
The Gemini Season with Kyra Oser, Penny Thornton and Jessica Adams - a Special Youtube Event

The Gemini Season – Premiere YouTube Event

On Wednesday, May 20th, 2020, you can attend a YouTube Premiere of a special event – Gemini Season – with Jessica Adams, Kyra Oser and Penny Thornton. This will draw on some of the issues about this Gemini New Moon and the high count of Gemini factors.

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Pamela's Tarot
Premium with Preview

Exclusive Edition – Pamela’s Tarot

The Tarot deck created by Pamela Colman Smith is the most popular kind of Tarot card pack in the world.

In this guide, Pamela’s Tarot, you will find out more about the meaning of the cards, by discovering more about her.

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Your Oracle

Your Oracle

Your Oracle is the latest addition to your personal library of astrology, tarot, energy clearing and other guides.

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Your Tarot and Astrology Predictions for 2018

Let’s take a closer look – this spread of cards was chosen back in December 2017 – the question was:
‘What is the most important thing each sign of the zodiac needs to know about the year 2018?’

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Premium Podcast

Podcast: Your Pisces Stellium

If you have more than three personal horoscope factors in Pisces then you have a Pisces stellium. No matter what your actual zodiac sign, or Sun sign is – you are strongly Pisces.

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