Plath, Hughes, Astrology and Tarot
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
Your forecast takes you from June 21st, 2024, until July 22nd, 2025, the last day of your sign.
Your report this year includes handpicked extracts from Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins), 2020 Vision (Penguin/Viking), Modern Astrology 2050 and 2020 Astrology.
The new book, Your Birthday (Hachette), will be published on October 15th, 2024, and contain personal information about your actual birthdate and the decan of your Cancer Sun Sign. Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.
You can pre-order it here.
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Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
Canada in psychic astrology with a 1982 natal chart and some Tarot cards which show why Mexico and America are in a highly-charged future.
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28 Responses
Thank you Jessica!
This is very interesting- I’ve been waiting for your write up!
I am looking to move forward in many areas of my life, looking for a new job and life partner. I’m also looking to be more financially stable and ideally moving in to a bigger home. I’m hoping my sister also finds more stability in her life and life partner , she is Scorpio sun sag moon(Nov 1, 1970
I do hope life stabilizes for me there has been lots of ups and downs in my career and family life. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an amazing career soon and future that’s less stressful than the past 10 years.
Any other insights you can share with me would be appreciated.
Thank you. Your sister is not on track for stability as she is in the freedom and independence cycle, as a Sun Scorpio woman. Radical change is more like it, but she will gain autonomy and feel liberated, once the dust has settled in 2026. You want to marry and find a new job. You are a Sun Cancer woman with a huge Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of work. Your timing is right in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 when both your solar and natal chart show the luckiest timing with a new lifestyle, different workload and chance to show what you can do. The toughest cycle for marriage, dating and relating in 248 years ends in November, then from December you will realise just how much has changed, as you find out more about an ex, or hear more about a potential new date. From 2025 the coast is clear for a completely different kind of relationship, without all the politics.
Thank you so much for this, Jessica. I so appreciate my subscription and try to use these blogs to guide me in the right direction. Around the Millenium, I had a new house, new baby and a different husband. We were financially on the upswing and pretty comfortable in that respect. Then around 2007 it all crumbled. I ended up losing everything financially (he was the main breadwinner). I ended up meeting someone else eventually and marrying again with a very different financial reality. Now we are in a nice place and he (22/08/73)is working hard(as he always has) to give us some financial footing. I am currently trying to figure out what to do at this stage of my life to have a career of some kind and make some money since we both lost so much thru the last few years and for me, that is extremely important to feeling a sense of security. I feel I have a lot to offer any employer and have talents in many areas. I also wanted to tell you that at one point I was doing astrology delivery and ended up moving to the exact place I asked for. That was pretty great and I also asked for my life to be a certain way and it looks as if it is possible that it may move in that direction. Thanks again for all you provide!
The best is yet to come actually as you are strongly Cancer-Virgo and Jupiter goes into Cancer in the second half of next year and first half of 2026. Your focus is career but your horoscope is telling you it’s also about the house, land, apartment, garden – and very much your town and country. Rewards wait. You will also pick up the kind of work that suits your lifestyle, as Jupiter is sextile your Virgo and Sixth House placements in that time-frame as well as sweeping your Fourth House of property, household, family, town and country. The three card decks on my website can tell you the rest in a more personal way. I am glad Astrology Delivery was successful and you moved to the exact place you asked for. You will be able to do that again, or stay put but have terrific home improvements.
Thanks Jessica – birthday month has begun! With a milestone birthday coming up for me I’m very much looking forward to the next adventure ahead; for this next year I keep seeing shared finances and duels and duets come up, will this be more professional or personal for me? Also I am traveling back “home” to Australia for the first time since 2018 (due to pandemic and babies). It’s been 19 years since I left and traveled to my now home in the USA, is this to do with the nodes and karma? Will it be a good trip?
You are a ‘split’ Cancer, as your Sun is there, and stelliums are in water (emotion) Cancer, Scorpio but also cerebral air – Gemini, Aquarius. Cancer rules home, home town and homeland so when you use your head to make the move, you can’t really account for feelings, which are quite irrational. Now you are going back. You will complete karma with America and Australia in January 2025. This goes directly back to your departure 19 years before. The sense of closure will be strong. You will in fact choose your best possible house, land, apartment, garden – in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026. You could naturally move before then but you would be tempted by a superior option later on. What’s new about moving back is the group you join or rejoin; this may be purely friendship or a more formal network like a team, club or society. It is powerful and empowering. Again, it will be January, February that you see this.
Omg. Thank you so much! Such a sense of peace upon reading your response.
Hey Jessica,
I love reading info on your website x
I feel like my whole life has fallen apart in every area and I am so worried about what the rest of this year holds as it appears from your report like it may not really turn a corner until next year….I have been suffering for a while now and don’t know how much more I can endure! Have I interpreted your information correctly?
I am sorry you are having such a hard time. You’ve not read the forecast correctly, no. You are a Sun Cancer, who has stelliums in Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius. The first obvious issue that improves is partnership, or any conflict situation. The other person, or the other side, is your focus for the rest of this year, then you sign off from this intense concentration on the most complicated situation, in December. Soon after this you close the book on 2023, 2024 in January 2025 when you realise ‘That was then, this is now.’ In fact you will never again have such a relentless cycle, involving partners or people against you. This shows in your solar and natal chart. Looking further ahead you will be delighted with opportunities to move, renovate or redecorate in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026, as Jupiter transits Cancer and your Fourth House, at the same time that you have empowering Pluto in your sector of property and finance, at the same time. This may be through a partner or family member, for example. You can also make life easier for yourself by pulling back the emphasis on foreigners and foreign countries; as a Sagittarius stellium person you are always drawn to them, but with so many difficult transits in your solar Ninth House in 2024, 2025 you might actually find life is a lot easier if you minimise what you pursue there.
Thank you so much Jessica….. I had a feeling I wasn’t taking in the whole picture, but when times are tough I guess you only think and see the negatives and it’s harder to feel optimistic about the future, although you still carry hope!
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it 🙂
Hi Jessica
I’m concerned about financial stability in my life.
I’m a single divorced woman working as a freelancer in 2 companies but I’m not earning much.
I’m living with my father and he pays for the household.
I’m considering adopting a girl child but that decision also depends on my financial situation.
I don’t go for holidays because I consider even a small one will cost me.
Uranus is about to reach 26 Taurus and I have that factor- should I be hopeful?
How do you see my future financially? I’m hoping you’ll say wealthy and when 🙂
Best Wishes and Thank you
We’ll start with your Sun Sign or solar chart. You are a Sun Cancer going through Pluto in Aquarius in your Second House of income. This hasn’t happened for 248 years. It is time to recognise that if you want the extra power and control that is on offer, you must use an awful lot of willpower to get it. This is even more important in December, January and February. Your Dad pays for everything at home as you are single, divorced and work two jobs. No wonder you are using your willpower. He holds the purse strings and you cannot afford to do anything that would affect that. Going to your natal chart, Chiron at 26 Taurus sits there with Cancer and Scorpio stelliums. Uranus going over 26 Taurus, on and off, will produce a shock, as it always does. The shock will set you free, to see what you can get away with. You are quite naturally a risk-taker with money, property, charity, business, valuables and this rare transit will suddenly galvanise you into action, to see how far you can stretch the rules to breaking point. The most important transit is Jupiter in Cancer from June 2025 until June 2026, which will give you opportunities to make so much more of a house or apartment; to make so much more of a family or household. This will also be trine your Scorpio stellium so a legacy naming you; a legacy you leave to others; a sexual and financial relationship – gets a huge boost.
Hi Jess,
Thank you for your words. I am looking forward to my Jupiter return. I have a whopping great stellium in cancer so I guess I can triple the messages above. My husband (Sag) and I got together in 2008 and we have had ups and downs but are fairly solid. We have two small boys (Aries and Sag) so I am a very watery soul surrounded by a whole lot of fire. We bought a new house in Jan 2022 which I adore but need further renovations and it’s difficult to keep up with the expenses as they are these days.
I definitely feel like the past few years, after a difficult Saturn return, I have retreated into my shell to avoid dealing with anymore drama but I know this is not a long term solution. Do you think I can use the Jupiter transit for a “come back” of sorts?
You should be very happy with Jupiter going across the second decan of Cancer (10 to 19 degrees) next year. It begins in July 2025. Jupiter will bring all his expansion, growth and improvement to your home, any other property investments, vacation accommodation, your joint finances and property with your husband and boys, your own family’s legacy to you (and yours to them) and the money you make or save under your own steam. Transiting Jupiter conjunctions are rare and terrific; you will also have Jupiter sextile your Taurus factors and trine your Scorpio factors as he goes across the second decan of Cancer.
Hi Jessica! I’m not sure if my comment of a week ago went through… I’ve had an interesting 12 months. I’ve made the big decision of relocating last year and finally settled in a good place. My job became permanent and now I feel like I am in a good time in my life to buy a home and/or invest. In fact, I feel a very strong pull in me in that direction – invest for retirement and financial independence. Do you think the next 12 months will be a good time for me to buy property? I am insecure about making this big step and if it is aligned with my life path though the pull is strong. I also want to start a side business in writing/publishing but getting it started has been difficult. Do you think it is a right time for me to do this in the next 12 months or should i continue to postpone it? My love life and friendships continue to be minimal and finding like minded people that turn out to be long-lasting friendships has been very difficult. I wonder why can’t i manifest long-lasting relationships? This makes me wonder if I should move back closer to my family overseas since I haven’t been able to create a partnership and community here, though I feel things are opening up for me now. Thank you for any insights!
Thank you. There are over 16,000 comments today so it’s possible yours is on another page (I only answer one screen at a time). You want to buy property by 2025 and run a side business in publishing. You also want permanent relationships and wonder if you should ’emigrate back’ to where you came from. Taking this apart, you are a Sun Cancer woman, first and foremost. A stuck situation with home, family, home town, homeland, real-estate and property ends next January 2025. At the moment you are stuck on a loop. The big financial decisions come in January and February 2025. The side business in publishing is far less complicated later on – from 2025 to 2039. So 2024 is too soon, but next year a lot more is possible. It’s the same with a husband. Your chances are far higher once 2024 is out of the way. In your natal chart it’s the same story. You have stelliums in Cancer and Leo. You are waiting for Jupiter to go into Cancer, second half of 2025, first half of 2026 when you will finally settle in the right home in the right place for good. The opportunity to have a child or become a stepmother will appear in the last half of 2026 and first half of 2027 as Jupiter moves into Leo and triggers your Leo stellium.
Hi Jessica,
As always I look forward to all your blogs! I try to interpret and go through my chart with a comb. You are so very helpful! From what I’m reading it sounds like a lot of changes happening for Cancers next year. Can you tell me more about what a Gemini, Cancer, Virgo
Stellium means?
Thank you. You live in your Third House, Fourth House and Sixth House for most of the time. When you open the door to your Third House you find a photograph of your brother, sister or cousin. This person had the biggest impact on you growing up and may still profoundly affect how you feel about life. In the Third House you also find your computer, the radio, the television, perhaps a microphone. It’s how you connect and communicate and it is second nature to you, to want to be the message centre. We also find your bicycle, bus pass, car keys, flight tickets or yacht keys here. You also live in your Fourth House. Open the door and you find videos or old film of your extended family circle and photographs of your ancestors. We find a family tree on paper. We also find your lease or mortgage documents, or any property portfolio. Here too we find a map of your home town and homeland, or one you have adopted. Go into the Sixth House, ruled by Virgo, and you find your medication and also your fridge and pantry, full of what has to be handpicked in some detail by you, for you. This is also where we find your work (taken home with you on your phone) or on the computer. It is where we find the bathroom, first and foremost, which is a kind of nerve centre for you. Dogs and cats can be here too. Virgo rules small animals. So this is also where you live. You rotate between all three, and can find them so rewarding but also so challenging, depending on the transits you have. You will love the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 when Jupiter moves into Cancer and your Fourth House. You should absolutely be taking full advantage of Jupiter in your Third House now, through June 2025 – visibly on the internet.
Hi Jessica
I work remotely from home in New Delhi, India.
Remote work is great for me to do and when the work patterns are on-site or hybrid work I can’t seem to do it getting exhausted in a couple of days with the work pattern.
I’m in a duel with my father with whom I live and am single, divorced.
I’ve now started considering the possibility of moving to Mumbai.
Do you think for me to move to Mumbai it would be a better idea to apply for jobs in foreign countries for some time and work there because salaries are much higher than India and with the currency conversion rate I will either be able to rent or buy an apartment in Mumbai after a few years.
I’m very challenged when it comes to working on-site or hybrid jobs but can do remote work well from home. Jobs abroad will only be on-site or hybrid so how do I overcome this?
Right now I can’t afford rent or buying in Mumbai.
What do you foresee happening for me and what do you advise to overcome this limitation?
Thank you so much.
You have Vulcano at 28 Capricorn and are a Sun Cancer person. Vulcano is a symbol of self-control, grace under pressure, the power of self-discipline and the upper hand, in the face of challenge. In Capricorn, in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia, you were born with the ability to manage your own feelings and triumph as a result. This ability is now being triggered by transiting Uranus at 28 Taurus and from September to November, a close trine from Pluto at 29 Capricorn, out by just one degree. You are in the right time and place to apply for all kinds of work as 2024 draws to a close. The situation with your father is karmic and ends in January 2025. It dates back 18-19 years ago, either with him or another family member/partner. Moving will be easier to think about next year, for the same reason. You also lose the current waiting game and obstacle course with foreigners and foreign countries from the Saturn in Pisces cycle, which finishes next year. 2025 will be a lot easier than 2024 but you will win respect for your ability to manage.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for this gift. It’s so specific and detailed. I’m excited for the new year and so appreciate you sharing this with everyone. . Your articles are fantastic and bring me joy.
Question, you mentioned that “projects, plans & people take you away from the old professional world” and that spiked my interest. My husband and I were looking into purchasing a Bistro (different line of work than we are in). The sellers are now looking at not selling, but having someone else manage it. Do you see this opportunity coming back in May?
If you are able, any insights you can share will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, Lyra
Thank you. You and your husband want to buy a bistro. This is definitely tied to your Aquarius cycle, so the decision will be made from December until February. Look at the paperwork and fine print with your husband and the sellers and also their suppliers, staff, contractors and the local authorities. Why? Pluto is here and he is always about power and control questions. Having a professional look over this is something you’d do anyway but pay particular attention to the reins and how they are shared or held, with the business. You say the sellers are not selling now, but it may be that they change their minds. If not you may find another bistro (or other financial and business option) appears, December-February. Your ultimate career from 2025 will certainly be an escape from the real world and perhaps a French restaurant in a place that is very far from Paris, is a good example of that.
Hi Jessica
Do you see any possibility at all that I will be relocating?
This has been going on since the past two years- first I sold all my jewellery to buy a home in another location very seriously but then gave up the idea, now I’m applying for jobs abroad very seriously but many times feel I should just stay where I am and not take up the job even if I get selected!
This is too confusing.
Request some insight. Thank you
You have a Cancer stellium in the Fourth House of property, home town and homeland and will have an irresistible opportunity to find exactly the right place to commit to, in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026, as Jupiter passes through Cancer. You may in fact decide to stay where you are in the end because the house or apartment is so tempting.
Hi Jessica. I decided to read the Cancer birthday horoscope again today, trying to find out what I could do to improve my situation. Things are not going well at all for my family and me. We are in a financial rut, unable to pay bills, banks reversing payments because we do not have enough money to cover them, and supporting unemployed children. The report shows that things may improve by December 2024 or early 2025. While it might be encouraging to hear this, it is not enough for me to think positively about why we are going through this period that seems unending. Monies due to us are not being paid, and there are delays or no responses to our requests for payment. When will it end? What do you foresee happening in the immediate future?
I am really sorry you have this financial pressure. You’re not being paid on time by other people and so the bank is reversing your payments. There will indeed be a completely fresh start in November, December, January, February. It happens because Pluto (empowerment, control) goes into Aquarius (joint finances, property) in November, then Ceres (deal-making, compromise) also goes into Aquarius from December. In January and February the Sun and other factors also goes through Aquarius (your solar Eighth House) and the New Moon suggests a new beginning. This includes the children without jobs. What makes the difference? Tight self-control and great willpower. This takes energy and you can’t do it alone so get into the habit of finding a YouTube healing video you like and switch off for half an hour every day to recharge yourself. Try Johanna Blomqvist, who is very good (all free). Right now, in September 2024, with your Taurus, Virgo and Cancer stelliums you can rework the household, the budget and the family circle from September 12th when weeks of recent chaos stops. Mercury Retrograde goes out of Virgo and you can take a deep breath and start again. The situation with your husband or partner (the father of your children) is a key part of what is going on and this ends, also in two stages, in November and December. In the meantime, you are not the only person going through this, as your country is in the most unpredictable economic cycle of your life. You are strongly Aquarian and there are groups of new friends and old friends who can help you, right now. If you haven’t already scanned the landscape for particular communities, circles, clubs, teams and networks, now is the time. This is free online and is a smart place to begin. This can and does get better but you will need to transform just about everything you have been doing, including the children without jobs. You are Virgo enough to know that everybody needs somebody, to do something, in your town or city. It doesn’t have to be a career, it can just be work for money. Off you go.
Hi Jessica, I cannot thank you enough for this almost immediate and substantive response to my comment. I am very grateful for the advice, encouragement, and help in identifying stages unfolding in the next few months. I now have something to look forward to – there’s light at the end of the horizon. My Pisces husband, my Scorpio son (unemployed ), and I have a good bond, but the situation is tearing us up. So your response gives me the courage to stay strong for their sakes, too. I will search for Johanna’s YouTube videos and give myself time to listen and meditate.
It’s a pleasure. You are the second reader to have mentioned a young Scorpio in your question. For all these Scorpio teenagers and young adults, it’s about a new deal with the family and a shift in the balance of power.