Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


2025 Year of the Snake

2025 Year of Snake Shutterstock 1024x640 - 2025 Year of the Snake

Lunar New Year of the Snake, begins on the New Moon on Wednesday 29th January 2025 at 8.36pm in Hong Kong, 11.36pm in Sydney, 5.36pm in Delhi, 12.36pm in London, 4.36pm in Los Angeles, 1.36pm in Paris and 8.36pm in Singapore.
It ends on 17th February 2026. It will be a year of potential life-changing developments, if you agree.

Welcome to Lunar New Year 2025

Lunar New Year always starts on the minute of the second New Moon after the December Solstice.

Your modern Asian sign is based on the Korean and Japanese zodiac (which exchange some animals) and also the Vietnamese and Tibetan zodiac too.

It’s commonly called the Chinese zodiac – and Lunar New Year is called Chinese New Year – but this kind of astrology covers Asia as a whole. We use modern software to find out the minute it all begins. AstroGold in Melbourne tells us, 11.36pm in Sydney.

If you like rituals, then light a candle for your own time zone for the minute Year of the Snake begins and promise yourself you will aim for specific outcomes.

Your Asian sign will show you what is possible and that could be – quite a lot.

Born in January or February?

You need to confirm your Asian sign by using your time, place and date of birth, because Lunar New Year may change over on a different day, for you.

Make sure you are logged into my website and check your true Asian sign, here.

Born in March to December?

Just look up your year of birth, to confirm your Asian sign. If your year of birth is not listed, you can check on my website, once you are logged in.

All About You

To read about your sign (and the signs of partners, family and friends) in modern Asian astrology, check here.

Catch Up On Your 2024 Prediction

You can watch a video about Year of the Dragon and your 2024 prediction here. Asian astrology is general but accurate, like a weather forecast. Dragons Kamala Harris and Tim Walz did in fact have crucial experiences with groups (Republicans and Democrats) as predicted in the video. So did another Dragon, Nigel Farage, with his Reform party and the Conservative party. Video: Peter Clarke.


Chinese Translation:


灵媒占星师杰西卡·亚当斯 (Jessica Adams) 为您分析蛇年亚洲星座。视频 – 彼得·克拉克 (Peter Clarke)。

欢迎来到蛇年,2025 年 1 月 29 日至 2026 年 2 月 16 日。有什么事情將会发生?

如果出生在一月或二月,请在 仔细检查您的亚洲星座。

Skip to your Asian Horoscope Sign: Dog | Dragon | Pig | Ox | Snake | Tiger | Rat | Rooster | Monkey | Horse | Goat | Rabbit
Skip to your Asian Horoscope Sign: Dog | Dragon | Pig | Ox | Snake | Tiger | Rat | Rooster | Monkey | Horse | Goat | Rabbit

The Dog

1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030*

Famous Dogs: Callum Woodhouse, Miranda Richardson

If you are a woman, then you gain from a luxuriously long few months of pure relaxation in 2025. At last you have the right house, apartment, garden or holiday home. Enjoying your own company and beautiful surroundings is your reward for having come this far in life.
If you are a man, then 2025 is all about your girlfriend, wife, mother or female friend. Perhaps another important woman in your life. It is important to remember that love never dies for her. It may be love for you. It may be love for (say) her son, or another important person.

Love is evergreen for this lady no matter how long ago the relationship was at its peak.

In fact, if you are a man and want to reconcile with your former wife or girlfriend, your chances are very good. Her feelings can be revived in Year of the Snake.

As a female Dog, you can also revive old feelings. Once again, this may be for your former partner. It may be for a son or daughter. You are lucky to be blessed with just the right home or holiday home environment in Year of the Snake. Your passion for beautiful surroundings will be rewarded. Yet, there is also someone important in terms of your heart – and relationship recycling, renewal and rediscovery is on offer.

One final note, Dog. There is a situation close to you (if you are a woman) or close to an important female (if you are a man) which has no boundaries. It is a case of everything being all over the place, everywhere, all the time. You might say it’s an issue waiting to happen. Nobody needs this kind of messy outcome, so it is wise to control and contain this, before it goes any further. A classic example would be finances. Another might be an aspect of the house, apartment or garden which is not being maintained.

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Chinese Translation:

在2025 年,你可以与现任或前任伴侣(可能是儿子)重拾特殊关系。有些感情确实是永恒的。


Curious to know more about The Dog? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Dragon

1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024*

Famous Dragons: Keeley Hawes, Benedict Cumberbatch

Dragon Benedict Cumberbatch Shutterstock 300x200 - 2025 Year of the Snake

This is the year when you realise everything you want (money, success) and everybody you dislike (toxic people) is just in your head. All that you’d love to have, is no more real than who or what scares you.

This year, Dragon, you will realise that you are projecting everything from your imagination. You will discover that you can still have the good things, and lose the bad, by working on your mind.

Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in many states at once. The multiverse theory, proposes that what we get, is what we ‘see’ even though none of it is really there. It’s all just atoms and molecules. You are the person who is seeing what you desire, or what you fear.

None of what you believe is real in 2025 is actually real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of you, living in a quantum world.

This year you will at last work successfully on your mind. You will question what you assume to be true about the past. Is a particular person, group or organisation really that threatening, or is it the way you recall it? It may not be true at all.
‘Know thyself’ is the advice you will take on board, as you slowly begin to understand that if you are out of touch with yourself, you will spend your time projecting. Imagining. Daydreaming.

You will get to know yourself better and realise that it’s all in your head this year. The biggest change in Year of the Snake is that you will use meditation, mindfulness, spirituality, therapy or self-help to know yourself better. You will shed your old skin but also shed some ideas which are keeping you stuck.

Once you understand that you are concocting everything with your own mind, you will change your life. And then, Dragon, the home you want, or the wealth you want, can become real. And those poisonous snakes, in Year of the Snake? They will vanish, too. In fact, they never existed at all. You made it so.

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Chinese Translation:


Curious to know more about The Dragon? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Pig

1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019*

Famous Pigs: Dave Davies, Alexa Chung

Pig Alexa Chung Shutterstock 216x300 - 2025 Year of the Snake

Money fixes everything in 2025, for you or those in need. The good news is, there is finance available. It may be an affordable bank loan, a generous favour from family or friends, a new income source, a sale, an insurance payment or help from a large organisation or government department.

This is a year to put mental and physical health first, for you and the people you care about. Yet, a magic wand will not solve any issues for the mind, body or spirit. It has to be a healthy bank account, to pay for treatment or other practical help.
The right attitude changes everything. It is important to be optimistic in 2025 and look for the solutions, because they are there. Assuming nothing will change, means just that – nothing will alter.

For you and others, the time has come to leave old attitudes and expectations behind as they solve nothing. Year of the Snake is about shedding old skins. The person you were in 2024, or the people they were, may have held limiting ideas or unhelpful beliefs about money.
This year, everything is different and health or medical issues can be resolved, but it begins with the determination to seek answers from, say, a bank or health insurer – and then act on them.

If you are the angel of mercy who can help, you may have to be an amateur life coach for one or two people who need your guidance. Encourage others to take the funding which is there or intervene with a practical answer. Perhaps you need to delegate to a third person or organisation to point them in the right direction, for example. Most of all in Year of the Snake, find out! Use your good friend Google to do some research about real financial solutions for treatment or cure.

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Chinese Translation:

在2025 年,有资金可用于解决健康问题,但这始于态度的改变。乐观的态度和寻找资金的决心会有所帮助。

Curious to know more about The Pig? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Ox

1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021*

Famous Ox: Patricia Amphlett, John Cooper Clarke

We might think of ‘the many against the one’ in 2025. This changes the group, union, band, club, team, ensemble cast, orchestra or other collection of people forever. A political party which forces a spill for leadership is one example of what the Year of the Snake. This is also the footballer who is singled out by the other team. You will know soon, if you are part of the circle who want someone out of the picture – or if you are about to completely transform yourself and your life, because of a group against you.

This is a year of skin-shedding, suitable for Year of the Snake. If you are against a group, or a group is against you, you will change completely and rise again – resurrect yourself – to begin a new life without them.

A new day will dawn in 2025 for you and them. The sun will rise again. The world will look brighter, lighter and clearer, and there is a chance for everyone to turn their back on the previous people politics and start again.

When a group gathers together like this with total unity and solidarity it can empower everybody. Once every mind is made up and action is taken, it is the beginning of the end for someone else. And yet, it is also the beginning of a completely new era for everyone involved, because all they have been through together – and all they have done together, too.

Anyone who goes through an intense experience with a club, team, band and so on will know that these now-or-never moments only leave one option. That is to take a deep breath and move on. It may take time to adjust and adapt but if ever there was a year to shrug off your old skin and old self and go towards a different future, it’s this one.

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Chinese Translation:


Curious to know more about The Ox? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Snake

1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025*

Famous Snakes: Samuel West, J.K. Rowling

Snake J.K.Rowling Shutterstock 300x205 - 2025 Year of the Snake

Expect the solid backing of some solid gold people; friends or family in 2025. Perhaps, a political party lined up behind a beaming leader. And that may be you – the captain of the team or the central figure in front of the group.  Pay attention to the semi-circle within the circle of backers and supporters. Someone is not there forever, necessarily, and if he or she goes, so might another person. And then another. We could describe this as an ensemble cast or a political party. It may be an orchestra or a football team. A social media following or The Groucho Club.

If you regard people as a faceless mass, and make assumptions that they are backing you, sooner or later one of them may break apart from the group, and when he or she falls, the rest can topple sideways or off. Attention must be paid, to quote Arthur Miller. Treating people on a case-by-case basis, checking that they feel fulfilled, have all they need, are in a sturdy position – averts future issues.
People do have your back. It’s fantastic. Or –

You are in the circle. You are part of the supportive, protective group. You are in that cricket team or on that social media website. In front of you all is the main person – the lynchpin. The reason you are all there. And yet – there are doubts.
Like Ten Green Bottles, if one should accidentally fall, it means many of you might. So perhaps you are the person to approach the main figure here and have a word.

This card reminds us of the phrase ‘He’s got your back’ or ‘She’s got your back’ or ‘They’ve got your back’ and is very much about being supported. At least, until one is not backed any longer. That can happen if individuals remember, they are individuals – entitled to go their own way.

This can be football supporters at a game in the stands, with the rich Russian owner or the captain.  There are so many players, substitutes or supporters. t’s the same with the theatre; if you think about the cast and crew, the seating and the director or star, you get a sense of 2025. One is nothing without all of them and yet all of them need the ‘one’. The chosen or fated one.

It is time for you or the front person here, to actually actively pursue each and every face as an individual. Put back into these people what they need. Try to enrich, expand and improve the separate relationships and people. With care, with sensitivity, with time and effort, this impressive wall of support and backing can indeed become hard to topple.

The central character, which may be you, needs to remember that he or she is the first line of defence. The front line. “This far and no further” might be the message. Every group needs a leader, protector and defender. So you do have quite a lot to maintain here in 2025. Yet, attention must be paid, as I’ve mentioned. There are no little people here. Perish the thought. Without them all, you lose your wall. And collectively you are so potentially remarkable together, it is well worth your effort as one of the circle, or for you (as the main person) to try very hard to make sure it all succeeds.

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Chinese Translation:

在2025 年,圈子里每个人的个人需求都需要关注。领导者或明星与其他人之间存在很大差距。如果被忽视,一个人可能会离开。

Curious to know more about The Snake? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Tiger

1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034*

Famous Tigers: David Mitchell, Pauline McLynn

2025 is all about financial, business, property or charity negotiation for you. You may be in a position to sell or pay up, lend or invest. You may be wanting to line up the numbers with a person who is wealthy (your bank manager, perhaps, or an investor) and realise that you need to really understand the numbers, or the marketplace, before you even open your mouth.

There is a message about hoarding and holding on to money in 2025. It makes for security and comfort, and even a certain smugness, but it does get in the way of freedom. There is also a second message about the property market and the importance of understanding that everything can change so quickly. Unless you monitor what is going on with houses, apartments and other kinds of real estate, you are going to miss a great deal of the total economic picture.

Bitcoin is all very well, as are shares, but what about the skyrocketing value of particular towns or nations, or specific listed buildings? How about land value, or business premises? Where are interest rates likely to land?

For you or a key figure, there is a great need to keep both feet on the ground. A lot of money can give people a natural high – perhaps yourself, perhaps the person you are negotiating with. However, it can also take us far away from the everyday and the truth about the real-estate market is, it depends on real-world situations and real people.

The trick with this year is to ask yourself how best money can be managed, as well as people who have it. Hanging on and holding on is one strategy, but it needs to be questioned too.

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Chinese Translation:


Curious to know more about The Tiger? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Rat

1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032*

Famous Rats: Colin Firth, Miranda Hart

Rat Colin Firth Shutterstock  200x300 - 2025 Year of the Snake

There is important help and healing in Year of the Snake, and a dentist, surgeon, nurse, counsellor or doctor will transform a situation. A therapeutic presence might also be a sympathetic ‘nurse’ figure, or a spiritual healer. It takes strength to overcome the fear of who/what intimidates you, to offer help. Yet, deep change is possible.

If you are in the healing or helping professions then it may be you who brings about the transformation. This is far more than just another patient or client. What happens, perhaps more than once, will change both of you. So, for example, a woman with fertility issues may find herself pregnant, with your help. Or, a usually successful person who is unable to function because of an injury, could be nursed back to full capacity by you.

A heart surgeon, hypnotherapist or an acupuncturist can work wonders, but healing also works on a general level. A healing presence is powerful in 2025. When one is supported and held, a turnaround can take place.

You will know as the year goes on what the process will be and if you are the giver or receiver, Rat. You may also take turns. So it is you who is helped so much by a naturopath or osteopath, but in turn you rescue a friend who is suffering for other reasons.

There will be absolute trust. And something miraculous is in store. This is a two-way street. There must be deep tolerance and understanding on both sides if relief and release is to arrive. Here are two remarkably different characters. Yourself and the healer, or the person who needs help. You could not be further apart. Bridging that gap with understanding is the key.

Great care, sensitivity, cautious timing and above all – trust, as I’ve mentioned – is required in 2025. Leadership has to be shown by both of you. To be a good patient is to summon up all your strength to help the person in charge of your care. There are major questions here about who is in charge, or what is in charge. In fact, both of you are. It’s a mutual flow of energy and understanding and it will change so much.

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Chinese Translation:

改变一切的重要帮助和治愈将使 2025 年令人难忘。你们两人之间需要极大的信任,需要温柔的接触和时机。

Curious to know more about The Rat? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Rooster

1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2017, 2029*

Famous Roosters: Graham Coxon, PJ Harvey

If you are a man, then this year you will be powerfully affected by a woman who is so much more than a leader, teacher, mother, aunt, grandmother, godmother, mentor, captain, head prefect, CEO, professor and so on. The younger generation, the heirs to her intellectual throne, are part of the story. Perhaps she is your girlfriend or wife. Maybe your friend or employer.

If you are a woman, step into your power in 2025.  The idea, concept, plan or qualification that matters so much can be planted and nurtured. Then wonders may well prevail, as this is the gift that goes on giving for a younger generation. Children, teenagers and Zoomers are part of the story ahead.

Even if you are a woman who has never had children herself, but who leads with your designs or theories, your message – or your business concepts – this is still something to pass on to one young generation after another. You could say Karl Lagerfeld was the heir to Chanel’s throne, for example, and that the long influence of this Parisian house still changes younger people now.

If you are a man, then this is a ‘Queen of Queens’  to a younger court, coming into your life, or perhaps already there but taking centre stage. She is regal, confident, expectant, entitled.  She’ll need a collaborator (a right-hand man?) or assistant, colleague or staff to create the next success. Queens need staff. They need courtiers. Allies. Perhaps you are King to her Queen in 2025.

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Chinese Translation:

这是计划、想法和项目的里程碑之年,可以与孩子或年轻人一起为未来播下种子。 在2025 年,鸡女将占据主导地位。

Curious to know more about The Rooster? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Monkey

1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028*

Famous Monkeys: Kemi Badenoch, Dave Vanian

Monkey Kemi Badenoch Shutterstock 300x225 - 2025 Year of the Snake

Which way to turn? Europe? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Australasia? The Americas? Grounding, focussing and concentrating is required in 2025, but the world is your smoked oyster.

This year is about the worldwide web, world travel and ‘as Wreckless Eric noted, it really is the whole wide world.

Everything is a possibility! In 2025 you are being shown a world, where all worlds are possible and actually unfolding right now – in another country. So, Barcelona or London. Sydney or Singapore. In 2025 you may be confused about emigrating, or uncertain about an import/export program. A tour. The trick is always to bring the attention back to yourself, away from the distraction of who or what is in another country.

You can and will expand, explore and emigrate. To take a gap year. To go deeply into a new relationship with somebody from a foreign or unfamiliar culture. You have to focus, though. Priorities!

Unless you know yourself, and have sorted yourself out, nothing can really shift, here. Everything remains an untapped possibility and none of the four corners of the world can be explored. There has to be a commitment, because you cannot be in four places at once. Nor is it necessarily possible to travel to four places at once.

This card is about settling down, taking a deep breath, doing some research, but also very much about that old maxim ‘Know Thyself’. There is no point in just grabbing at the first face, space or place overseas that beckons. It’s time for self-knowledge and clear intention.

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Chinese Translation:


Curious to know more about The Monkey? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Horse

1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026*

Famous Horses: Helen Lederer, Lord David Cameron

Horse Helen Lederer Shutterstock  199x300 - 2025 Year of the Snake

In 2025, you will be joining a group, rejoining a group, or launching a project with a group. Be this a football team, a charity, a band inspired by Pussy Riot, a builders’ trade union or an exclusive club, the time has come to enjoy people power. Once you all work out who the star of the show is (but you are all twinkling stars) and rotate centre stage or agree to support the lead, all things are possible.

Feeding a community with what it needs, is essentially your role. This is rather like Germaine Greer and the Women’s Liberation movement of the 1970’s for example, or Yoko Ono and her Plastic Ono Band. You will be involved with a circle of people which separates the centre of attention from the rest, rather like David Beckham and the old England team. Yet, the potential is vast once you all realise you can cultivate your star power and take turns at shining.

So many groups need a leader. The Spice Girls might have tried for democracy but Geri Halliwell invariably ended up wearing the platform boots. Yet they all shone, because fans all picked an individual favourite.

You will be pooling resources in 2025 and in fact, there is abundant supply here of whatever the group needs.

This is the year to understand that constellations depend on the individual stars within, to make any patterns at all. Everyone must shine, can shine – and does shine.
Accepting the Oscar, the sensible actor thanks the cast and crew. Kurt Cobain was the blonde star in Nirvana but he shared the space with his bandmates and session musicians. When you hear Nirvana you hear all three of them. When you watch Nirvana today, you see all of them, guests included.

Pouring (time, energy, talent, money, goodwill, ability) into a shared pool is a wonderful thing to do, and 2025 has that potential. Just watch the management. The control and the organisation, the boundary maintenance, method and order are crucial. Otherwise you could/you could all waste what is so precious. It may be money, time, energy or other resources.

Being the star of the show, flanked by the group, requires miraculous methodology, a huge amount of focus, and a willingness to be the centre of attention, online or in the media. It is also perhaps too much to also ask the star to keep control of administration. If ever there was a time to delegate 2025 is it.

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Chinese Translation:


Curious to know more about The Horse? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Goat

1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027*

Famous Goats/Sheep: Miles Jupp, Tara Fitzgerald

Without the noise and distraction of other people, one can find that everything is indeed illuminated in 2025. Y
ou will be alone for a long period of time, searching your soul and finding out who and what matters most. This is an incredible breakthrough for you which will help you for the rest of your life.

For some people it’s God. For other people it’s philosophy or multiverse theory. Given everything that has happened, you need to be by yourself in peace and quiet to find out what is important.

It may be the Roman Catholic Church, Buddhism, Humanism, Judaism, Hindusim. All the ‘isms’ in fact. It may be atheism. A core philosophy, like socialism or an esoteric belief like the Tarot.

All that you want from 2025 is warm, brilliant, glowing and – only to be found when you are by yourself. A spiritual or religious experience may be coming.

Sometimes you need to take a sabbatical. You need to go off on a retreat, or on a solo holiday, and find out who and what matters most. There is a hint of Lou Reed here in 2025, singing “I’m beginning to see the light.”

Afterwards you can relaunch. However, you cannot really function in the world without knowing what you trust, believe and have real faith in. Everything else which is so superficial – success, money, relationships – can’t really work for you until you have been by yourself long enough to find out what sustains you spiritually.

You might fully expect and welcome the process of ‘finding oneself’ which can only come when the dialogue stops with other people. Perhaps you are already booking a silent Buddhist retreat. 

Listening to yourself, hearing your own thoughts, seeing yourself without the reflected mirror image that others project, is a huge process. There is a deep and important journey of self-examination and soul-examination ahead in Year of the Snake. To reference Kate Bush – what is the Deal With God here? Or the deal with a universe where you trust there is no God at all?

The idea of being guided (Amazing Grace) is close in 2025. Being lost and found, or finding oneself, happens in solitude. Be you Hindu or Jungian, you need to know what is powerful enough to keep you going, without any doubt at all.

In 2025 you are pursuing this knowing you are never alone. A higher power is always with you, no matter if you call this God, or Buddha or All That Is. Morrissey sang “There is a light and it never goes out.” And so it is, in Year of the Snake.

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Chinese Translation:

在2025 年,你将在对自己和宇宙的理解上取得突破,并感到重生。你会更独处,因此你可以进行一些自我反省。

Curious to know more about The Goat? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

The Rabbit

1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023*

Famous Rabbits: Marian Keyes, Lindy Morrison

Unless you are a young Rabbit, this year’s Asian astrology suggests a younger person will be ‘Up and atom’ or ‘Up and at ‘em’ depending on your opinion. It may be your son, nephew, godson – for example. Your niece, daughter or a young woman.

Your relatives or close family members are switching direction, quite dramatically, in 2025. Perhaps someone has come home to stay, which blows everything sideways, or there is a departure. It’s all gone a bit Gavin and Stacey in 2025, Rabbit.

Maybe there is family politics, so the tree of one’s ancestors is being shaken but it affects you all today.

You also need to be sensitive to the hive mind, or group mind (or this younger person does) and life is disrupted by the winds of change, with not just the family tree, but also a club, team, circle, social media account, band, society, association, charity or other group.

There is a feeling of ‘Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?’ here, like The Clash anthem. If he or she goes there will be trouble, but if he or she stays it will be doubled…This younger person (if not you) needs to relocate, travel or even emigrate, but there are doubts.

You can only do so much, if you are the older person in the situation. The family tree has to be reshaped anyway. That’s a natural and organic process of change. You cannot stop what is basically a force of nature, having its impact on your relatives and perhaps your ancestors too.
This younger man or woman could use some advice, perhaps some practical intervention, maybe a polite suggestion. You will need to pull right back from the situation and judge it wisely from afar. Perhaps a wise person can help. When everything seems so shaky beneath one’s feet (thinking of this younger person, or yourself, perhaps) what is the best way forward?

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Chinese Translation:



Curious to know more about The Rabbit? Read the Asianscopes profile here.

* If you were born on the cusp of Chinese New Year (any date between January 21st and February 20th) you will need to double-check your sign. You can do this at many websites including Chinese Tools

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