jessica, thank you for our birthday forecast, you are right, Pluto in Capricorn was a wild ride for me, so many major shake-ups in work and property and many do-overs and starting again. After several years of trying to sell our home in the city and move to a neighbouring town to provide my little boy with a better school and life, we have finally found our dream home and have accepted an offer on our house. Do you see this proving fruitful. I have noted Dec 7th is a major sign-off for Sagittarius, this is the day before my birthday and I’m hoping we see some progress and good news. Thank you for your guidance, your forecasts have helped guide me through this year in particular.

    1. Congratulations on the offer on your house and the discovery of a dream home. You are a Sun Sagittarius with stelliums in Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorn. The most important transit now is the end of Pluto in Capricorn, followed by Ceres in Capricorn, so many years of having your work place and profession dominated by a small handful of people manipulating the system and misusing their power, you are about to see the past fall away to be replaced by a completely different atmosphere in 2025, not to mention the actual departure of the players in your field.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    Hope all is well and happy holidays! Thank you for the Bday horoscope – I am a Sag – 1st decan, with a heavy stellium in Sag, Cap, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra – so it seems all will be relevant next year. I wanted to ask you in terms of Saturn’s transit through Aries – I understand that it is connected with restrictions and also Uranus in Gemini with revolutionary relationships. Since Saturn will be a trine from Aries to Sag placements, would that mean that restrictions would be beneficial, or it can be interpreted that after Saturn moves on, the restrictions will result in something beneficial? Trying to understand how a potential romantic relationship could be formed and sustained through that period. I am also a single parent so I guess this could reflect that the relationship could have restrictions on the relationship with my daughter. You advised me earlier that there in late May, early June (due to the trine Jupiter will make to my Moon in Aquarius and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra) the relationship will form, and now I am a bit worried. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Merry Christmas. You are a single parent, wondering about your love life in 2025. We always start with the solar chart, which is Queen. You are a Sagittarian woman who has the biggest and best opportunities for sexual partnership in 12 years, evident now and continuing until June 2025. After that, years of revolution with your partner, or partners plural, is in store until 2033. This is the long revolution that liberates you from rather confined situations and restrictive set-ups. A complete break with old patterns is possible and you would feel gloriously free as a result. What does your natal chart say? Well, you have a stellium in Libra which rather agrees. It’s in the Seventh House of sexual partnership, marriage, separation and divorce. I am wondering about your daughter’s father here. You don’t mention him but it is likely you will reach a new understanding with him; a new agreement. The trines from Uranus in Gemini to your Libra placements suggest the last thing you expected in your love life is the first thing that will happen, repeatedly, by 2033.

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