Venus Retrograde in Scorpio
What does Venus Retrograde in Scorpio mean in astrology? The planet of complicated relationships is going backwards and forwards in the sign that rules sex and money, but how does it affect you?
What does Venus Retrograde in Scorpio mean in astrology? The planet of complicated relationships is going backwards and forwards in the sign that rules sex and money, but how does it affect you?
Three of Pentacles – Known as the Three of Coins to some, this card is about the search for money – which might not be there! You’ll never know until you start the search, but who is helping you?
All Pisceans have an ideology, a conviction or a burning belief – and all of them are prepared to rally the troops if necessary.
September Tarot True Predictions from my Tarot colleague Kyra Oser include a wedding for Gwyneth Paltrow (dated to the week) and a Love Island split…
When you draw the Ace of Pentacles (Coins) in a Tarot reading there is potentially a large single sum of money to save or make, but you have to make it real.
The Sagittarian woman is a self-starter and believes other people should be too. Sagittarius man is a big-picture thinker who uses his large perspective on life to focus on the tiny details.
Watching the Moon go through the 12 signs and of the zodiac, then repeat, is one of the best ways to see how this ancient system of timing works. Lunar cycles were watched carefully by people from India to China – and likely, from Stonehenge to Rome.
My friends Imogen Edwards-Jones and Daisy Waugh (a professional Tarot reader) have written fantastic new novels with Tarot magic woven into the plot. I packed these in my luggage from London to Dubai and couldn’t stop reading. If you are a Tarot reader yourself, or just fascinated by the cards, trust me – these two authors know what they are doing!
For now, you just need to know the whole (fantastic) cycle begins with really strange weather. As in, Mercury Retrograde weather. In fact, from the moment that Jupiter breezes into this new sign, you hit Mercury Retrograde.
If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.
Uranus in Taurus and true 2018 predictions about global finance – and your finances. Do you have Taurus factors at 0, 1, 2 degrees? You’ll be first affected. Here’s how astrology called economic drama one month before it happened!
If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.
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