I’m sure you know that ‘monkey’ is slang for $500 or £500. It also means a mortgage, thus a monkey with a long tail. What you have in your hands, all your life, is the potential for money to grow.
It does not always happen, Monkey. Sometimes your ideas vanish as quickly as they arrived. Yet, when the Jupiter cycles are right, and Year of the Monkey arrives, you can enjoy the fruits of your labours, planted on the last Monkey year. You can also plant something new for the future – a brainwave, concept or plan – which can grow into something really big, later.
The monkey puzzle for you, like the famous Chilean pine, is how to climb higher with your flashes of inspiration or budding successes. How do you focus, ground, centre and find the right time and place, for things to grow?
The monkey is a Taoist magician of great skill. So are you – when you learn how to manage that ability. In India, the monkey Hanuman is quick-witted and highly imaginative. Again, so are you.
In Far Eastern art monkeys are shown as wise creatures. You are blessed with the kind of brilliant ideas which – when nurtured in the right setting – can become the start of something truly big, which goes on for years. Perhaps, after you have gone.
The three famous monkeys of the Jingoro at the temple at Nikko have their eyes shut, ears shut and mouth shut – ‘See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil’. Again, this reflects your sturdy wisdom, which has so much budding potential.
It’s so interesting to see the monkey’s intelligence stretch across all cultures. In Ancient Egypt the great dog-faced baboon, Thoth, was patron of the wise and a man of letters. It may be a pen and notebook, or a computer and keyboard, but you live a life which sometimes does make you feel like Thoth. A great Egyptian man or woman of letters.
It may be pitches, proposals or poems, but rather like Thoth, you can be a scribe for others, writing down what is created around you, or seems to come to you from a higher source. Thoth also wrote down verdicts passed by Anubis when judging souls.
Thoth could read hieroglyphics. Perhaps you can read another language or HTML. It all helps in translating what comes to you, more widely. It is also quite true of yourself and your visions, that you may find they are best accommodated in another region or country. Thus, your ideas travel far and perhaps you travel with them, as an explorer or migrant.
*If you were born in January or February please double-check your Chinese zodiac sign at Wikipedia
You know your regular horoscope but what about your Asianscope? You might assume you have a Chinese sign, but in truth, you actually have an Asian Sign. Asian astrology combines Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Tibetan and Japanese knowledge – all of which evolved at the same time. The biggest common factor across all these different kinds of Asian astrology is the importance of the number twelve (twelve signs, and also the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter, which in Western Astrology we associate with good fortune.) This ‘rule of twelve’ links Eastern and Western horoscopes in an uncannily accurate way.
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