The Aries Birthday Horoscope 2021-2022

Happy Birthday Aries. What does the upcoming year have in store for you?

Welcome to your Annual Birthday Report, Aries. I’ll begin by giving you some Mercury Retrograde dates, so you can be one step ahead and avoid potential difficulties. I’ll begin with May-July 2021 and any plans to travel. Later on, we’ll look at the really big highlight of the year, which is your own (or other people’s) children.

Avoiding Computer, Travel, Transport Chaos

bigstock Zodiac signs Aries colored 28834061 150x150 - The Aries Birthday Horoscope 2021-2022

Between May 15th and July 7th, 2021, you will go through Mercury Retrograde in Gemini in your Third House of computers, the internet, telephones, fax machines, airlines, ferries, cruises, public transport, cars, bicycles and other matters relating to communication, information and transportation. The media is part of this and social media too. Publishing and education may also take you back and forth.

Mercury is the planet which rules messages and mobility, so when he appears to get stuck, go backwards and retrace his steps – so do journeys and negotiations.

If you can travel, buy a car, buy a computer or learn to drive any time, you may want to avoid May 15th to July 7th. There is plenty of evidence from readers on my website about this cycle if you look for Mercury Retrograde on Search and read the Comments. Have Plan B or C if you go ahead.

Former, Current, Potential Partners

Bypass Mercury Retrograde in Libra in your Seventh House of marriage, separation, divorce, dating, business partnership and duets or duels of all kinds. The dates are September 7th to November 3rd, 2021. For example, if you wanted marriage guidance counselling, you would avoid this period for starting a program. If you wanted to join a dating website, you would begin it another time. Have Plan B and C if you go ahead.

In general, if you have Plan B and C, you will make your way through October with or through this other person. You may be breaking up for example, or perhaps you will find a new date in October 2021. Allowing for delays, changes, cancellations is wise (see Mercury Retrograde, above) but you can also bank on a new beginning at the New Moon on October 6th, 2021. It’s fast and furious; there’s action and heat, around October 8th, 2021. There is then a really important discussion, email or paper trail near October 9th, 2021. By the time you get to the Full Moon on the 20th of October 2021 you are ready to balance the scales.

This really covers any kind of duet or duel. So, it need not be marriage, though it usually is. It can be two people who share a house together. Two people who have a business together.

Skipping Delays with Groups, Friends

From January 3rd to January 26th and again from February 15th to 24th (2022) you will hit delays, cancellations and changes involving teams, clubs, political parties, book groups, secret societies, rock bands and other groups, like Twitter. Have Plan B and C if you go ahead.

Avoiding Career or University Chaos

ARI2018 profile - The Aries Birthday Horoscope 2021-2022Bypass Mercury Retrograde in your career, unpaid work and university zone from December 29th, 2021 until February 14th, 2022. Have Plan B and C and allow more back-up for (say) job interviews. If you have a work contract to sign read the fine print. If you are applying for a university or college, have back-up.

This period in your life is really intense as you will be quitting a job; accepting a new one; taking a promotion; enrolling in university – dealing with reshuffles at work, perhaps. We are at a New Moon on the 2nd of January 2022 which is really important, and I think the human side of ‘human resources’ will be really obvious to you near the 9th of January next year.

Just remember to have back-up plans and alternatives and don’t expect this to be more than a rehearsal or first attempt at what will actually come about. Around January 16th, 2022, you will see familiar questions about how much power or control you have with (say) a boss or staff.

The Full Moon on January 17th next year brings you to a crossroads with work, unpaid work or study as you realise there is no perfect solution. One of the key conversations or paper trails will be there with you around January 29th, 2022.

Something you have learned the hard way since 2008 is that your willpower empowers you, but if you throw your willpower away with work, university or unpaid work – you can get in over your head. So, self-control is all. Self-control gives you control, Aries, and now that the biggest obstacles are history (from 2018, 2019) you are in a much, much stronger position.

Just be aware of Mercury Retrograde but know that January 2022 is one of the most important months of this 12-month birthday period for sorting things out.

Religion, Psychics, Psychologists

Aries, you will benefit from religion, spirituality, psychics, psychologists, hypnotists, meditation, dream interpretation, Tarot professionals, astrology and other inward pursuits. In fact, something on this list could change your life.

Despite a muddled moment near the 30th of March 2021, you then go on to bigger and better things, with exactly the right people, place or situation around you, from May 14th until July 28th, then December 30th, 2021 until May 10th, 2022, just after your birthday.

You could get rid of anxiety or depression on this cycle or reduce it. You could find a new meaning to life through a relationship with Buddhism. You may find you develop abilities as a medium. It’s on that level. Your growth continues in 2022.

Relaunch of Your Image and Reputation

Aries, this takes place near April 7th, 9th, 12th in 2021 so that will be an intense few days. You may hire a public relations consultant; change your hair colour; alter your wardrobe; fix your teeth; join a new social media website with a new profile; pay for self-promotion. With Chiron in Aries then, but also the Sun, New Moon on Monday, April 12th, Mercury, Venus and Ceres, April will be a remarkable month when you say, ‘I’m back’. Yet it will be a new you, who is actually back in the spotlight. With trines from the Nodes and sextiles from Jupiter and Saturn, you have enough power behind you to make a comeback or just start again, with the way you look, appear or are profiled.

Money and Property, Charity and Business

ARIWEEK2018 profile - The Aries Birthday Horoscope 2021-2022

The ‘new unpredictable’ with your bank account, house, apartment, charity or business has challenged you to change. In fact, you are now mildly surprised to find yourself doing the last thing you expected, a few years ago. It’s liberating and exciting to be your own free agent like this. However, there are no guarantees or certainties. You have to allow for a zig-zag future in 2021 and 2022 as life can change in a moment.

The New Moon on May 11th, 2021 could find you selling the house; picking up a new income source; hiring a different accountant. It’s on that level. Talking about apartments and houses, let’s consider July.

The New Moon on the 10th of July 2021 is a turning point for you with moving, renovating, rethinking the family or household. Perhaps the local council or your tenants. Around the 17th and 25th of July 2021 you’ll meet with passing obstacles or oppositions, so immediately afterwards, or have an inner conflict.

Keep going, but look at the real issue then, which is your career, social status, unpaid work or college/university degree.

Around the New Moon on November 4th, 2021, you will have a real ‘challenge to change’ moment and perhaps this comes after a decision about the marriage or partnership in October.

The Sun’s opposition to Uranus on the 4th of November, the same day, suggests a new beginning which stretches you on the issue of freedom, space and independence. November’s pretty challenging, actually, and you may prefer to keep the stakes low. So, the amounts smaller and the issue less important (not the house or apartment; not the company, divorce settlement or child endowment). Around November 13th, there is another challenge to change, and it comes days after your ruler Mars joins Mercury on 10th November. Please avoid the 17th and also the 19th of November, which is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. There’s no sky fall, but you will not see or know, what you need to see or know.

Travel, Books, Foreign and Regional Gaps

While we’re on the subject of eclipses, avoid travelling, committing to study or teaching, publishing, and anything connected to foreign or regional differences – on December 4th, 2021. That is a new beginning, but also a cover-up or a blind spot. We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse, then.

I dare say, around December 15th, the most intense decisions will be made, leading you to a questioning period around the 19th of December and the Full Moon. This may be applying for university or deciding to travel, relocate, move. To some extent this is karmic; it takes you back to what you are owed, or what you owe, spiritually – from 2003.

Your 2021 Gift – Younger Faces

Stunning outcomes and sensational results are coming with younger faces in 2021. This may be your son doing exceptionally well at his exams. It might be a daughter who you adopt.

Being made a godparent; welcoming a child’s good news; greeting a new baby niece – all things are possible. There may be a broader connection to youth, though, so you may write a children’s book or coach a teenage football team.

Near August 1st, 2021, things start to move, despite obstacles. By the 8th of August, you want a new beginning. Around August 11th at the Mercury-Jupiter opposition you see what is possible with optimism. The Full Moon on the 22nd of August challenges you or someone else to change, but you’re on track then.

Work, Career, Unpaid Work, University

You are over the worst from 2018, 2019 and will never go through that again, Aries. Now, you have new projects, plans, roles or goals and a considerable run of improvements with what is there. The New Moon on September 7th will help you, and although there may be a couple of confusing moments in September 2021, by the time you get to the Full Moon on September 20th, you are ready to sort things out and set priorities.

Aries Astrology Birthday Card - The Aries Birthday Horoscope 2021-2022

Happy Birthday Aries.

This card is from a collection available exclusively to Premium Members (find in downloads or click here to download card), which can be sent by email to friends, partners or family.

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8 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica:

    Thank you for wonderful articles and nice discussions.

    DOB: April 9, 1966.

    Any insights?

    Thanks again.


    1. Thank you Tom. Well, you are going through a classic Pluto upheaval with your career, unpaid work, studies or other projects plans, roles and goals. You were tested on your own faith in yourself by others who were dominating or controlling. Now you have stepped back you can see it for what it was, and see them, for what they are. Fortunately you have far, far better options to you. In fact, by the time you get to the end of the year, you will realise this was a cloud with a silver lining. You are being pushed to go higher and further and try harder. That will really work very well for you in 2021. December 2021 brings reshuffles as does January 2022, either in your specific space, or in the wider industry/profession/business so be ready to take your chair in the game of musical chairs.

  2. Thank you for this overview! Your predictions seem so spot on! I had very hard 2018-19 in terms of my career while still studying.
    I really appreciate your take on the beginning on 2022. I am suppose to go abroad on a study exchange programme through my university in spring semester 2022. However, there is still lots of unknowns due to the current situation. If I end up going I would also quit my job at the end of January 2022. So the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 are very crucial for me.
    Do you think I should have more clear idea on these issues by December 2021?
    Really appreciate your articles, they are always so spot on!

    1. Thank you. I’m glad the predictions were spot on. This makes sense in terms of your schedule. Nothing is perfect or perfectly easy in life, and the Full Moon on 17th January 2022 will show you the realities of academia, when you have to accept what you cannot change. This applies no matter if you are looking at studying in your own country or abroad. Be careful with overseas prospects as we have eclipses, which are blind spots or cover-ups (when we do not see and cannot know) near May 26th, June 10th and December 4th 2021. These are in Sagittarius which rules foreign people and places, and also academia. So if choices emerge near those dates be aware that you just won’t see what is really there, or who is really there. You may want to make your decisions away from those dates. I don’t have a chart in front of me so can’t really say any more than that, which is pretty general. Your choices are your own so I hope this works out for you.

  3. This is great Jessica thank you, I better start dating now, my mother seems to think, I might never het married if I don’t sort myself out before May 2021. My birthday is 22/02/82 my Venus and moon are jn Aquarius, so I think I have been focusing on World problems instead of personal ones, even though some years have been terribly challenging in recent years, 2012 and 2018 were particularly horrible. Is there hope for me, or have I missed the boat?

    1. Too funny about your mother. Marriage, and even second and third marriage, can happen well into advanced old age. I have seen far too many people getting wed in their eighties and nineties, as their horoscopes are triggered, to pay much attention to anything else! Venus and the Moon in Aquarius tends to encourage you to stay outside the groups, even as you give the groups what they need. So yes, you may well have been dealing with world problems or community/local issues, but never in any close or intimate way. Did you know that marriage does not define you? It is not really who you are, actually. In fact, although you have rejected the idea of community/activism, it will come for you again in 2021 and make you very fulfilled. Long-term you do actually belong with friends and groups and it will make you really powerful form 2023. That does not stop you from having relationships and it is within these circles of like-minded people that you’ll find love.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I just wanted to say thanks for giving me hope. I think I gave the wrong Birth Date its 22/3/82. You were right, my nephew was born 23/7/2021 a little Lion & a joy for the whole family. Work has been very challenging this year, & I already feel like I want to change direction from the last 15 yrs. Making new friends & revisiting old ones but yes I do tend to stay a little apart to avoid the dramas. I want to help but for some reason I seem to take on others problems, migraines & sleep has been ongoing health issue. I do feel a little bit more powerful this year then previously but I do now wish for someone to be with, which didn’t bother me before. Any insights into what the groups are? Also the Gemini friend you wrote about?

    1. Thank you. Migraines and sleep issues are no good. Aries rules the head, of course. If you are going in headlong into situations; going head first, using yourself as the ‘battering ram’ in situations – your head may be taking the strain. Perhaps you need to pull back on that Aries side of your nature as your body is stopping you and slowing you down. Try Dr. Paul McKenna’s free sleep hypnosis on YouTube. Long-term, partners matter less than friends. Friends and groups dominate your world, now beyond 2023.

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