The Capricorn Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025

Happy Birthday Capricorn!

image from rawpixel id 14212460 jpeg scaled e1733634422493 300x221 - The Capricorn Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025Your forecast takes you from December 22nd, 2024, until January 19th, 2026, the last day of your sign.

Welcome to a completely different 12 months ahead. The outer planets and nodes are in the departures and arrivals lounge of your chart. I’ll look for specific information for your sign from some of my books to show you what’s in store. I’ll also give you key dates in the process.

Your birthday forecast here uses the Sun Sign House system (Solar Sign) as well as your natal chart, or birth chart, which uses the Natural House system. Where it’s helpful, I will also quote from my book with handpicked extracts from Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins), 2020 Vision (Penguin/Viking), Modern Astrology 2050 and 2020 Astrology.

On Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, Lunar New Year begins, Capricorn, allowing a day either side for New York to catch up with Tokyo. This is also your own new year. In fact, from the New Moon in Capricorn after Boxing Day 2024, until the Lunar New Year unfolds in Asia, you are genuinely likely to feel as if you can be reborn. Different profile. Different clothes, perhaps, or hair.

The biggest trends in 2025-2026 involve your work and wellbeing ruled by Gemini. Your home and family, ruled by Aries – especially with siblings. And, as you likely know, your finances.

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12 Responses

  1. Happy birthday to all the Capricorns out there ! Jessica such a needed report! I am so grateful for seeing your beautiful work!I am suffering from anxiety and with the help of psychotherapy, friends, yoga and astrology I am trying to embrace the (super) stressed aspects of my character. I am working in a corporate organisation and my stress has increased ever since! There is a huge trauma which me and my Scorpio sister also carries! Is there any indication in my chart which signifies stress release ? I have been alone for many years and I have so much love and creativity to share! I would like your insight and to say a huge thank you for all the precious material on your podcast and site !! Namaste

    1. Merry Christmas. Anxiety is usually Virgo and the Sixth House. You have Ceres and Diana in Virgo. Ceres asks you to share the workload and the control in your career, on your course or at home with the housework. This is lifelong. Your anxiety may have been passed on by a parent regarding this, or your childhood and adolescence involved major issues about who or what had the upper hand with (say) the chores. Your sister may have been involved with this. Whatever job you end up with, or course you end up studying, or voluntary role you accept, will always bring deal-making, sharing, negotiation and quite a lot of emotion regarding the same. Accepting you have to live with highs and lows here can help as there is no ‘perfect’ and compromise is lifelong. Corporations have stress built into their structures anyway and here you are with Ceres in Virgo. Allowing for having it all/having to give it away in terms of power can be a relief as you realise it’s all seasonal – it changes with the weather. The emotions need to be handled and meditation will be good for that, as you are not your feelings. Diana in Virgo is also full of clues about your workload. You need to be free and independent here. I am beginning to wonder if you would not suit part-time work, hybrid work or job-sharing actually. Diana is feminist, staunchly autonomous and fiercely resistant of being hemmed in. Really have a look at your work practices and research the best way to make the wheels go round as I would bet a lot of anxiety stems from your job/jobs. It’s even the same with housework. Virgo rules the washing and laundry as well as the kitchen cupboards. You do actually need freedom there. Diana rejected motherhood and marriage as her own mother had such a hellish life. Your chart suggests you need to look at your mother, never mind your sister and figure out patterns picked up from her, or patterns you developed, as a result of her mothering. You will have an opportunity in love when Jupiter goes through your solar Seventh House, mid 2025 to mid 2026. It’s a good one.

  2. It’s a pity that you didn’t reply to me. I renew my subscription particularly expecting your reply. I’m just so desperate to have guidance.

    1. I’m not sure you understand how my website works, but I will quickly explain. I have 17,626 comments in the queue today. They are usually questions from readers. I answer one screen at a time, when I can, so can only ever reply to about 15 people. A subscription does not guarantee a personal reply and that is why I offer the three card decks and flipbooks on my website, which I use myself. The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and the Smith-Waite Tarot. I don’t know what your question was as it is lost in the 17,626 comments. However looking at your chart now, I can see you are a Capricorn with a Capricorn and Virgo stellium. Your entire life is work. Paid work or unpaid work. Perhaps, academia. You are in the best possible position in 12 years to have a big hit, be promoted or gain a prestigious new role, by June 2025. In fact you have already been given 1 or 2 sensational opportunities since last year which I hope you took. From July 2025 you will be offered new freedom and independence via work, as a result of a radically different lifestyle which gives you far more room to move.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Very interesting post and so informative. Looks like 2025 is a year of change! I was in a toxic relationship that started 2018 and ended 2023 which i believe it was Karmic in nature and much lessons learned from it. i met someone new back in Sept 2024 (a pisces) but its a long distance relationship as he works abroad im not sure yet where will this go but im hoping he will be the one after many years in being in bad relationships any insights on this? also on the job situation i also lost my job of 20 years back in Jan 2023 and until now no luck in finding a new one although im looking extensively, your feedback and insights are always appreciated and valuable to me.

    Thank you so much.


    1. Thank you Reham. You are a Capricorn with a Capricorn and Libra stellium. Yes, this man may well marry you or live with you. If not him, another will show up. The timing on this is June and July 2025, the big turning point. In both your solar and natal chart you are in a fantastic position for an engagement, wedding or signing two names on a lease, mortgage or just living in two homes. So even if this Pisces is not the long-term prospect you want, this will take you to another. Hopefully it’s him so you don’t have to keep looking. (Though on this cycle, love can also find you. You can be sitting next to a new man on a plane and it will find you). You are done with the most intense career cycle of your life. You left it in November, December last year. Don’t expect this year to repeat 2023, 2024 because that was Pluto in Capricorn and it’s history. If you are not already using Astrology Delivery for work, try it next. I hope you used the Capricorn cycles from last year into this year to get the new title, business card and relaunch you wanted. If you didn’t, you can still try A.D. for work during Gemini Season, so use May and June, if you don’t already have a job by then. As a member of this site you can pick up a free Astrology Delivery calendar next.

  4. Happy new year Jessica! I am a Capricorn with a Capricorn stellium, Virgo stellium, and Pisces stellium. It seems like a year of many changes. I’m currently at a cross-roads professionally and I’m hoping to receive a few professional awards in 2025. These accolades will give me more flexibility and range in terms of job offers. Having that will ultimately help me to say goodbye a professional situation that isn’t working out perfectly. My goal is to leave with strong professional and financial momentum so that I can build a future with my partner. I’m worried that this may not happen since it seems like changes with my image still isn’t over: I have Mars in Aries in my first house. Will you share some guidance about my image and career the next year or two? Any would really help. Thank you!!!

    1. Happy Lunar New Year. Your Tenth House, ruled by Capricorn, shows your ambition, position and mission. You have a stellium there at 0 through 20 Capricorn. You are also a Sun Capricorn. Take every opportunity by June that you can. You will need to be proactive and put in a bit of effort but it could repay you extremely well, with the offer, hit, solution or promotion in May, June, July. From July 2025 for many years into the future, sudden events out of the blue will affect your career and give you more freedom and independence to be your own person and do your own thing. You will wake up in 2030 realising you are doing the last thing you ever expected to find yourself doing, many years ago. Your rebranding, new title and new look will be part of this and it will start to take shape in May.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are well.
    I’m a Capricorn (23.12.1980) with a Cancer, Capricorn and Libra Stellium.
    I’ve been in a two year relationship with an Aquarius male, who’s going through his own personal journey, particularly now with Pluto firmly placed in his sign. I love him dearly but we have had a tumultuous relationship over the last 24 months, which has been characterised by a break up (mid last year) which we were able to resurrect and find a pathway forward. Whilst there has been many positive times since reconciling, recently, had a relationship set back which we are trying to repair. As described in your horoscope (despite being an Aquarius) he is The King of Cups : detached and elusive where much rests with him. When he is hurt he retreats and it’s very difficult to communicate with him. Obviously this hurts me very much. We care and love for each other, that much is certain but I do find it difficult to navigate the periods where he is non-responsive, which I’m currently experiencing.
    I would like some insight or guidance as to whether you feel things might reconcile between us and stabilise.
    Is there anything in my chart that may pivot the scale so there is some more fairness and balance in our relationship.
    He is born 24.01.74.
    Thank you x

    1. Your Aquarian male is now chiefly concerned with fatherhood. Yes, no or maybe. That explains why life with him has been so fractured. You broke up and got back together. Now you are a step back again. You do not say if either of you has children, or wants them, or if you can have them – but this is central to him in 2025 and beyond. It is also very important to your own future and destiny has a way of putting your own motherhood (again – yes, no or maybe) first, far beyond any partnership or erratic sexual relationship. Everything will cleave towards your own honest choice about babies, adoption or step-parenting. Part of the reason for this is your node in Leo, the sign associated with being ‘queen to a younger court.’ One way or another you have to do this, as a godmother, aunt, as a teacher, mentor or professional involved with a younger generation. Most obviously, as a mother, too. I know you find it hard to communicate with this man but you do both need to have a conversation about parenting and it has to be honest. The first conversation should be with yourself, of course. Something that may help is a four-way reading on my website. The Modern I Ching has now launched here together with The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Tarot and that’s four angles on your question. Work your way through it for guidance; it can be very useful.

  6. Happiest new year Jessica really enjoyed reading this one thank you. I have a Cap, Aqua and Sag stelliums and also Aries Rising. Its so true what you said about values as I got let go from my work at the end of October and I’ve taken a few months off to figure out if working for myself would be the thing to do but am sort’ve still ‘blank’ on what’s next. Also my apartment has gone up in value and I’m considering putting it on the market for sale. Would love and appreciate any insight/guidance you can share with me for this year based off my chart,

    Many thanks in advance and wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
    Stay blessed✨

    1. Thank you Mehtab. Congratulations on sticking to your values after losing your job. Your apartment has gone up in value and you may sell. You are a Sun Capricorn with an Aquarius stellium. So quite separate to work and money – are friends and groups. This is where the power is in 2025 and beyond. Empowering friends and circles, collectives, bands, clubs, teams and so on are around you. The rest is up to you. It will take willpower to achieve this but real clout and influence is there if you try. Your apartment is the priority between now and the final week of May when you can sign off from your decisions. Take every opportunity to put yourself into a new paid work, or hybrid unpaid work/study position, by June. From July this year it looks as though you have a radically different lifestyle and daily routine which will set you free.

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