Prediction! The Royals in 2019, 2020
In March 2019, Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles will feel the aftershocks of her decision of her 23rd May 2018 decision to grant Royal Assent to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act.
In March 2019, Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles will feel the aftershocks of her decision of her 23rd May 2018 decision to grant Royal Assent to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act.
Scotland could easily make the final break with England in 2021, 2022 and wave goodbye to the United Kingdom once and for all, and embrace new currency too. Scotcoin, perhaps? The Haggis Pound? The Tunnocks Ton?
What does astrology say about Spain and Italy in 2018, 2019 as the Euro is at risk? Can these beautiful countries transform? Will the E.U. and the Euro survive? Even with a horoscope that looks like a pizza?
Uranus has now been in Taurus – the revolution and the world economy – for almost two weeks. See astrology’s true predictions, how alternative timekeeping works, why history is repeating – and why HM the Queen and Prince Charles are all wrapped up in royal assent.
Minerva astrology cycles show you where the big answers will come, every year, in your horoscope. Do you know your Minerva sign? That’s your inner wisdom. What will Minerva in Aries in 2018 deliver?
The Family Tree of Astrology was taken to Great Britain by the Romans some 2000 years ago. This is how we use it today.
What do Uranus-Neptune aspects in astrology mean, natally or by transit?
It’s always good to check with the astrological weather every so often, just to see how your horoscope is tracking. Astrology can and does predict the future – as you can see here – over a year in advance.
A Barack Obama comeback? His horoscope says it’s irresistible.
How do you read an Astrology Ephemeris? Free? Online? Here is how to decode your horoscope and see the future and past.
Venus and Mars were lovers. She had a husband called Vulcan (Vulcanus) and a son called Cupido (Cupid).
I know that some astrologers would love to think you can prove astrology with statistics, by the way, but it’s impossible. They’re on a hiding to nowhere, no matter how many times they try to bore us all to death with Powerpoint Presentations at astrology conferences.
I am sure you know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In modern astrology, Mercury rules the worldwide web, the media, paperwork and deals. When he appears to go backwards and forwards, we typically see expensive mistakes, wrong statements, and a muddled market place.
Your Chiron Return is your chance to go further than you ever knew was possible. Outrageous? Too much? Maybe!
Astrology, Karma, Past Lives. How does history repeat in 2018 and 2019? Does your personal birth chart show cycles of time?
Uranus rules shock, electricity, revolution, radical change, upheaval and liberation. Now he is in Taurus, we will see a series of shockwaves hit the banks, Bitcoin, credit card companies like American Express and even the world’s largest oil company, Exxon Mobil. Why? Strangely, they all share the same pattern in their ‘birth’ horoscopes.
Wild, wild weather in May 2018 will be unleashed with the Royal Wedding, the banks, Stormy Daniels, the Euro and in the skies above your horoscope.
Taurus stellium people are deeply concerned with money (holding onto it, sharing it or giving it away).
How astrology timed Trump’s tax deal, on the public record, nearly 4 months before it happened. Within 24 hours.
If you have an Aries stellium, you’re a blend of David Beckham, Rocky, Tracey Emin and Aretha Franklin. True?
Major events in your life are predicted by ‘perfect storm’ conditions when a number of patterns in your horoscope all unfold on the same day. If you think about it, this makes sense. A new job, for example, can result in changes to your finances, to your house or apartment (you might move) and thus to your household or family.
India was born on 26th January 1950 and is set for an economic revolution.
Can you spot bipolar disorder in a horoscope, and does astrology show a way of dealing with it?
Facebook has two birth charts. One for its humble beginnings on Mark Zuckerberg’s computer – and the other for the first trade it ever made.
What will happen to China when Uranus (the shock, the revolution, the new world) moves into the sign of Taurus? I am writing this on Friday 20th April 2018, and Uranus will make his historic move on Tuesday 15th May, so this is just under three weeks away now.
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