Plath, Hughes, Astrology and Tarot
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
Your forecast takes you from January 20th, 2025, until February 18th, 2026 – the last day of your sign.
Welcome to a completely different 12 months ahead. The outer planets and nodes are in the departures and arrivals lounge of your chart. I’ll look for specific information for your sign from some of my books to show you what’s in store. I’ll also give you key dates in the process.
Your birthday forecast here uses the Sun Sign House system (Solar Sign) as well as your natal chart, or birth chart, which uses the Natural House system. Where it’s helpful, I will also quote from my book with handpicked extracts from Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins), 2020 Vision (Penguin/Viking), Modern Astrology 2050 and 2020 Astrology.
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Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.
Canada in psychic astrology with a 1982 natal chart and some Tarot cards which show why Mexico and America are in a highly-charged future.
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7 Responses
Hi Jessica,
Happy New Year. After many years of tough times including illness I feel this is going to be a great year for me. is there any one area of my chart I should pay attention to.
Happy Lunar New Year. You are strongly Aquarian with a stellium in the Eleventh House of friends, brotherhood, sisterhood and groups. All your life you have known how important gangs and clubs are (as a child) or teams (as a teenager) and now you are an adult you are being shown how powerful a collective is, too. The communities and networks you are surrounded by at the moment are the start of empowerment. This may be because people in powerful positions (including business, the law, politics) are involved, or for other reasons (grassroots collectives can change the world). You are only at the very start of this Pluto transit but it dominates 2025 and will transform your social life and social media over a long period.
Thank you for another brilliant forecast Jessica. I wonder what i should personally focus on this year? This feels like a crucial year to take action in so many areas of my life where I’ve felt stuck or going backwards for many years. Thank you in advance and Happy Lunar New Year.
Happy Lunar New Year. You have an Aquarius stellium and your focus should be friends and groups. People power within a circle. Clout and influence within the broader community. The more diverse the better – both sexes with their hands on the reins – all races. This has started already but is yet to really build – that will be August and September 2025. Ongoing the transit lasts for 20 years. It will transform you and transform the group itself, as well as the corner of the world it seeks to change.
Thank you Jessica – apart from thinking about joining a golf club , the only other groups I’m part of are work
related- the company I
Work at or industry association- Is that what you mean?
This is either the golf club and/or a professional association, trade union, governing work body. All typical Eleventh House circles.
Thank you Jessica