When the Stars Align – April-June 2019
This is the second in a series of rare astrology alignments, which may trigger your horoscope, in April-June 2019. Check to see if your personal horoscope is affected.
This is the second in a series of rare astrology alignments, which may trigger your horoscope, in April-June 2019. Check to see if your personal horoscope is affected.
If you want the secret timing on everything from losing weight, to starting a campaign, to launching a business – read on. I have super astrology tips and horoscope secrets for April-December 2019.
In ancient Hindu literature Brihaspati is a Vedic era sage who counsels the gods, while in some medieval texts the word refers to the largest planet Jupiter.
Will Britain opt for a No Deal Brexit even after a “No” to “No Deal” by the Queen? May-June 2019 is a revolution. Here is why April 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th are the dates to watch for the Shock New Brexit Deal.
In Part Two, of this two-part series about January 2020, we see the bigger picture of the changes, and how this affects you and the people around you.
On January 8th, 1828, at Jefferson Hall, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Democrats were born. Just like any person you know, the party has an astrology chart showing Aquarius patterns that could put her in the lead in 2020.
In Part One, of this two-part series about January 2020, see why massive changes in politics, nuclear politics and big business will affect you and the people you know.
Who will the President of the United States in the 2020 Election? There is a pattern showing up in the Republican (Grand Old Party or G.O.P. horoscope) which is worth watching. First posted on March 24th 2019, this feature has been updated to include January 2020 polls for Mike Bloomberg./
Find out how to use the Scorpio-Taurus factors in your chart and what to expect from 2019-2026 while Uranus (radical change) triggers that part of your horoscope. This is the final feature in a three-part special series.
The ‘Britannia’ astrology chart from 55 B.C. shows women dominate until 2050 and Scotland goes her own way. What does the future hold and how will it affect your life? The astrology timing on Brexit has been accurate all along – so what’s next? And how does it affect you, based on your own chart?
Do you have both Scorpio and Taurus factors in your personal birth chart? A great deal of your life will revolve around charity, business, taxation, banking, shopping, selling, collecting, legacies, wills or property.
Did you see my comments on the Equinox in The Express in Britain? By Thursday, March 21st, you will have two new chapters starting in your life thanks to the Supermoon Equinox. What are they? If you are a Premium Member, there may also be some timing secrets based on your personal birth chart.
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