Be you rooster, cock, coq or cockerel, you are associated with the dawn. In India, the rooster is linked to solar energy. In Japan, the crowing of the rooster summons the Goddess of the Sun. Your sign is associated with the coming of daylight after darkness. In Ancient Greece, too, the rooster was linked to the Sun.
Your life is full of fresh starts and new beginnings. You know how to replace the dark with the light. You do this through self-discipline, focus and concentration. You may be drawn to meditation or self-hypnosis. To positive thinking, prayer or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You are always here to welcome a brand new day, into your life.
The cock was the emblem of Attis, the oriental Sun-god, who died and came to life again. You have what it takes to resurrect yourself. To renew. To use your strength of mind and spirit, to make big changes in your life.
You may be drawn to counselling or therapy, for example. Perhaps, self-help. The cock is associated with Mercury in astrology. Mercury rules the mind. As you come to learn, during your lifetime, everything is all in the mind. Mind power becomes very important as a result. In classical mythology, the rock was also linked to Aesculapius, because “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy.”
The rooster or cock is also a symbol of Christ, in terms of the light and the resurrection. Like the Messiah, the cock announces the end of darkness, which is why you see your bird at the top of church spires and cathedral towers; at the highest point of holy buildings.
In Islam the cock or rooster, crows to announce the presence of an angel. As well as the more spiritual or mystical aspects of life your sign is linked to dreams. In dream analysis this bird is a symbol of time. This takes us back to the sleep cycles associated with Aesculapius. Your unconscious mind and subconscious play a big part in who you are.
Transformation is linked to the Rooster. This bird, in alchemy, must go through three stages. Black claws, white feathers and red comb. You are a person who transforms herself or himself on a regular basis. Life brings you to that point, where you simply have to change.
Roosters or cocks are fighters. Does your need to transform, to work on yourself, to harness your mind – come from that? Your destiny is full of battles or feuds. So, for example, love triangles or divorce.
This comes from the ‘cock of the walk’ idea linked to your sign. This is the place where barn-door chickens are fed and if there is more than one rooster, they will fight for the supremacy, in that territory.
So, issues about turf and territory form part of your life story and cannot be ignored. To ‘cry cock’ is to claim victory. All those victories and losses in your past form the foundation of who you are, as much as your incredible strength of mind.
Learning to work with your memory, imagination and thought processes can turn everything around, even the past. In Hamlet, we read about the ghost shrinking in haste at the sound of cock crow. You can also banish your demons. And you do.
*If you were born in January or February please double-check your Chinese zodiac sign at Wikipedia
You know your regular horoscope but what about your Asianscope? You might assume you have a Chinese sign, but in truth, you actually have an Asian Sign. Asian astrology combines Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Tibetan and Japanese knowledge – all of which evolved at the same time. The biggest common factor across all these different kinds of Asian astrology is the importance of the number twelve (twelve signs, and also the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter, which in Western Astrology we associate with good fortune.) This ‘rule of twelve’ links Eastern and Western horoscopes in an uncannily accurate way.
Learn more about Eastern Astrology uses the best of Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and Indian astrology. To work out your sign, match the year of birth to your sign for your Chinese Astrological profile. For an in-depth reading each month, view your Asianscopes forecast.