France in Astrology
The astrology chart for France shows everything from Brigitte Bardot to the future of the United Kingdom relationship.
The astrology chart for France shows everything from Brigitte Bardot to the future of the United Kingdom relationship.
What the New Zealand astrology chart shows beyond 2030. The world will turn upside-down with her neighbours, for a start…
How does the New Moon in Cancer in July 2024 affect your astrology chart?
The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th and 6th 2024 is a fantastic green light if you have house and apartment goals for 2025, 2026 and want to start the ball rolling.
The astrology and Tarot for the US 2024 election starring Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom. Donald Trump has no reliable natal chart. What we do know, though, is that Mercury Retrograde is coming.
How to use Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle with your chart to make accurate predictions years ahead. Case study – Julian Assange and a 2021 forecast that came true.
Every New Moon and Full Moon in July and August 2024 has a story to tell in your astrology chart as we see Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo cycles begin.
The astrology chart for the Conservative Party shows not just a replacement leader, a replacement party. We can narrow it down to a number of dates in 2024 and 2025.
How will the Capricorn Full Moon of 22nd June 2024 affect your sign? What about any patterns at 1 degree in your natal chart? Why are the Capricorn transits of 2024 so important to you? What if you have Cancer, Capricorn and/or Aquarius horoscope factors?
The Aries cycles that began in 2011 will be with you until 2039. Which area of your life is affected? Your usual horoscope and personal astrology chart reveals the potential. And expect a revolution online.
How the rolling Aries cycles of the past and distant future affect your solar and natal chart. If you are an Aries or have a stellium in Aries, you need to read this.
Using Tarot, astrology and numerology together to ask ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who is he?’ or ‘Who is she?’ It’s uncannily accurate.
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