Snakes casting their skins (casting their slough) start all over again with new energy. This describes one half of your life. When pushed to the point of what seems to be no return, you return.
The famous kundalini in Tantrism is the serpent which rises from the base of the spine. This is the life force running through all the chakras or fresh manifestation of life.
You have incredible capacity for self-healing, revival and resurrection on all levels if you are true to your Snake sign.
Snakes in the grass are also a characteristic part of your journey. You may plot and plan with others, for example, or come a cropper with snakes in the grass, plural. The phrase comes from Virgin, “Latet anguis in herba.’ You will come to know what it feels like to be in a group of people who defeat one person by stealth, or surprise. However, in your life you will also be on the receiving end too, so you know what it feels like.
Blotched snakes ambush others, unseen. Spotted snakes are also camouflaged. It’s wise to be aware of possible snakes in the grass in your life. Sly plotting can be associated with the snake, so in the book of Genesis for example.
More positively, given your capacity for self-healing, snake venom is under research, even now, to treat cancer, arthritis, heart disease and others ailments.
The snake which bites its own tail, the ouroborus, is a symbol of eternal return and you have what it takes to make one comeback after another. You perpetually self-renew.
The snake wrapped around a rod, seen with the powerful healer Aesculapius, is an ancient symbol of coming back from the brink; reviving from the point of no return. The Rod of Asclepius (he is known by Greek and Latin names) is still in use today as a symbol in modern medicine. The Bowl of Hygiea shows the same snake (she is the god Aesculapius’s daughter) and is seen in chemists and pharmacies. Revival is certainly at the heart of your world – physical, spiritual, emotional.
In Judaism a snake of brass is a symbol of healing, of one’s life being saved.
This ability to revive and resurrect, is true for those you all collectively want gone from your life, too. You will see both sides of this in your journey, Snake. It may be that a person that your team, club, network, circle, community wants banished, has the ability to rise again.
This is all cyclical. It happens to you, it happens to others. And of course a snake can curl itself into a loop. Eternity is shown by a serpentine circle. Hope springs eternal with you, but also with others who are never quite down for the count. Down but not out!
There is something about your life that can resemble a repetitive loop or circuit in this way. You rise again – and rise again. Or others do. Snakes do well in sport for this reason, particularly football, but it can also be seen in politics.
Serpentine verses end with the same word they began with. No beginning and no end.
Through different groups of people, which you belong to, or are confronted by, you will see serpentine verses being written in the book of your life. It may be with one particular community (like the Democrats and Republicans, or Monty Python). It may be with several kinds of collectives.
This is really the endless molting process of a snake. Shedding the old skin, gaining a new skin, shedding an old skin…A snake can do this five times a year. You are an intense person with an intense life who will both rise from the old skin, of your old self, but also watch others do the same.
*If you were born in January or February please double-check your Chinese zodiac sign at Wikipedia
You know your regular horoscope but what about your Asianscope? You might assume you have a Chinese sign, but in truth, you actually have an Asian Sign. Asian astrology combines Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Tibetan and Japanese knowledge – all of which evolved at the same time. The biggest common factor across all these different kinds of Asian astrology is the importance of the number twelve (twelve signs, and also the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter, which in Western Astrology we associate with good fortune.) This ‘rule of twelve’ links Eastern and Western horoscopes in an uncannily accurate way.
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