The Libra Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Libra!

YOUR BIRTHDAY cover 300x198 - The Libra Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025Your forecast takes you from September 23rd, 2024, until October 22nd, 2025, the last day of your sign.

Your report this year includes handpicked extracts from Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins), 2020 Vision (Penguin/Viking), Modern Astrology 2050 and 2020 Astrology.

The new book, Your Birthday (Hachette), will be published on October 15th, 2024, and contain personal information about your actual birthdate and the decan of your Virgo Sun Sign.

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth. You can pre-order it here.

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44 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica, on a past blog you mentioned about my chart having a Libra Stellium. Regarding that; should I take into consideration some of the information here?
    Thank you so much

    1. No. This is a solar chart for Sun Sign Libra people and it won’t apply to your stellium. If you are curious about your Libra stellium have a look at the South Node in Libra (on Search) and the nodes in general, as this is triggering your chart until January 2025 with your former or current partner – usually personal, sometimes professional.

  2. Jessica, thank you for the Birthday Horoscope! As a Libra but Leo rising I tend to find my rising sign more applicaple. Which birthday horoscope takes more stock? Thank you. 9/27/77 2:37am Bellflower,CA

    1. I don’t work with rising signs or ascendants when working with solar charts. What you’re talking about there is popular confusion between a natal chart and Sun Sign chart, by some people who use an Equal House system.

  3. Hi Jessica
    Thank you so much for the birthday horoscope, over the past few years I have found so much of your content relevant to what is going on in my life.
    I am currently moving into semi retirement and have been looking at the possibility of buying a beach house as a second home where I can enjoy a more active lifestyle when I’m not working. My relationship of 45 years is difficult so it would also give me a break from that situation without ending it permanently.
    I am quite anxious about endings and beginnings – any advice please?

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Libra woman with a Libra stellium in the Seventh House of partnership so don’t rock the boat in order to keep sailing along. Thus the choice to buy a second home to relieve you from a difficult relationship. This seems rather fated as in November and December you sign off from a relentless situation at home. In fact the end of 2024 will seem like the first genuinely fresh start in a long time. Actually in 2025 itself, an unpredictable existence with your joint finances stops. So does a rather long-running issue about work, but also unpaid work (like housework). So you are meeting your horoscope halfway and your timing is right. Next year really is the sea change, however you play it. For more specific and personal angles about the beach house, develop a relationship of trust with your own intuition by getting to know the Tarot on this website and do tap it for a reading.

  4. Hi Jessica and thanks for the yearly libra horoscope. I understand that this is a general solar libra horoscope. So my question is, When is my apartment going to be sold i have been stuck for 1 yer now, and felling so sad and wonder what can i do, just want to move on. I have a stellium in scorpio, virgo and sagittarius. Or where should i find the answer in my horoscope.
    Thanks for all answer

    1. Not selling your apartment after 12 months is a Scorpio/Taurus issue and in fact you have a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of finance and property. Scorpio is a fixed sign and so hard to shift, especially on price. However you are also in a cycle when you have to put a price tag on freedom and perhaps pay it. Reducing the price of your apartment may be a classic example of that, which you have resisted. The overall situation ends in stages; November, December then 2025 itself as you find three cycles all finish in turn, all of which have affected this stuck situation with the agent and the sale. So it may be that you receive an offer and take it then. However the choice is yours and as this is your life budget and nobody else’s, use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle and follow the steps.

  5. Hi Jessica, I had been waiting for this all weekend and have read it multiple times since it was posted. I want to thank you for such a detailed birthday horoscope. I am awaiting the arrival of your new book, which I had pre-ordered when you announced it, what a great birthday gift for myself! As I am reading this horoscope, I do know of some things/events that may pertain to some of the 2025 events. I am wondering if you could take a look at my chart and give me additional insight of what is to come. Some additional info about myself. I am not in a relationship and have no children. I am looking forward to learning more.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Libra woman with a Scorpio and Taurus stellium. The unpredictable financial situation ends in 2025. You have a crossroads decision to make this October, November about your bank account, house and/or apartment. Try to keep your finances flexible so you can zig-zag when life also zig-zags around you. You are unlikely to stay single beyond 2025 as you will be given the choice to be with someone, possibly as a stepmother too.

  6. Hi jessica. Thank you for this great birthday horoscope. i wanted to know if moving to another state possible in 2025 and also whats in store relationship wise for the new birthday year. Thank you.

    1. You will move interstate and even overseas from 2025 and by 2030 may even have moved twice. A new relationship is on offer to you at any point from the second half of next year.

  7. I too have also been eagerly awaiting this one in time for my birthday, it’s both educational and fun to read. I have a general idea of what’s going on the financial and health side of things, But somewhat puzzled with the rest as like N I’m not in a relationship and have no children. Never felt very comfortable around them either. So if you have time for an additional insight on what the transits in Aries and Aquarius could mean with regards to my own chart, I will appreciate it very much. Thank you for all you do!

    1. The funniest thing about being an astrologer is that you predict the future (the next 20 years) and people say it hasn’t happened yet and doesn’t make any sense. You will be offered a relationship, quite possibly with stepchildren, or just a relationship – with children or young adults coming into your world, for other reasons. This hasn’t started yet. Pluto in your Fifth House in Aquarius is yet to really settle in (that happens from November) and as for Saturn and Neptune in Aries, that’s almost halfway through next year.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    My birthday is coming up, 17th October and I’m wondering what is in store for me in the next few years, it’s been a journey that’s lead to nowhere!
    Thank you,

    1. You’re On The Road To Nowhere, to misquote Talking Heads? It is unusual to find a Sun Libra woman who has not found her pathway to power since 2008. You have been offered this through the evolution of a son or daughter, niece or nephew, godchild and so on. Their empowerment has become yours. You have also been offered this through a specific house, apartment or block of land; it may have dramatically increased in value, for example. When people say they have been on a fruitless journey it is usually because they have not tried to pursue what was on offer, for years. So, a powerful daughter (say) was not cultivated or a home which should have been cultivated (the garden) adding to its value, never was. No time for regrets; the Pluto cycle ends in November. Its new position in Aquarius suggests it’s time to look at a younger generation out there and what it can bring you – and what you can give back.

  9. Thanks so much Jessica. Are there dates in the next year that are best for releasing new business services and digital products? I’m keen to grow my online business with a global market. Thank you.

    1. Jupiter is always the best bet for any launch, as he has been ‘best and greatest’ in the sky for over 2000 years and is one of the few planets to be appreciated in India and Southeast Asia as much as he is in the West. Jupiter is in Gemini in your zone of foreigners and foreign countries, as you know, as he transits your Ninth House of export, globalisation and multiculturalism. This is current into 2025 so in a way, the slow building (now) is just as important as any actual release dates. In your birth chart, your Ninth House, ruled by Sagittarius, is about exactly the same thing and you were born with a stellium here. Any Aries-Gemini patterns will help you, so Jupiter sextile Chiron on October 12th, 2024, at 21º Gemini 19′ (first pass), November 2nd, 2024, at 20º Gemini 23′ (second pass), [and on May 18th, 2025, at 25º Gemini 03′ (final pass)]. Pay particular attention to language translation, though.

    1. Happy Birthday for 7th October. The Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius stelliums in your natal chart are triggered in 2025. Virgo rules your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing, together. This has to be your priority next year as the South Node enters Virgo in January 2025 and you find yourself asked to come up with a way of looking after others (paid work, unpaid work) but also looking after yourself (your health) that is quite new. So, for example, it may be hiring a cleaner at home, but also selling your work in a side hustle – and you may switch health insurers at the same time. The Libra stellium suggests a completely new direction with partners (personal or professional) in the second half of 2025 as you look for escapism, not reality. This may lead to choosing someone who is not a realistic choice on any level, or just choosing to be single and daydreaming about lovers instead. Within an existing partnership you may live in a bubble from the second half of 2025 so it becomes a rather unreal existence. The Scorpio stellium is about your finances and property and 2025 brings the end of an unpredictable existence here, in relation to others. This has principally been about legacies, partnership finance, partnership owned or rented property or family agreements about money – the endless u-turns you have seen since 2018 will stop next year. Finally, it is foreign people and places which suggest the greatest changes, for the longest period of time, and you are very likely to spend more time overseas or even consider emigrating, from 2025 – for many years into the future. You may also bring a foreign nationality or culture more closely into your life, right there in your home town.

  10. i was born in the 3rd decan llibra-October 23rd, 29 degrees….Will this change the astrology outlook since my solar chart shows the planets are in different houses than other libras? For example Pluto will be moving into my 4th house/Aquarius.

    1. The houses of your solar chart do not change with the decans. What the decans do alter, is specific information about transiting aspects to your Sun. With the Sun at 29 Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels, you are well-known for being at your brilliant best as one half of a dynamic duo; but also being prepared to fight for what is fair. This is now being triggered as transiting Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn (Pluto square Sun) until November. What will be squeezed out of you with your other half, or the other side, is a great show of Libran ‘balancing’ as you are here to make the scales sit.

  11. Hey Jessica
    Great Birthday read again. I’d like to move interstate next year. What are my chances of that happening? I’m currently single and have been for a long time. Any relationship on the horizon?
    Thank you for your all you do

    1. Thank you Juanita. You are a Sun Libra woman with a large Libra stellium in your Seventh House of partnership. You will have the biggest and best opportunity in many years, to get married, when Jupiter goes through Libra in the year 2028. You can and will date before then, of course. You would like to move interstate but could easily move overseas, actually. If so, you would pack your bags for another country between now and the end of the 2020’s.

  12. Hi there Jessica, thank you for the post. It resonates with my experiences leading back to 2008. A lot of obstacles have shown up since then. I am a Libra with a Libra and Capricorn stelliums. The past year has been even more challenging with a husband with health issues and difficulties with two kids. Looking for anything that might indicate that things are going to move in a better direction. Cheers!

    1. You’ll make the most important decisions about the children in November, December, January, February having ended the issues about your husband in November, December. Understanding how the controls are to be managed and on what basis, perhaps even chatting to a lawyer, is wise. November-February is about transformation; no other word for it. However, it has been a long time coming and once there has been a lot of talking on all sides, a new deal can be struck for 2025.

  13. HI Jessica,

    I help you are well..You have been extremely generous answering my questions in the past , so I am not offended if you don’t reply. You gave me hope when things were starting to get dark.

    After being unemployed for two years, I stated a job June 24, 2024, and I am grateful for being handed such a terrific opportunity. Things seem to be going well. It’s been challenging, busy and I”ve learned a lot. I’m pretty much own boss. I am happy almost all of the time, and have very few complaints,

    I have this nagging felling that something is about to change. I can’t explain it. I’m not sure I’m going to be at this job all that long, even though I have no intention of leaving.

    This feeling doesn’t portend something negative. It might have something to do with money or my living situation. I’m often right when these feeilngs arise (I’ve been accused of being partly psychic.) Or maybe now that my job is settled my mind is filling the void with the thoughts of “what’s next?”

    Again, thank you for all your positive thoughts in the past.


    1. Thanks Chris. I am glad astrology helped. You feel anxious you will lose your job. You are a Sun Libra man with a Virgo stellium. If anything, you will be promoted, score a big hit or switch to a superior role, between the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026. Jupiter (expansion) goes into Cancer and your solar Tenth House (success) halfway through next year. In your natal chart, Jupiter (growth) is sextile (flowing with) Virgo factors (work) in your Sixth House (employment) in the same time-frame.

  14. Hi Jessica, my birthday is on 1st October. Can you tell me whether I will be in a relationship/ marriage and are there any opportunities for progress in my job or should I look at other jobs? Thanks.

    1. Shanta, marriage is shown by Libra and the Seventh House. You have a stellium of five factors in Libra and will be given the biggest and best opportunity in many years, to become engaged, when Jupiter is in Libra in the year 2028. That’s your natal chart. In your solar chart, in the year 2028, Neptune is a holiday from reality in the Seventh House. A vacation from ‘regular’ and an insulated bubble, with this potential fiancee. You will also see the biggest and best opportunity for promotion; a new career; professional recognition – from the second half of 2025 into the first half of 2026. Again, this shows in your natal and solar chart together. Jupiter in your solar Tenth House and Jupiter sextile factors in Virgo in your natal Sixth House. Can’t go wrong (unless you perversely turn away from an opportunity).

  15. Hi Jessica, I love this, thank you for all you do.
    As I write this, my birthday is in two days (3rd) and would love it if you could be so kind as to let me know what my chart shows for me over the next couple of years please. Life has been hard since 2008, marriage broke up in 2010 and it pretty much has taken all this time to make peace with what happened. I have a beautiful grown daughter, who I am super close with, and I have my power back, my independence and freedom.
    I also started a new job early this year which I love and I will be self publishing my first novel next year (which I started in 2014 lol). Everything you have said above finally makes me think now is my time.
    I have also remained pretty much single since my marriage ended also, apart from a couple of non serious flings, so not sure what my charts says about that department either?
    Can’t wait till your book comes out, not long now 🙂
    Thanks again, Vicki

    1. Thank you Vicki. Well done on succeeding after the end of your marriage – and your novel too. You want to remarry. You are a Libran woman with enough Leo and Libra in your chart to show the opportunity for a new commitment, when Jupiter goes into Leo from 2026, and then into Libra from 2028. This is proper engagement and a wedding territory; either moving on with a man you end up with currently, or finding somebody completely new who fits the bill, further on in time. Jupiter always brings opportunities, solutions, breakthroughs, improvements and win-win outcomes and he is blessing your Fifth House and Seventh House, ahead. At the same time in your solar chart, your Fifth House and Seventh House are fully occupied with slow, life-changing cycles, so you are indeed up for a second marriage, if you want it.

  16. This was such an incredibly helpful post.
    I just celebrated my birthday on Sept 30th. Any advice for me based on my chart?

    1. Happy Birthday. Your Gemini stellium is your friend until the middle of 2025 with Jupiter in Gemini. Take full advantage of new offers and options with commuting and domestic travel, no matter if this is Uber or air miles. The local area and regional travel is also opening up for you; if you haven’t checked what has changed since you last ventured across the map, check again. It would be to your total advantage. The relationship with a brother, sister and/or cousin is already improving and will benefit you further by 2025. You are also well ahead with digital and if you have not already snapped up far superior options to connect and communicate, see what is waiting for you.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for the birthday horoscope! Could you please share some thoughts on Germany, Libra since the reunification (3 Oct 1990)?

    I’d highly appreciate if you could take a look at my chart. I’m currently applying for a new job and only learned on Monday I won’t get the job after the final application round which upsets and frustrates my tremendously.

    Thank you Jessica

    1. Germany has many, many charts. The current move to have men take over female identity, rights and space is a good clue as to which chart works. I’ll take a closer look another time. I am very sorry that you didn’t get the job after having gone through so many rounds. That’s very upsetting for you. Let’s see what is going on. First up, you are a Sun Libra and have Saturn (restrictions, barriers, obstacles) in Pisces in your Sixth House of work and employment, for the first time in 29 years. This stops next year. You also have Neptune (escaping from reality) also in Pisces, also in the Sixth House. In your natal chart, we find Saturn transiting at 14 Pisces, in opposition to your natal Apollo at 14 Virgo. Again this can only happen every 29 years. So none of this is surprising but fortunately this ends in 2025. This doesn’t mean you can’t apply for other roles before then and get them; it just means the ring-fenced, confining situation surrounding work, may be here for a little while longer. As Saturn shows up in both charts, it’s worth knowing that this ancient symbol of entrapment is partly to do with the astronomical qualities of the planet (heavy bands, rings of what appear to be steel in some photographs) and partly to do with the Roman myth of the incarcerated Saturn, who breaks free, only to be hemmed in by a curse. He’s heavy. He is associated with lead. It can feel very heavy to go through a Saturn transit, which is what you are doing. Looking at your life long-term, you will be thrilled at the biggest and best professional or academic opportunities in 12 years which begin in May, June 2025 and carry you into the middle of 2026. By then you will realise what you have is far superior to this current option. Very long term, you are destined to work with foreigners, for a foreign company, or even emigrate.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    Have been a paid subscriber and trusting your forecasts for a long time. Thank you for all the kind work you do.

    I had a very rough time in marital relationship between 19-Aug to 29-Aug this year. We are still together (she is a Gemini sun if it matters), trying to figure out what just happened.

    We were trying to have a kid in since last year, but problems started on 6-June, and have been downhill since then. Do you thing I have any chances for marital bliss and expanding our family in 2025?

    I wonder if this is related to South node transit Libra. Since this started in June, I also sometimes wonder if it was due to Cancer transits at that time and the subsequent Mars transit in Cancer.

    I am truly at the edge, this has been the hardest relationship phase in my entire life. Please help.

    1. Thank you very much. Your wife is a Gemini and you are in trouble. You also want a child. You are a Sun Capricorn man with a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of sex and money. You are going through the most unpredictable cycle of your life, for the bedroom – but also for parenthood. Everything happens out of the blue, nothing is what you expected and there are no guarantees. This has been the case for you since 2018. It ends in 2025. This can and does get better, in terms of life being smoother and easier. This is true in your birth chart and solar chart as well. Issues about freedom, space and independence will take over for you and/or her throughout the rest of this year and into the first half of next year, before you get a break. Uranus in Taurus is your whole answer. It is transiting your solar Fifth House of intimate relationships and fatherhood. It is also ending a long, slow opposition to your Scorpio factors. I am sure you know scorpions can be potentially lethal when they mate! They can eat each other or sting each other. The old astrologers had a sense of humour. You are slowly coming to the end of this cycle. Your Gemini wife is also slowly coming to the end of a couple of cycles which have kept her stuck all this time. One is Pluto in Capricorn in her solar Eighth House (same thing) which finishes in December, with a sign-off deal thanks to Ceres. The other is karma around the issue of motherhood, which ends in January 2025. So there is not long to go now. For whatever reason, 2025 will look and feel completely different.

  19. Hi jessica,
    As you predict pluto in capricon is ‘repotting’ (menace) my home and house.
    Today October 7th is my birthday, can you tell me anything and everything for my chart.

    1. Happy Birthday. You will successfully renovate or move in the second half of 2025 with good results by the first half of 2026. You may add a granny flat to your dwelling, for example, or have the garden landscaped, increasing the value of your home. You may purchase an apartment in a place you adore. You are strongly Cancerian and the future looks good. You may acquire a property portfolio through the person you marry or otherwise commit to. You share a bigger choice of places to live in. Jupiter is going into Cancer; it is always expansion of what home means to you. You may also go back to your homeland and home town and find that this particular journey ticks all the right boxes.

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