When you make predictions about an escape from reality, you are spot on. Chills.
ToriPremium Member
When you make predictions about an escape from reality, you are spot on. Chills.
Became a member about 2 months back and impressed with the predictions.
I’ve been subscribing to your wonderful horoscopes for about six months now, and have found them to be incredibly insightful and relevant.
I love this site and it has been a guide for me over the last two extremely tough years.
I discovered your website in early 2020, just when news reports were trickling in about a new virus in China. Most people I know, didn’t think a new flu was a big deal.
Thank you as always. Your website and accurate predictions are a blessing to all those awake enough to believe in astrology.
Thank you for your sharing your exquisite work with the world. I read it religiously. Recent posts about Libra and Capricorn – and those signs combined – have especially resonated.
What you touched on about the issue I am having is totally true! You are amazingly psychic!
thank you so much for the free e-book. It’s a fantastic book worthy to be in my library of Astrological books that includes the classic from Robert Hand, “Planets in Transit.”
Thank you for another really interesting article; I always look forward to your posts.
I have found truth in your predictions.
Jessica, thanks for this. Jupiter always lifts my spirits and delivers hope, and your breakdown always helps me see light in the future.
Thank you for all of your interesting articles. I’ve been a premium member for about five years.
And I really mean it, I love this site and your work.
I watched your YouTube video on Taurus weather it was excellent, really informative, you are way ahead in this field – thank you!
I have been working regularly with the oracle since I became a premium member. And it definitely works because the house card is always related to my questions
I love your site!
Hi Jessica. Excited about your new book! It seems there’s always something new to learn about astrology.
I’m also looking forward to March and I can already feel it in the air. It’s a nice feeling of optimism that comes from reading your posts.
Thank you so very much – I don’t think you know how much of a blessing you are to the world.
Thank you so much for your interpretation and advice, Jessica. I find everything you write so helpful – and always so synergistic with where I’m at.
Thanks, Jessica! You’re a marvel.
You are so generous with your time. Another incredible article!
The response, I received from you leaves me shaking my head… It is eerily accurate. I don’t understand how you do it, but you do. You are AMAZING.
I just bought a premium membership as a birthday gift to myself. I love reading your blogs and would love to learn more about astrology.
I have discovered so much in terms of world events, my family, our futures, from your writings. Your insights add a depth to works events that regular news doesn’t.
Your work on this site has been very helpful, and as others here have stated it is much appreciated.
Every time you write about the royal family it feels like a jigsaw puzzle slowly being completed piece by piece.
Thank you so much for your foresight and helpful advice.
It felt like reading something written about myself.
Thank you for your generous guidance & priceless information. Most of the time I follow your guidance to predict with my birth chart & I am getting better every day.
There are many astrologers out there, but no one like YOU, your wide, deep knowledge and the way you deliver, share, teach with us.
I’ve learned that you have the gift for giving me a heads-up on stuff before even I know it’s coming!
Thank you for your scopes, as always, they are so helpful to me.
Thanks again for all the great topics and content you post so consistently. I’ve learned so much from your articles and the advice
Jessica, I can’t believe you take the time to answer so many questions! We are so lucky to read so much follow up; I always learn so much more than your initial blog post with your detailed answers!
Thanks for your helpful and hopeful video showing the Tarot cards for each sign. You have a magnetic presence on screen!
I love reading your blog, and especially learning about the links between current global events and the past, and this sense of repeated patterns.
Thank you for these posts. They accentuate a positive hopefulness that we all need.
Love the articles as always, plus the comments are somewhere I can also learn more information, thank you!
Thanks again for another well written article. I am looking forward to the next 6 months. I am excited to see what it brings.
Thank you for not only sharing your talent and knowledge but also for your humility.
I am loving astrology as everything I read about my chart is helping me understand myself better. It just seems to work!
I really love learning about astrology and thank you for so generously sharing your incredible knowledge.
What you write is always general for everyone’s Sun Sign but somehow specific. Thank you for all the effort and time you put into these!
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. Astrology became so much more clear to me once I discovered your site.
I’ve been reading your articles on astrology for a while before I joined your site. You have an interesting and refreshing take on astrology that I really like.
I can’t tell you how excited i get when i see a new book or article of yours.
Hello Jessica, i’m very new to the intricacies of astrology and have only begun to understand the basics, thanks to your website.
Your insights have helped enormously. Many thanks for your marvellous work
First of all.. Wow. Your writing is just absolutely mesmerizing. Thank you so much for this rich information, and the way you respond to people with such depth and patience is a rarity to see.
I have been reading you for quite some time and you are the best astrologer so far!
I’m a new member and new to the modern astrology. Heaps to learn for me, and I’m so happy I found you and your site that provides amazing resources! Thank you!
That was the most calming response you could have given me. Thank you!!
I would like to thank you for your work. Thanks to you I am more interested in astrology.
You are really helping us understand ourselves and the people around us , through your work. A positive source in this world. Very grateful for you sharing your gift with us.
Thanks for all that you do. I’m amazed at how much time you take to help your readers.
WOW, WOW, WOW. I’m both overwhelmed and gobsmacked… You are a true national treasure Jessica.
Such great news. I could cry tears of happiness. Thank you so very much.
The book actually has bits that are personalised and that just blew my mind. It is the kind of book that you can read repeatedly and discover new insights into yourself.
Love this website and think the members content is wonderful.
Everybody’s talking about Vogue astrologer Jessica Adams
Discover the 1909 Tarot deck created by artist and storyteller Pamela Colman Smith and editor, journalist and author Arthur Waite was born from The Golden Dawn. All Tarot interpretations are personal and Pamela’s Tarot is a personal 21st-century take on Pamela and Arthur’s 78 portals to wisdom, referencing astrology.
“I also release podcasts, only for Premium Members, about special astrology events. Don’t miss them. It’s as close as I can come to a personal reading for you, without being there.”
new Woman
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